- Max. dissimilarity: 0.212
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.148
- Image votes: 1.0
- WINNER - 67431780 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
- 68505448 - ALBECA
- 68592103 - Chris5420
- 69331289 - JanetCormack
- 70292493 - Paula-S
- 72045602 - pycaresque

WINNER - 67431780 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
Blackheath2 - October
Dearest Sylvia
Your letters are delightful and inspiring -- and with what fine drawings they are embellished. What a delicious creature Wasily is, so elegant, industrious, and, when on her new garden-seat, how wuggely!
I know that your decision about Carol is not an easy one to make and I wondered if perhaps my advice to you -- against having her for X'mas -- was selfish. It is a complex situation but I am convinced that it is better, for you not to have her: she would not really appreciate what you were doing for her & you would be rather tired. I think the Woods have been (A) sentimental to adopt her in the 1st place & (B) irresponsible to drop her like this. But you are not placed in a way to really help Carol -- if, indeed, she can be helped. The Rectory has been for her a place to start from and not a home as such. In place of the struggle with an immature and chaotic girl you shall produce a painting, or paintings, which by this example will state your order & lovingness. Maximum expression of love & order would not have been possible in the Carol-for-Christmas (and for how long after) relation. It would have been a digression.
Dandy has just bought a buff shirt -- plain, with long sleeves, & my usual long pointed collar. However, as always, it is too small so I shall have to return it this afternoon & get either a larger size or a different type.
I have just heard from Miss Chick that I shall be away all next week & lecture -- not just the beginning and end of the week. I will let you know more details when I get them.
Dandy trying on his shirt:
Paul admired your Wyatt house -- Bilston -- Hampden --& Mrs. Hahe's view -- watercolors enormously. He made a drawing later which (unconsciously) derived its composition from [unclearPerlston]. Paul admitted it when I pointed it out.
I love you I love you
68505448 - ALBECA
Dearest Sylvia,Your letters are delightful and inspiring - and with what fine drawings they are embellished. What a delicious creature Washily is, so elegant, industrious, and, when on her new garden-seat, raw wriggely!
I know that your decision about Carol is not an easy one to make and I wondered if perhaps my advice to you & against having her for X'mas - was selfish. It is a complex situation but I am convinced that it is best for you not to have her: she would not really appreciate what you were doing for her so you would be ratles tired. I think the Woods have been (A) sentimental to adopt her in the 1st place & (B) irresponsible to drop her like this. But you are not placed in a way to really help Carol - if indeed she can be helped. The Redory has been for her a place to start from and not a home as such. In place of all struggle with our irrative and girl you shall produce a painting, or paints, which by their example will state your order & lovingness. Maximum expression of line & order would not have been possible in all Carol-for-Christmas (and for how long after) relation. It would have been a digression.
Dandy has just bought a buff shirt - plain, with long sleeves, & my usual long painted collar. However, as always, it is too small so I shall have to return it this afternoon & get either a larger size or a different type.
I have just heard from miss click that I shall be away all next week on lecture - not just the begining and end of the week. I will let you know more details when I get them.
Dandy trying on his shirt:
Paul admired your Wyatt house - Bilston - Hampenden - & Mrs Hahe's - water - colors- enormously. He made a drawing later (unconsciously) devined its comparative from Bilston. Paul admitted it when I pointed it out.
I love you I love you
68592103 - Chris5420
Blackheath2 - October
Dearest Sylvia
Your letters are delightful and inspiring - and with what fine drawings they
are embellished. What a delicious creature Warsily is, so elegant, industr-
ious, and, when on her new garden-seat, how wriggely!
I know that your decision about Carol is not an easy one to make and
I wondered if perhaps my advice to you - against having her for X'mas -
was selfish. It is a complex situation but I am convinced that it is better
for you not to have her: she would not really appreciate what you
were doing for her & you would be rather tired. I think the Woods
have been (A) sentimental to adopt her in the first place & (B) irresponsible
to drop her like this. But you are not placed in a way to really help
Carol - if, indeed, she can be helped. The rectory has been for her a place
to start from and not a home as such. In place of the struggle with an im-
mature and chaotic girl you shall produce a painting, or paintings, which
by their example will state your arder & loneliness. Maximum expression
of love & arder would not have been possible in the Carol-for-Christmas
(and for New Year after) relation. It would have been a digression.
Dandy has just bought a buff shirt - plain, with long sleeves, & my usual
long pointed collar. However, as always, it is too small so I shall have
to return it this afternoon & get either a larger size or a different type.
I have just heard from Miss Click that I shall be away all next week
on lectures - not just the beginning and end of the week. I will let you
know more details when I get them.
