- Max. dissimilarity: 0.243
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.159
- Image votes: 1.0
- 66933179 - N5bz
- WINNER - 66980346 - ethomson
- 67164817 - jsprake
- 67880232 - evanstonsherry
- 68335506 - Preacher357
- 68361269 - tmeconverse

66933179 - N5bz
No reply from Price Jones yet, nor World Review. Jolas is a goodidea. By The way, thanks to Ithell (whom I am seeing tomorrow evening
with Paul) I am taking part in a discussion put up by the Hampstead
Artist's Council called 'We Beg To Differ'. (it might be an amusing occas-
ion for argument and polemic.
Today I am busy with Athene articles, my own and others, so I am
spending tomorrow at Athene office. I have an 10.00 lecture, however,
to sadlers' Wells girls about Spanish art. (Yowalla has dropped the
new - havimg marred the nib - it is no dancing [strike through]sur les roints,[/strike through], Hetty's
raints: )
I long to see you soon. Oh my wonder, my rose. But for your
paintings I should be desolate indeed. Their audacious rhythms
and treasuries of color are trophies of your conquests in the barb-
arous Asiatic continent of clastic nature. Our hyacinth is out
and proffers lovely perfume. I adore you, my beauty. Be-
lieve in my love, especially as the landscaspe recovers from
winter. Spring is our time. You may share it only until Tiny or
your boy walks with her.
I love you, I love you
WINNER - 66980346 - ethomson
No reply from Price Jones yet, nor World Review. Jolas is a goodidea. By the way, thanks to Ithell (whom I am seeing tomorrow evening
with Paul) I am taking part in a discussion put up by the Hampstead
Artists' Council called 'We Beg To Differ.' It might be an amusing occas-
ion for argument and polemic.
Today I am busy with Athene articles, my own and others, so I am
spending tomorrow at Athene office. I have a 10.00 lecture, however,
to Sadler's Wells girls about Spanish art. (Yawolla has dropped the
pen - having crossed the nib - & is so dancing, Hetty's
I long to see you soon, oh my wonder, my rose. But for your
paintings I should be desolate indeed. These audacious rhythms
and treasuries of colour are trophies of your conquests in the barb-
arous Asiatic continent of chaotic nature. Our hyacinth is out
and proffers lovely perfume. I adore you, my beauty. Be-
lieve in my love, especially as the landscape recovers from
Winter. Spring is our time. You may share it only with Tiny on
your long walks with her.
I love you, I love you
67164817 - jsprake
No reply from Price Joes yet, nor World Review. Jolas is a goodidea. By the way, thanks to Ithell Carlson I am seeing tomorrow evening
with Paul) I am taking part in a discussion put up the Hampstead
Artist's Council called "We Beg to Differ". It might be an amusing occas-
ion for argument and .
Today I am busy with Athens articles, my own and others, so I am
spending tomorrow at Athens office. I have a 10:00 lecture, however,
to sadlers' wells girls about Spanish art. (Yawalla has dropped the
pen crossed the nib - & is dancing Hetty's )
I long to see you soon. Oh my wonder, my rose. But for your
paintings I should be desolate indeed. These audacious rhythms
and treasuries of colour are trophies of your conquests in the barb-
arous Asiatic continent of chaotic nature. Our hyacinth is out
and proffers lovely perfume. I adore you, my beauty. Be-
lieve in my love, especially as the landscape recovers from
winter. Spring is our time. You may share it only with Tiny on your long walks with her.
I love you, I love you
67880232 - evanstonsherry
No reply from Price Jones yet, nor World Review. Solas is a goodidea. By the way, thanks to Ithell (whom I am seeing tomorrow evening
with Paul) I am taking part in a discussion put up by the Hampstead
Artist's Council called 'We Beg To Differ'. It might be an amusing occas-ion for argument and polemic.
Today I am busy with Athene articles, my own and others, as I am
spending tomorrow at Athene office. I have a 10.00 lecture, however,
to Sadler's Wells Girls about Spanish art. (Yowalla has dropped the
pen - having crossed the nib - & is so dancing, Hetty's
I long to see you soon. Oh my wonder, my rose. But for your
paintings I should be desolate indeed. Their audacious rhythm
and treasuries of colour are trophies of your conquests in the barb-arous Asiatic continent of chaotic nature. Our hyacinth is out
and proffers lovely perfume. I adore you, my beauty. Be-
lieve in my love, especially as the landscape recovers from
winter. Spring is our time. You my share it only with Tiny on your long walks with her.
I love you, I love you
68335506 - Preacher357
No reply from Price Jones yet, nor World Review. Jalas is a goodidea. By the way, thanks to Ithell I (whom I am seeing tomorrow evening
with Paul) I am taking part in a discussion put up by the Hampstead
Artist's Council called 'We Beg To Differ'. It might be an amusing occas-
sion for argument and polemic.
Today I am busy with Athene articles, my own and others, & I am
spending tomorrow at Athene office. I have a 10:00 lecture, however,
to soldiers' Wells girls about Spanish art. (Yawalla has dropped the
news - having crossed the nib - & is so dancing, Hetty's
I long to see you soon. Oh my wonder, my rose. But for your
paintings I should be desolate indeed. Their audacious rhythms
and treasures of colour are trophies of your conquests in the barb-
arous Asiatic continent of nature. Our hyacinth is out
and moffers lovely perfume. I adore you, my beauty. Be-
lieve in my love, especially as the landscape recovers from
Winter. Spring is our time. you may share it only with Tiny on
your long walks with her.
I love you, I love you
68361269 - tmeconverse
No reply from Price Jones yet, nor World Review. Jolas is a good idea. By the way, thanks to Ithell (whom I am seeing tomorrow evening with Paul) I am taking part in a discussion put up by the Hampstead Artist's Council called "We Beg to Differ'. It might be an amusing occasion for argument and polemic.Today I am busy with Athene articles, my own and others, & I am spending tomorrow at Athene office. I have a 10.00 lecture, however, to Sadler's Wells girls about Spanish art. (Yowalla has dropped the pen - having crossed the nib - & is so dancing sur les points, Hetty's paints!)
I long to see you soon, oh my wonder, my muse. But for your paintings I should be desolate indeed. Their audacious rhythms and treasuries of colour are trophies of your conquests in the barbarous Asiatic continent of chaotic nature. Our hyacinth is out and waffers lovely perfume. I adore you, my beauty. Believe in my love, especially as the landscape recovers from Winter. Spring is our time You may share it only with Tiny on your long walks with her.
I love, I love you