- Max. dissimilarity: 0.111
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.066
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66566708 - WiltedLotus
- WINNER - 66577477 - mar15ted
- 66928280 - nzanga
- 67273186 - mikethebike2
- 67361733 - Preacher357
- 67795000 - leoncino5

66566708 - WiltedLotus
BLACKheath: 28 ix 1951Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you so much for your wonderfully long letter. Hetty, Lionel, Yawolla, and Dandy read a page each and then exchanged: there was a little confusion but luck-ily Lionel was equal to the occasion and saw to it that the exchange was orderly. Without him we would never have been sure that each of us had read all the news.
You ask about Banstead. Well (I have already told you how you were missed), I found, after a long search, most of the slides I wanted: Cellini's salt cellar, Sutton Place, Family of More, Flemish (Vertumnus and Pomona) and French (Danae) tapestries, early wallpaper, leather hangings, furniture, plasterwork, &c. I have established the intricate and complex side of N Europ-ean art in 16th century: next week I shall deal with Spain and Florence and liberal republic of Venice.
Dandy is sitting with nothing on in the sun to write this. It is, however, cloudy in the distance: also, wasps keep chasing me into corners.
Herbert Reiser suggested I write an article about Turnbull's sculpture and place it in a Swiss journal. Turnbull invited me to his studio so I may write something. We'll see.
This evening I am going to the South Bank with Mary: I am meeting her at 5 and then I am going on, later, to Wimbledon for the night. Then Saturday afternoon I shall see McHale and, perhaps, see a fim. (I have not been for nearly 3 weeks: it seems . . . shorter.) My war films art-icle that i read at Pett is growing longer: soldiers as 'things', by theme of the Quest. How interesting about the Cleggs, by the way. I shall put in a footnote (see below)*.
I have a vivid picture of you at work on the Village Green. It sounds charming, busy and gratifying at the same time. You seem to be Tiny's proxy at the moment. I hope you are looking after your hands during all this gardening. Are you now?
* The author wishes to thank Miss Wassily for drawing his attention to this material.
WINNER - 66577477 - mar15ted
BLACKheath: 28 ix 1951Dearest Sylvia, thank you so much for your wonderfully long letter. Hetty, Lionel, Yawolla, and Dandy read a page each and then exchanged: there was a little confusion but luckily Lionel was equal to the occasion and saw to it that the exchange was orderly. Without him we would never have been sure that each of us had read all the news. You ask about Banstead. Well ( I have already told you how you were missed), I found, after a long search, most of the slides I wanted: Cellini's salt cellar, Sutton Place, Family of More, Flemish (Vertumnus and Pomona) and French (Danae) tapestries, early wallpaper, leather hangings, furniture, plasterwork, &c. I have established the intricate and complex side of N European art in 16th Century: next week I shall deal with Spain and Florence and liberal republic of Venice. Dandy is sitting with nothing on in the sun to write this. It is, however, cloudy in the distance: also, wasps keep chasing me into corners. Herbert Reiser suggested I write an article about Turnbull's sculpture to accompany his photographs and he will try and place it in a Swiss journal. Turnbull invited me to his studio so I may write something. We'll see. This evening I am going to the South Bank with Mary: I am meeting her at 5 and then I am going on, later, to Wimbledon for the night. then Saturday afternoon I shall see McHale and, perhaps, see a film. (I have not been for nearly 3 weeks: it seems ... shorter.) My war films article that I read at Pett is growing longer: soldiers as 'things', the theme of the Quest. How interesting about the Cleggs, by the way. I shall put in a footnote (see below)*. I have a vivid picture of you at work on the Village Green. It sounds charming, busy and gratifying at the same time. You seem to be Tiny's proxy at the moment. I hope you are looking after your hands after all this gardening. Are you now?
*The author wishes to thank Miss Wassily for drawing his attention to this material.
66928280 - nzanga
BLACKheath: 28 ix 1951Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you so much for your wonderfully long letter. Hetty, Lionel, Yawolla, and Dandy read a page each and then exchanged: there was a little confusion but luckily Lionel was equal to the occasion and saw to it that the exchange was orderly. Without him we would never have been sure that each of us had read all the news.
You ask about Banstead. Well ( I have already told you how you were missed), I found, after a log search, most of the slides I wanted: Cellini's salt cellar, Sutton Place, Family of Nore, Flemish (Vertumnus and Pomona) and French ( Danae) tapestries, early wallpaper, leather hangings, furniture plasterwork, &c. I have established the intricate and complex side of N European art in the 16th century: next week I shall deal with Spain and Florence and liberal republic of Venice.
Dandy is sitting with nothing on in the sun to write this. It is, however, cloudy in the distance: also, wasps keep chasing me into corners.
Herbert Reiser suggested I write an article about Turnbull's sculpture to accompany his photographs and he will try and place it in a Swiss journal. Turnbull invited me to his studio so I may write something. We'll see.
This evening i am going to the South Bank with Mary: I am meeting her at 5 and then I am going on, later, to Wimbledon for the night. Then Saturday afternoon I shall see McHale and, perhaps, see a film. ( I have not been for nearly 3 weeks: it seems...shorter.) My war films article that I read at Pett is growing longer: soldiers are 'things', the theme of the Quest. How interesting about the Cleggs, by the way. I shall put in a footnote (see below) *
I have a vivid pictur eof you at work on the Village Green. It sounds charming, busy and gratifying at the same time. You seem to be Tiny's proxy at the moment. I hope you are looking after your hands during all the gardening. Are you now?
