- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.43
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66777801 - StarwatcherHB
- 66798166 - Kazmc1964
- 67354079 - clewarne
- 67426867 - maid71
- 68072285 - JanetCormack
- WINNER - 68340341 - tmeconverse

66777801 - StarwatcherHB
Dearest Sylvia
Here is your brooch - I am sorry not to
have sent it before.
I am on my way to the V & A (that rhymes!)
to study English artist from Holbein to Hilliard.
I do wish you were here so I could have the
benefit of your knowledge: I shall have
to cover the houses - such as Longleat -as
My father has left Paris for Dieppe where he is
now. He is returning early- on Friday; appar-
ently he is finding his own company ???????.
He has seen all the places I listed for him; it
was a shorter list than M would have prepared
I can tell you.
By the way - what about the V&A assistant
job for M...?
Constant Lambert is dead! Only 45 years of
age too. Terrible loss.
What do you think of the Coventry Cathedral
designs? I haven't seen them - I've only
heard of them. By Basil Spence, I believe.
I hear there has been an advertisement for
66798166 - Kazmc1964
Dearest Sylvia
Here is your brooch - I am sorry not to
have sent it before.
I am on my way to the V&A (that rhymes!)
to study English artist from Holbein to Hilliard.
I do wish you were here so I could have the
benefit of your knowledge: I should love
to have the houses - such as Longleat - as
My father has left Paris for O leppo where he is
now. He is returning early - on Friday: appar-
ently he is finding his own company unrewarding.
He has see all the places i listed for him, it
was a shorter list than M would have prepared,
I can tell you.
By the way - what about the V&A assistants
job for M . . ?
Constant Lambert is dead! Only 145 years of
age too. Terrible loss.
What do you think of the Coventry Cathedral
designs? I haven't seen them - I've only heard of htem. By Basil Spence, I believe
I hear there has been an advertisement for
67354079 - clewarne
[15-8-51]Dearest Sylvia
Here is your broach - I am sorry not to
have sent it before.
I am on my way to the V&A (that rhymes!)
to study English artist from Halheim to Hilliard.
I do wish you were here so I could have the
benefit of your knowledge: I should have
to love the houses - such as longleat - as
My father has left Paris for O ieppe where he is
now. He is returning early - on Friday: appar-
ently he is finding his own company .
He has seen all the places I listed for him - it
was a shorter list than M would have prepared,
I can tell you.
By the way, what about the V&A assistants
job for M...?
Constant Lambert is dead! Only 45 years of
age, too. Terrible loss.
What do you think of the Coventry Cathedral
designs? I haven't seen them - I've only
heard of them. By Basil Spence, I believe.
I hear there has been an advertisement for
67426867 - maid71
68072285 - JanetCormack
[15.8.51]Dearest Sylvia
Here is your broach - I am sorry not to have sent it before.
I am on my way to the V & A (that rhymes!) to study English artists from Holbein to Hilliard. I do wish you were here so I could have the benefit of your knowledge: I shall have to cover the houses - such as Longleat - as well.
My father has left Paris for Dieppe where he is now. He is returning early - on Friday: apparently he is finding his own company unrewarding. He has seen all the places I listed for him: it was a shorter list than M would have prepared, I can tell you.
By the way - what about the V & A assistants job for M ...?
Constant Lambert is dead! Only 45 years of age too. Terrible loss.
What do you think of the Coventry Cathedral designs? I haven't seen them - I've only heard of them. By Basil Spence, I believe.
I hear there has been an advertisement for
WINNER - 68340341 - tmeconverse
Dearest Sylvia,
Here is your broach - I am sorry not to have sent it before.
I am on my way to the V & A (that rhymes!) to study English artists from Malheir to Milliard. I do wish you were here so I could have the benefit of your knowledge: I shall have to cover the houses - such as Longleat - as well.
My father has left Paris for Dieppe where he is now. He is returning early - on Friday: apparently he is finding his own company unrewarding. He has seen all the places I listed for him: it was a shorter list than M. would have prepared, I can tell you.
By the way - what about the V & A assistants job for M . .?
Constant Lambert is dead! Only 45 years of age, too. Terrible loss.
What do you think of the Coventry Cathedral designs? I haven't seen them - I've only heard of them. By Basil Spence, I believe.
I hear there has been an advertisement for