- Max. dissimilarity: 0.263
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.163
- Image votes: 0.33
- 66532319 - magsinva
- WINNER - 67587942 - gailkoelker
- 67734279 - rhughes307
- 67747458 - Kerry_Wallis
- 67784376 - Frosty1
- 68277081 - clewarne

66532319 - magsinva
[17-8 '51]Blackheath
Dearest Sylvia,
I feel very sad and worried to have written so few letters. I am
sorry, my dearest love, but I have been very busy and, as a re-
sult tried, for the last day or two.
Thank you so much for Picture Post and your various outings. I
intend to read them all at tea-time today. Liam shall have a
grand leisurely at-home tea with lots of biscuits: !
I shall go through your last 2 letters, both of which came yester-
day, point by point.
No, no news of the TV job; I can't have got it, of course, by now.
I am pleased to hear that you have been working on kissing. How
I long to see it. Dandy will have to send Hetty down for a color-report.
All C's books are on their way by now. I am glad he has had the
time to start the article. I look forward very much to his lecture
in April. Yawolla wants to come; what do you think? Incident-
ally I am posting you the Ferrarere book tomorrow. IC is only on loan
so do not let Michael get his hands on it. The publisher needs it
back unfortunately.
None of Paul's scary people wanted any designs. Teacher alone
is willing to see him and he is out of London just at present. His
producer friend Herbert Williges may be able to help him though,
Financially I am a little bit better: the NG vone sent me 5.
That's all so far I'm afraid. But do not worry, dear my love.
How inconvenient of the lues co. not to take unaccompanied
parcels. Ypu should have sent two! I will go to clearing
X on Tuesday, at noon, for your picture, without any incon-
venience. I have the W.I.A.C. forms. You, as a non-member
may only submit two works, I'm afraid. Tell me by Wednesday
morning which two I seaned submit for you. I will sign the
forms for you: Yawolla is practicing your signature already
so that the forgery will be perfect:
Sleigh Sleigh Sleigh
WINNER - 67587942 - gailkoelker
Blackheath 17-8-'51Sunday
Dearest Sylvia,
I feel very sad and worried to have written so few letters. I am sorry, my dearest love, but I have been very busy and, as a result tired, for the last day or two.
Thank you so much for Picture Post and your various cuttings. I intend to read them all at tea-time today. Lion shall have a grand leisurely at-home tea with lots of biscuits: (small drawings of various cookies) !
I shall go through your last 2 letters, both of which came yesterday, point by point.
No, no news of the TV job: I can't have got it, of course, by now.
I am pleased to hear that you have been working on "Kissing". How I long to see it. Dandy will have to send Hetty down for a color-report.
All C's books are on their way by now. I am glad he has had the time to start the article. I look forward very much to his lecture in April. Yawalla wants to come: what do you think? Incidentally I am posting you the Ferrarese book tomorrow. It is only on loan so do not let Michael get his hands on it. The publisher needs it back unfortunately.
None of Paul's scarf people wanted any designs. alone is willing to see him and he is out of London just at present. His producer friend Herbert Williges may be able to help him though.
Financially I a "little" bit better: the NG have sent me 5. That's all so far I'm afraid. But do not worry, dear my love.
How inconvenient of the bus co. not to take unaccompanied parcels. You should have sent two! I will go to Charing X on Tuesday, at noon, for your picture, without any inconvenience. I have the W.I.A.C. forms. you, as a non-member may only submit two works, I'm afraid. Tell me by Wednesday morning which two I should submit for you. I will sign the forms for you: Yawalla is practising your signature already so that the forgery will be perfect: Sleigh, Sleigh, Sleigh
67734279 - rhughes307
Dearest Sylvia,
I feel very sad and worries to have written so few letters. I am
sorry, my dearest love, but I have been very busy and, as a re-
sult tired, for the last day or two.
Thank you so much for Picture Post and your various cuttings. I
intend to read them all at tea-time today. Lion shall have a
grand leisurely at-home tea with lots of biscuits:
I shall go through your last 2 letters, both of which came yester-
day, point by point.
No, no news of the TV job: I can't have got it, of course, by now.
I am pleased to hear that you have been working on Kissing. How
I long to see it. Dandy will have to send Hetty down for a calor-report.
All C's books are on their way by now. I am glad he has had the
time to start the article. I look forward very much to his lecture
in April. Tarvalla wants to come: what do you think? Incident-
ally I am posting you the Terrance books tomorrow. It is only on loan
so do not let Michael get his hands on it. Th publisher needs it
back unfortunately.
None of Paul's scarf people wanted any designs. Archer alone
is willing to see him and he is out of London just at present. His
producer friend Merhert Williges may be able to help him though.
Financially I am a little but better: the N G Vane sent me lb5.
That's all so far I'm afraid. But do not worry, dear my love.
