- Max. dissimilarity: 0.272
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.146
- Image votes: 1.0
- 66909009 - nzanga
- 67002530 - k8mielke
- WINNER - 68210965 - SailorVal
- 68212749 - not-logged-in-19fc8336257d68c8c3d8
- 68553298 - Preacher357
- 68587335 - FrederikeLisanne
- 68594446 - JanetCormack

66909009 - nzanga
Blackheath2 VIII 51
Dearest Sylvia
So pleased that you have nearly finished the double portrait in the rose garden.
Do come on the 7th. Of course I want you to come then. I will meet you where and when you say. Why not come by train?
How nice you should have suggested the Holmes quotation for Key To The City. In fact it is already quoted: one seems to be following the same train of thought. Your letter implies that you think I am not working. Yesterday morning I wrote 750 words to finish Key To The City: then I saw Ace In The Hole at Lewisham; back home at 4 I wrote and completed The Tragic Bluff (1250 words) about that film. And I wrote an additional 250 words for Shadow on Sunset Boulevard. I started writing before 10; I finished over 12 hours later.
Though I have to see Donald Parsons today I hope to finish V. Dent by the weekend to do another film article. And get Van Dyck ready for the 12th. I'm glad you'll be in town for that lecture, my darling,
I have lots of ideas for plays at the moment; our Venetian one; a libretto, half-way between Offenbach and Andre Breton - half masque, half automatic poem. We must discuss them when you come to Blackheath.
I love you
67002530 - k8mielke
Blackheath 2 VIII 51 Dearest Sylvia, So please that you have nearly finished the double portrait in the rose garden. Do come in the 7th. Of course I want you to come then. I will meet you where and when you say. Why not come by train? How nice you should have suggested the Holmes quotation for Key To The Lit. In fact it in already quoted: we seem to be fallow. In the same train of thought. Your letter implies that you think I am not working. Yesterday morning I wrote 750 works to finish Key To The Lit; then I saw Ace In the Hole at Lewiston; back home at 4 I wrote and completed T6 Tragic isluff (1250 words) about that film. And I wrote an additional 250 words for Shadow on Sarret Boulevard. I started writing before 10; I finished one 12 hours later. Though I have to see Donald Parsons today I hope to finish V. D. Int by the weekend & do another film article. And let Van O ych works for the 12 Ch. I'm glad you'll be in town for that lecture, my darling. I have lots of ideas for plays at the moment: our Venetian one; a libretto, half-way between offenbach and Andre Breton - half Marque, half automotive poem. We must discuss then when you come to Blackheath.WINNER - 68210965 - SailorVal
Blackheath2 VIII 51
Dearest Sylvia
So pleased that you have nearly finished the double portrait in the rose
Do come on the 7th, of course I want you to come then. I will meet you
where and when you say. Why not come by train?
How nice you should have suggested the Holmes quotation for Key
To The City. In fact it is already quoted: we seem to be follow-
ing the same train of thought. Your letter implies that you think I
am not working. Yesterday morning I wrote 750 words to finish
Key To The City; then I saw Ace In the Hole at Lewisham; back home at
4 I wrote and completed The Tragic Bluff (1250 words) about that
film. And I wrote an additional 250 words for Shadow on Sunset Boulevard. I started writing before 10; I finished over
12 hours later.
Though I have to see Donald Parrons today I hope to finish V.Dent by
the weekend & do another filme article. And get Van Dyck ready
for the 12th. I'm glad you'll be in town for that lecture, my darling.
I have lots of ideas for plays at the moment: our Venetian one;
a libretto, half-way between Offenbach and Andre Breton - half
masque, half automatic poem. We must discuss them when you
come to Blackheath.
I love you
68212749 - not-logged-in-19fc8336257d68c8c3d8
Blockheath2 VIII 51
Dearest Sylvia
So pleased that you have nearly finished the double portrait in a nore
Do come in the 7th. Of course I want you to come then. I will meet you
where and when you say. Why not come by train?
