- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.714
- Image votes: 1.0
- 67167272 - jsprake
- WINNER - 67840300 - Frosty1
- 68483593 - xuelee
- 68506692 - not-logged-in-29f5189848926510d265
- 68596613 - not-logged-in-a4333d0157b9d32f4bf2
- 68654948 - Preacher357
- 68667282 - JanetCormack

67167272 - jsprake
V and A4 Oct
Dearest Sylvia
I seem to be spending a part of every day in the slide Dept. But
Now I have all I need for next week. Did I tell you I shall be away
all week? I will give you an address to write to in a day or so -
though I'll be at Blackheath till AFTER 1st post Monday morning.
Tomorrow is Clemford: Contemporary Arts (in the plural). Time Allowed
45 minutes! I am squeezing in Le , , & Wright as
well as sculpture & painting. As I have to catch the 8:30 train
I am staying at Wimbledon until tomorrow's dawn.
Lion? is probably about to write a new play in which he hopes to do for
the influencing machine what he has done for the vagina dentata. Provis-
ional title: "Is There A Mad Scientist In The House"? characters
so far, an adolescent girl and - surprise! - a mad scientist.
I looked in at Whiteclay Art Gal. this afternoon. I thought I'd
better. It is exceedingly amusing - I do miss that you had seen it.
I noticed that Warrily's collection of cat postcards is far more ex-
tensive than that exhibited here. I noted this with satisfaction.
You tell me H. Majesty is improved. How can you say so? The King
is ill - the Empire declines: cause & effect. Has Sir James Frares?
lived in rain? My elegy will vindicate the man of science & incite
all time spirits of negetation? to strike down the rotting centre of
our country before it is too late. We need a young, virile
King - a stranger to these . Where shall we turn in our need?
Lion has eaten his tea and it is time he went to the library &
looked up the architects mentioned above.
I love you so much, so dearly, I adore you
Dandy in hiw blue suit & brown
WINNER - 67840300 - Frosty1
V and A4 OCT
Dearest Sylvia
I seem to be spending a part of every day in the Slide Dept. But now I have all I need for next week. Did I tell you I shall be away all week? I will give you an address to write to in a day or so - though I'll be at Blackheath till AFTER 1st post Monday morning.
Tomorrow is Chelmsford's Contemporary Arts (in the plural). Time allowed 45 minutes! I am squeezing in le Corbusier, Gropius, & Wright as well as sculpture & painting. As I have to catch the 8.30 train I am staying at Wimbledon until tomorrow dawn.
Lion is probably about to write a new play in which he hopes to do for the influencing machine what he has done for the regina dentate . Provisional title 'Is there a Mad Scientist in the House?' Characters so far, an adolescent girl and - surprise ! - a mad scientist.
I looked in at the Whitechapel Art Gal. this afternoon. I thought I'd better. It is exceedingly amusing - I do wish that you had seen it. I noticed that Wassily's collection of cat postcards is far more extreme than that exhibited here. I noted this with satisfaction.
You tell me H. Majesty is improved. How can you say so? The King is ill - the Empire declines : cause & effect. Has Sir James Frazer lived in vain? My elegy will vindicate the man of science & incite all true spirits of vegetation to strike down the rotting centre of our country before it is too late. We need a young, virile king - a stranger to these shores. Where shall we turn in out need?
Lion has eaten his tea and it is time he went to the library & looked up the architects mentioned above.
I love you so much, so dearly, I adore you
Dandy in his blue suit & brown bow.
68483593 - xuelee
68506692 - not-logged-in-29f5189848926510d265
68596613 - not-logged-in-a4333d0157b9d32f4bf2
68654948 - Preacher357
4 OCT V and A Dearest SylviaI seem to be spending a part of every day in the Slide Dept. But
now I have all I need for next week. Did I tell you I shall be away
all week? I will give you an address to write to in a day or so -
though I'll be at Blackheath till AFTER 1st port Monday morning.
Tomorrow is Clemsford: Contemporary Arts (in the plural). Time allowed
45 minutes! I am squeezing in le Corluries, Gropius, & Wright as
well as sculpture & painting. As I have to catch the 8:30 Train, I am staying at Wimbledon until tomorrow dawn.
Lion is probably about to write a new play in which he hopes to do in
the influencing machine what he has done for the vagina dentata. Provis-
ional title: Is There A Mad Scientist In The House? Characters,
so far, an adolescent girl and - surprise! - a mad scientist.
I looked in at Whitedal Art gal, this afternoon. I thought I'd
better. It is exceedingly amusing - I do wish you had seen it.
I noticed that Warrily's collection of cat postcards is for more ex-
tensive than that exhibition here. I noted this with satisfaction.
You tell me H. Majesty is improved. How can you say so? The King
is ill - the Empire declines: cause & effect. Was Sir James Trares
lived in vain! My elegy will vindicate the man of science & incite
all time spirits of vegetation to strike down the rotting centre of
our country before it is too late. We need a young, virile
king - a stranger to there . Where shall we turn in our need?
Lion has eaten his tea and it is time he went to the library &
looked up the architects mentioned above.
I love you so much, so dearly, I adore you
Dandy in his blue suit & brown
68667282 - JanetCormack
V and A4 OCT
Dearest Sylvia
I seem to be spending a part of every day in the Slide Dept. But now I have all I need for next week. Did I tell you I shall be away all week? I will give you an address to write to in a day or so - though I'll be at Blackheath Hill AFTER 1st part Monday morning.
Tomorrow is Chelmsford: Contemporary Arts (in the plural) Time allowed 45 minutes! I am squeezing in Corbusier, Gropius, & Wright as well as sculpture & painting. As I have to catch the 8.30 Train I am staying at Wimbledon until tomorrow's dawn.
Lion is probably about to write a new play in which he hopes to do for the influencing maching what he has done for the vagina dentata. Provisional title, 'Is There A Mad Scientist In The House?' characters, so far, an adolescent girl and - surprise! - a mad scientist.
I looked in at Whitechapel Art Gal. this afternoon. I thought I'd better. It is exceedingly amusing - I do wish that you had seen it. I noticed that Wassily's collection of cat postcards is far more extensive that that exhibition here. I noted this with satisfaction.
You tell me H. Majesty is improved. How can you say so? The King is ill - the Empire declines: cause & effect. His Sir James Frazer lived in rain? My elegy will indicate the man of science & invite all the spirits of vegetation to strike down the rotting centre of our country before it is too late. We need a young, visible king - a stranger to these shores. Where shall we turn in our our need?
Lion has eaten his tea and it is time he went to the library & looked up the architects mentioned above.
I love you so much, so dearly, I adore you
P.S. Dandy in his blue suit & brown bow