How inconvenient of the Luis co not to take unaccompanied
parcels. You should have sent two! I will go to Charing
X on Tuesday, at noon, for your picture, without any incon-
venience. I have the W.I.A.C. forms. You, as a non-member
may only submit two works, I'm afraid. Tell me by Wednesday
morning which two I should submit for you. I will sign the
forms for you: Yavolla is practising your signature already
so that the forgery will be perfect:
67747458 - Kerry_Wallis
Dearest Sylvia,
I feel very sad and worried to have written so few letters. I am sorry, my dearest love, but I have been very busy and, as a resuet tined, for the last day or two.
Thank you so much for Picture Post and your ravious aittings. I intend to read them all at tea-time today. Lion shall have a good leisurely at-home tea with lots of biscuits!
I shall go through your last 2 letters, both of which came yesterday, raint by raint.
No, no new of the TV jab: I can't have it, of course, by now.
I am please to hear that you have been working on Kissing. How I long to see it. Dandy will have to send Hetty down for a calor-report.
All C's books are on their way by now. I am glad he has had the time to stand the article. I look forward very much to his lecture in April. Jawalla wants to come: what do you think? Incidentally I am posting you the Tennanece book tomorrow. It is only on loan so do not let Michael get his hands on it. The publishers needs it back unfortunately.
None of Pane's scary people wanted any designs. Tscher alone is willing to see him and he is out of London just at present. His modurcer friend Herbert Williges may be able to help him through.
Financially I am a little bit hettes: the NG have sent me lb5. That's all so far I'm afraid. But do not worry, my dear love.
How inconvenient of the cous co. not to take unaccompanied parcels. You should have sent two! I will go to the ceiling X on Tuesday, at noon, for your picture, without any inconvenience. I have to W.I.A.C forms. You, as a non-member may only submit two works, I'm afraid. Tell me on Wednesday morning which two I should submit for you. I will sign the forms for you: Jawalla is memorising your signature already do that the forgery will be perfect:
67784376 - Frosty1
Blackheath [17 - 8 - 51Dearest Sylvia,
I feel very sad and worried to have written so few letters. I am sorry, my dearest love, but I have been very busy and, as a result tired, for the last day or two.
Thank you so much for Picture Post and your various cuttings. I intend to read them all at tea-time today. Lion shall have a grand leisurely at - home tea with lots of biscuits!
I shall go through your last 2 letters, both of which came yesterday, point by point.
No, no news of the TV job : I can't have got it, of course, by now. I am pleased to hear that you have been working on Kissing. How I long to see it. Dandy will have to send Hetty down for a calor -report.
All C's books are on their way by now. I am glad he has had the time to start the article. I look forward very much to his lecture in April. Yawalla wants to come : what do you think? Incidentally I am posting you the Ferrarese book tomorrow. It is only on loan so do not let Michael get his hands on it. The publisher needs it back unfortunately.
None of Paul's scarf people wanted any designs. Ascher alone is willing to see him and he is out of London just at present. His producer friend Herbert Williges may be able to help him though.
Financially I am a little bit better : the N G lone sent me lb5. That's all so far I'm afraid. But do not worry, dear my love.
How inconvenient of the bus co. not to take unaccompanied parcels. You should have sent two! I will go to Charing X on Tuesday, at noon, for your picture, without inconvenience. I have the W. I. A. C. forms. You, as a non-member may only submit two works, I'm afraid. Tell me by Wednesday morning which two I should submit for you. I will sign the forms for you : Yawalla is practising your signature already so that the forgery will be perfect :
68277081 - clewarne
Dearest Sylvia,
I feel very sad and worried to have written so few letters. I am
sorry, my dearest love, but I have been very busy and, as a re-
sult tired, for the last day or two.
Thank you so much for Picture Post and your various outtings. I
intend to read them all at tea-time today. Lion shall have a
grand leisurely at-home tea with lots of biscuits: [drawings]!
I shall go through your last 2 letters, both of which came yester-
day, paint by paint.
No, no news of the TV job: I can't have got it, of course, by now.
I am pleased to hear that you have been working on Kissing. How
I long to see it. Dordy will have to send Hetty down for a color-report.
All C's books are on their way by now. I am glad he has had the
time to start the article. I look forward very much to his lecture
in April. Yawalla wants to come: what do you think? Incident-
ally I am posting you the Ferrarece book tomorrow. It is only on loan
so do not let Michael get his hands on it. The publisher needs it
back unfortunately.
None of Paul's scarf people wanted any designs. Ascher alone
is willing to see him and he is out of London just at present. His
producer friend Merhart Williges may be able to help him though.
Financially I am a little bit better: the N G Vone sent me $5.
That's all so far I'm afraid. But do not worry, dear my love.
How inconvenient of the bus co. not to take unaccompanied
parcels. You should have sent two! I will go to Claring
X on Tuesday, at noon, for your picture, without any incon-
venience. I have the W.I.A.C. forms. You, as a non-member
may only submit two works, I'm afraid. Tell me Wednesday
morning which two I should submit for you. I will sign the
forms for you: Yawalla is practising your signature already
so that the forgery will be perfect:
Sleigh S Sleigh S Sleigh