- Max. dissimilarity: 0.264
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.196
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67005763 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
- 67306744 - jsprake
- WINNER - 68000000 - hoskinml
- 68087838 - saffyre13
- 68432410 - AmateurGeorge
- 70887865 - tmeconverse

67005763 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
On the one hand the colossal number of statues -- Farmers Hercules, lion and bear in combat, a philopsophy, victory triumphs over injustice. On the other the women who look -- almost all of them -- as if they lack quite enough sleep. The 16 de la cite and the little green triangles -- e v ert galant more Picasso has painted. Tapestries in the petit palace -- the triumph of charity, bc. bc. All of which material remains outside the poem I want to write -- a la spalllimaire -- about Paris.You remain the indulgent matter and as sure do not give your blessing to venture beyond the genre you selected for me.
The Impressionist Museum by the way is very much finer than i was led to expect. Monet and Manet are well represented and I rate them higher -- much higher than I expected (as intended) to. Degas seems less well represented -- Renoir not really fully but good as far as the examples go. About 24 Pissarros. Only one visit so far so these impressions are provisional but now that the Vienna show is off (today) I am transferring my attention to it. The Grand Gallerie of the Louvre is open now, 2/3 full of Italian work, 1/3 Spanish. Also 2 superb Rogier Van der Weydens. You'll see them all soon of course.
The milk of the nebulae creeps
Early over Montparnasse
The stars are crisp as shrimps
And I think of Sylvia sleeping
The other side of a million lamps
All my love
(all, all my love)
67306744 - jsprake
ON the one hand the colossal number of statues - Farmers Hercules,lion and boar in combat, a philoropes, victory Triumphs over Injustice.
On the other the women who look - almost all of them - as if they lack quite
enough sleep. the 16 de la cite and the little greentriangues -
e vert gulant where Picasso has painted. Tapestries in the petit
palace - the Triumph of Clartis, &c, &c. All of which material
remains the poem I want to write - a la Apollinaire - about Paris.
You remain the and as Muse do not give
your a venture beyond the genre you selected for me.
the Impressionist Museum & the way is very much
then I was led to expect. Monet and Manet are well represented
and I rate them higher - much higher then I expected (or intended) to.
Degas seems less well represented - Renoir not really fully
but good as far as the examples go. About 24 Pissarros.
Only one visit so far so there impressions are provisional but now
that the Vienna show is off (today) I am transferring my attention
to it. The Grand Galerie of the Louvre is open now, 2/3
full of Italian work, 1/3, 1/3 Spanish. Also 2 superb Rogier
van de Weydens. You'll see them all soon of course.
The milk of the nebulae creeps
Early over Montparnasse
The stars are crisp as
And I think of Sylvia sleeping
the other side of a million lamps
All my love
(all, all my love)
WINNER - 68000000 - hoskinml
On the one hand the colossal number of statues - Farnese Hercules, lion and boar in combat, a philosopher, Victory Triumphing over Injustice. On the other the women who look - almost all of them - as if they lack quite enough sleep. The Ile de la Cite and the little green triangula - e vert Galant where Picasso has pointed. Tapestries in the petit palace - the Triumph of Chastity, &c. &c. All of which material remains outside the poem I want to write - a la Apollinaire - about Paris.You remain the subject matter and as Muse do not give your blessing to ventures beyond the genre you selected for me.
The Impressionist Museum by the way is very much finer than I was led to expect. Monet and Manet are well represented and I rate them higher - much higher than I expected (or intended) to. Degas seems less well represented - Renoir not really fully but good as far as the examples go. About 24 Pissarros. Only one visit so far so these impressions are provisional but now that the Vienna show is off (today) I am transferring my attention to it. The Grand Gallerie of the Louvre is open now. 2/3 full of Italian work, 1/3 Spanish. Also 2 superb Rogier Van der Weydens. You'll see them all soon of course.