How nice you should have suggested the Holmes' quotation for Key
To The City. In fact it is already quoted: we seem to be follow-
ing the same train of thought. Your letter implies that you think I
am not working. Yesterday morning I wrote 750 words to finish Key To The City; then I saw The Ace In the Hole at Lewishan; back home at 4 I wrote and completed The Tragic Bluff (1250 words) about that
film. And I wrote an additional 250 words for Shadow on
Sunset Boulevard. I started writing before 10; I finished over 12 hours later.
Though I have to see Donald Parrons today I hope to finish V. Dent by
the weekend & do another film article. And get Van Dyck ready
for the 12 Ch. I'm glad you'll be in town for that lecture, my darling,
I have lots of ideas for plays at the moment: our Venetian one; a libretto, half-way Hetmeer Offenbach and Andr'e Breton - half marque, half automatic poem. We must discuss on when you
come to Blockheath.
I love you
68553298 - Preacher357
Blackheath 2 viii 51 Dearest SylviaSo pleased that you have nearly finished the double portrait & the rose
Do come on the 7th of course I want you to come then. I will meet you
where and when you say. Why not come by train?
How nice you shoul have suggested the Holmes quotation for Key
To The City. In fact it is already quoted: we seem to be follow-
ing the same train of thought. Your letter implies that you think I
am not working. Yesterday morning I wrote 750 words to finish
Key To The City: then I saw Ace In The Hole at Lewishan; back home at
4. I wrote and completed The Tragic Bluff (1250 words) about that film. And I wrote an additional 250 words for Shadow On
Sunset Boulevard. I stated writing before 10; I finished over
12 hours later.
Though I have to see Donald Parrons today, I hope to finish V. Dent by
the weekend & do another film article. And get Van Dyck ready
for the 12th. I'm glad you'll be in town for that lecture, my darling,
I have lots of ideas for plays on the moment: our Venetion one;
a , half-way between Affenbach and Andre Breton - half
marque, half automobic poem. We must discuss them when you
come to Blackheath.
I love you
68587335 - FrederikeLisanne
Blackheath2 VIII 51
Dearest Sylvia
So pleased that you have nearly finished the double portrait in ce nore garden.
Do come on the 7th of course I want you to come then. I will meet you where and when you say. Why not come by train?
How nice you should have suggested the Holmes quotation for Key To The City. In fact it is already quoted: we seem to be following the same train of thought. Your letter implies that you think I am not working. Yesterday morning I wrote 750 words to finish Key To The City; then I saw Ace in the Hole at lewishtan; back home at 4 I wrote and completec The Tragic Bluff (1250 words) about that film. And I wrote an additional 250 words for Shadow on Sunset Boulevard. I started writing before 10; I finished over 12 hours lter.
Though I have to see Donald Parrow today I hope to fonish V. Dent by the weekend 'n do another film article. And get Van Dyck ready for the 12Ch. I'm glad you'll be in town for that lecture, my darling.
I have lots of ideas for plays at the moment: our Venetian one; a libretto, half-way netmeer Offenbach and Andr'e Breton - half masque, half automatic poem. We must discuss this when you come to Blackheath.
I love you
68594446 - JanetCormack
Blackheath2 VIII 51
Dearest Sylvia
So pleased that you have nearly finished the double portrait in the rose garden.
Do come on the 7th. Of course I want you to come then. I will meet you where and when you say. Why not come by train?
How nice you should have suggested the Holmes' quotation for Key to the City. In fact it is already quoted: we seem to be following the same train of thought. Your letter implies that you think I am not working. Yesterday morning I wrote 750 words to finish Key to the City; then I saw Ace in the Hole at Lewisham; back home at 4 I wrote and completed The Tragic Bluff (1250 words) about that film. And I wrote an additional 250 words for Shadow on Sunset Boulevard. I started writing before 10; I finished over 12 hours later.
Though I have to see Donald Parsons today I hope to finish V.D lot by the weekend & do another film article. And get Van Dyck ready for the 12th. I'm glad you'll be in town for that lecture, my darling.
I have lots of ideas for plays at the moment: our Venetian one; a libretto, half-way between Offenbach and Andre Breton - half masque, half automatic poem. We must discuss them when you come to Blackheath
I love you