* The author wishes to thank Miss Wassily for drawing his attention to this material.
67273186 - mikethebike2
Blackheath : 28 ix 1951Dearest Sylvia, Thank you so much much for your wonderfully long letter. petty, Lionel, Yawolla and Dandy read a page each and the exchanged, there was a little confusion but luckily Lionel was equal to the occasion and saw to t that the exchange was orderly. Without him we would never have been sure that each of us had read all the news.
You ask about Banstead. Well (I have already told you how you were missed), I found, after a long search, most of the slides I wanted. Cellini's salt cellar, Sutton Place, Family of More, Flemish (Vertumnus and Pomona) and French (Danae) tapestries, early wall paper, leather hangings, furniture, plasterwork, etc. I have established the intricate and complex side of N European art in 16th century and liberal republic of Venice.
Dandy is sitting with nothing on in the sun to write this. It is, however, cloudy in the distance, also wasps keep chasing me into corners.
Herbert Reiser suggested I write an article about Turnbull's sculpture to accompany his photographs and he will try and place it in a Swiss journal. Turnbull invited me to his studio so I may write something. We'll see.
This evening I am going to the South Bank with Mary. I am meeting her at 5 and then I am going on, later, to Wimbledon for the night. Then Saturday afternoon I shall see McHale and, perhaps, see a film. ( I have not been for nearly 3 weeks, it seems...shorter.) My war films article that I read at Petts is growing longer, soldiers as 'things', the theme of the Quest. How interesting about the Clegg's by the way. I shall put in a footnote (see below)*.
I have vivid picture of you at work on the Village Green. It sounds charming, busy and gratifying at the same time. You seem to be Tiny's proxy at the moment. I hope you are looking after your hands during all this gardening. Are you now?
* The author wishes to thank Miss Wassily for drawing his attention to this material.
67361733 - Preacher357
28 ix 1951 BLACKheath: Dearest Sylvia,Thank you so much for your wonderfully long letter.
Hetty, Lionel, Yawolla, and Dandy read a page each and
then exchanged: there was a little confusion but luck-
ily Lionel was equal to the occasion and saw to it that
the exchange was orderly. Without him we would never
have been sure that each of us had read all the news.
You ask about Banstead. Well (I have already told
you how you were missed), I found, after a long search,
most of the slides I wanted: Cellini's salt cellar,
Sutton Place, Family of More, Flemish (Vertumnus and Pom-
ona) and French (Danae) tapestrides, early wallpaper,
leather hangings, furniture, plasterwork, &c. I have
established the intricate and complex side of N Europ-
ean art in 16th century: next week I shall deal with
Spain and Florence and liberal republic of Venice.
Dandy is sitting with nothing on in the sun to write
this. It is, however, cloudy in the distance: also,
wasps keep chasing me into corners.
Herbert Reiser suggested I write an article about
Turnbull's sculpture to accompany his photographs and
he will try and place it in a Swiss jounal. Turnbull
invited me to his studio so I may write something. We'll
This evening I am going to the South Bank with Mary:
I am meeting her at 5 and then I am going on, later, to
Wimbledon for the night. Then Saturday afternoon I shall
see McHale and, perhaps, see a film. (I have not been for
nearly 3 weeks: it seems...shorter.) My war films art-
icle that I read at Pett is growing longer: soldiers as
'things', the theme of the Quest. How interesting about
the Cleggs, by the way. I shall put in a footnote (see
I have a vivid picture of you at work on the Village
Green. It sounds charming, busy and gratifying at the
same time. You seem to be Tiny's proxy at the moment.
I hope you are looking after your hands during all this
gardening. Are you now?
* The author wishes to thank Miss Wassily for drawing
his attention to this material.
67795000 - leoncino5
BLACKheath: 28 ix 1951Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you so much for your wonderfully long letter. Hetty, Lionel, Yawolla, and Dandy read a page each and then exchanged: there was a little confusion but luckily Lionel was equal to the occasion and saw to it that the exchange was orderly. Without him we would never have been sure that each of us had read alla the news.
You ask about Banstead. Well (I have already told you how you were missed), I found after a long search, most of the slides I wanted: Cellini's salt cellar, Sutton Place, Family of More, Flemish (Vertumnus and Pomona) and French (Danae) tapestrie, early wallpaper, leather hangings, furniture, plastework, &c. I have established the intricate and complex side of N European art in 16th century: next week I shall deal with Spain and Florence and liberal republic of Venice.
Dandy is sitting with nothing on in the sun to write this. It is, however, cloudy in the distance: also, wasps keep chasing me into corners. Herbert Resiser suggested I write an article about Turnbull's sculpture to accompnay his photographs and he will try and place it in a Swiss journal. Turnbull invited me to his srudio so I may write something. we'll sce
Thsi evening I am going to the South Bank with Mary: I am meeting her at 5 and then I am going on, later, to Wimbledon for the night. Then Saturday afternoon I shall see McHale and, perhaps, see a film. (I have not been for nearly 3 weeks: it seems ... Shorter.) My war films article that I read at Pett is growing longer: doldiers as 'things', the theme of the Quest. How Interesting about the Cleggs, by the way. I shall put in a footnote (see below)*.
I have a vivid picture of you at work on the Village Freen. It sounds charming, busy and gratifying at the same time. You seem to be Tyny's proxy at the moment. I hope you are looking after your hands during all the this gardening. Are you now?
*The author wishes to thank Miss Wassily for drawing his attention to the material.