Dandy trying on his shirt:
Paul admired your Wyatt
house - Bilston - Harpenden -
& Mrs Hahe's view - water-
colours enormously. He made
a drawing later which (un-
conciously) derived its
composition from Bilston.
Paul admitted it when I visited
69331289 - JanetCormack
Blackheath2. October
Dearest Sylvia
Your letters are delightful and inspiring - and with what fine drawings they are embellished. What a delicious character Wassily is, so elegant, industrious, and, when on her new garden-seat, how wriggly!
I know that you decision about Carol is not an easy one to make and I wondered if perhaps my advice to you - against having her for Xmas - was selfish. It is a complex situation but I am convinced that it is better for you not to have her: she would not really appreciate what you were doing for her & you would be rather tired. I thinks the Woods have been (A) sentimental to adopt her in the 1st place & (B) irresponsible to drop her like this. But you are not placed in a way to really help Carol - if, indeed, she can be helped. The Rectory has been for her a place to start from and not a home as such. In place of the struggle with an immature and chaotic girl you should produce a painting, or paintings, which by their example will state your order & lovingness. Maximum expression of love to order would have not been possible in the Carol-for-Christmas (and for how long after) relation. It would have been a digression.
Dandy has just bought a buff shirt - plain, with long sleeves, & my usual long pointed collar. However, as always, it is too small so I shall have to return it this afternoon & get either a larger size or a different type.
I have just heard from Miss Chick that I shall be away all next week on lectures - not just the beginning and end of the week. I will let you know more details when I get them.
Dandy trying on his shirt:
Paul admired your Wyatt house - Bilston - Harpendon & Mrs. Hakle's view - water-clours enormously. He made a drawing later which (unconsciously) derived its composition from Bilston. Paul admitted it when I pointed it out.
I love you I love you
70292493 - Paula-S
Bracknell2 October
Dearest Sylvia
Your letters are delightful and inspiring - and with what fine drawings they are embellished. What a delicious creature Wasily is, so elegant, industrious, and, when on her new garden-seat, how wriggly!
I know that your decision about Carol is not an easy one to make and I wondered if perhaps my advice to you - against having her for X'mas - was selfish. It is a complex situation but I am convinced that it is better for you not to have her: she would not really appreciate what you were doing for her so you would be rather tired. I think the Woods have been (A) sentimental to adopt her in the 1st place & (B) irresponsible to drop her like this. But you are not placed in a way to really help Carol - if, indeed, she can be helped. The Rectory has been for her a place to start from and not a home as such. In place of the struggle with an immature and chaotic girl you shall produce a painting, or paintings, which by their example will state your order & lovingness. Maximum expression of love & order would not have been possible in the Carol-for-Christmas (and for how long after) relation. It would have been a digression
Dandy has just bought a buff shirt - plain, with long sleeves, & my usual long painted collar. However, as always, it is too small so I shall have to return it this afternoon & get either a larger size or a different type.
I have just heard from Miss Chick that I shall be away all next week on lectures - not just the beginning and end of the week. I will let you know more details when I get them.
Dandy trying on his shirt:
Paul admired your Wyatt House - Bilston - Harpenden & Mrs Hahe's view - watercolours enormous. He made a drawing later which (unconscious) derived its competition from Palston. Paul admitted it when I pointed it out.
I love you I love you
72045602 - pycaresque
Blackheath2 October
Dearest Sylvia
Your letters are delightful and inspiring - and with what fine drawings they are embellished. What a delicious creature Wassily is, so elegant , industrious, and, when on her new garden-seat, how wassely!
I know that your decision about Carol is not an easy one to make and I wondered if perhaps my advice for you - against having her for X'mas - was selfish. It is a complex situation but I am convinced that it is better for you not to have her: she would not really appreciate what you were doing for her & you would be rather tired. I think the Woods have been (A) sentimental to adopt her in the 1st place & (B) irresponsible to drop her like this. But you are not placed in a way to really help Carol - if, indeed, she can be helped. The Rectory has been for her a place to start from and not a home as such. In place of a struggle with an immature and dootie girl you shall produce a painting, or paintings, which by their example will state your ardor & lovingness. Maximum expression of line or ardor would not have been possible in the Carol-for-Christmas (and for how long after) relation. It would have been a digression.
Dandy has just bought a buff shirt - plain, with long sleeves, & my usual long pointed collar. However, as always, it is too small so I shall have to return it this afternoon & get either a larger size or a different type.
I have just heard from Miss Click that I shall be away all next week on lectures - not just the beginning and end of the week. I will let you know more details when I get them.
Dandy trying on his shirt:
Paul admired your Wyatt house - Bailston - Harpenden - by Mrs. Hake's view - watercolors enormously. He made a draining late undid (unconscious) derived its composition from Perlston. Paul admitted it when I pointed it out.
I love you I love you