The milk of the nebulae creeps
Easily over Montparnasse
The stars are crisp as shrimps
And I think of Sylvia sleeping
The other side of a million lamps
All my love
(all, all my love)
68087838 - saffyre13
On the one hand the colossal number of statues - Farmers Hercules, lion and boar in combat, a philosophs, Victory Triumphs ones Injustice. On the other the women who look - almost all of them - as if they lack quite enough sleep. The Ile de la cit'e and the little green triangular - le Vert Galant were Picasso has painted. Tapestries in the petit palace - the Triumph of Chartis, &c. &c. All of unlid material remains outside the poem I want to write - `a la Apollinaire - about Paris.You remain the nlyed matter and as muse do not give you alersigto venture beyond the genre you selected for me.
The Impressionist museum by the way is very much finer than I was led to expect. Monet and Manet are well represented and I rate them higher - much higher than I expected (as intended) to. Degas seems less well represented - Renoir not really full but good as far as the examples go. About 24 Pissarros. Only one visit so far so there impressions are provisional but now that the Vienna show is off (today) I am transferring my attention to it. The grand gallerie of the Louvre is open now, 2/3 full of Italian work, 1/3 Spanish. Also 2 superb Rogier Van der Weydens. You'll see them all soon of course.
The milk of the nebulae creeps
Earily over Montparnasse
The stars are crisp as shrimps
And I think of Sylvia sleeping
The other side of a million lamps
All my love
(all, all my love)
68432410 - AmateurGeorge
On the one hand the colossal number of statues Farmers Hercules,lion and boar in combat, a philosophers, victory Triumphs one Injustice.
On the other the women who look almost all of them as if they lack quite
enough sleep. The 16 de la lite and the little green traingular
event galant were Picasso has painted. Tapesteries in the petit
palace - the triumph of clarity. etc., etc, All of which material
remains astride the poem I want to write. a la spalleraine
about Paris.
You remain the subject matter and as muse do not give
your aluring a venure beyond the genre selected for me.
The Impressionist Museum and the way is very much finer
than I was led to expect Monet and Monet are well represented
and I rate them higher - much higher then I expected (as intended) to.
Degas seems less well represented - Renoir not really full
but good as far as the examples go. About 24 Picassos.
Only one visit so far so there impression are provisional but now
that the Vienna show is off (today) I am transferring my attention
to it. The Grand Gallerie of the Louvre is open now, 2/3
full of Italian work, 1/3 Spanish. Also 2 superb Rogien
van der Weydens. You'll see them all soon of course.
The milk of the nebulae creeps
Sarif over Montparnerse
The stars are crisp as shrimps
And I think of Syliva sleeping
The other side of a million lamps
All my love
(all, all my love)
70887865 - tmeconverse
On the one hand the colossal number of statues - Farnese Hercules,lion and boar in combat, a philosopher, Victory Triumphing over Injustice.
On the other the women who look - almost all of them - as if they lack quite
enough sleep. The Ile de la Cita and the little green triangles -
le Vert Galand where Picasso has painted. Tapestries in the petit
palace - the Triumph of Chastity, &c. &c. All of which material
remains outside the poem I want to write - a la Apollinaire - about Paris.
You remain the subject matter and as Muse do not give
your blessing a venture beyond the genre you selected for me.
-------------------- -----------------------
The impressionist museum by the way is very much finer
than I was led to expect. Monet and Manet are well represented
and I rate them higher - much higher than I expected (or intended) to.
Degas seems less well represented - Renoir not really fully
but good as far as the examples go. About 24 Pissaros.
Only one visit so far so these impressions are provisional but now
that the Vienna show is off (today) I am transferring my attention
to it. The Grand Gallerie of the Louvre is open now, 2/3
full of Italian work, 1/3 Spanish. Also 2 superb Rogier
van der Weydens. You'll see them all soon of course .
--------------- ----------- --------------
The milk of the nebulae creeps
Easily over Montparnasse
The stars are crisp as shrimps
And I think of Sylvia sleeping
The other side of a million lamps.
All my love
(all, all my love)