- Max. dissimilarity: 0.228
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.14
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66661062 - tmeconverse
- 67116077 - xuelee
- WINNER - 67322714 - ethomson
- 67691547 - Lady12
- 67942244 - Carriechelle
- 68328341 - SailorVal

66661062 - tmeconverse
Dearest Sylvia
I came to Wimbledon for the night because (expecting to be away from town for a week) I had used up all my food before going away. My lectures consist of Haverhill and Diss on Friday & Saturday respectively and, of course, Ipswich last Monday. Miss Chick is being a bit dotty, I think, for, as you know, she specifically said I should not return: but, reasonably enough Thomas at Cambridge had only arranged for accommodation for Monday, Friday, & Saturday evening. So here I am back for Tuesday through Thursday.
I was expecting to lecture about Hogarth at Ipswich and prepared accordingly (tho' of course I had the slides for the other lecture in my bag - a bag heavy with one week's needs). It turned out - 10 minutes before the lecture that the subject was Old Masters & Modern Art. So I just had time to unpack and arrange the slides and improvise accordingly: it was not too bad, I think. An audience of 70 - mostly the local art school.
There are one or 2 Gainsboroughs in the local museum as well as a great deal of Tudor & early Stuart woodwork and mantelpieces. It is in a C16th house of considerable charm. I was shown over by the curator (70 years old) with Thomas who murmured 'Amazing' and 'Yes', alternating these with 'Really'. Thomas has one arm, a masculine wife, is a bit queer, and loves looking up old Scottish names - or any old names.
67116077 - xuelee
Dearest Sylvia
I came to Wibledon for the night because (expecting to be away from town for a week) I had used up all my food before going away. My lecture consist of Haverhill and Diss on Friday & Saturday respectively and, of course, I prwich last Monday. Miss Chick is being a bit datty, I think, for, as you know, sla spec-ifically said I should not return: but, reasonably enough Thoms at Cabrige had only arranged for ac-comodation for Monday, Friday, & Saturday evenings. So here I am back for Tuesday throuh Thursday.
I was expecting to lecture about Hogarth at Ipswich and prepared accordingly (the 'of course I had the slides for the other lecture in my bag - a bag heavy with one week's needs). It turned out - 10 minutes before the lecture that the subject was Old Masters & Modern Art. So I just had time to unpack and arrange the slides and improvise accordingly: it was not too bad, I think. An audience of 70 - mostly the local art school.
There are one or 2 Gainsborouhg. in the local mus-eum as well as a great deal of Tudor & early Stuart woodwork and wantlepieces. It is in a (16th house of considerable charm. I was shown ones by the curat-or (70 years old) with Thomas who murmered 'Amazing! and 'yes'. alternatively these with 'Really'. Thoms has one arm, a masculine wife, is a bit queers, and bone look-ing up old Scottist names - as any old names.
WINNER - 67322714 - ethomson
Dearest Sylvia
I came to Wimbledon for the night because (expecting to be
away from town for a week) I had used up all my
food before going away. My lectures consist of
Haverhill and Diss on Friday & Saturday respectively
and, of course, Ipswich last Monday. Miss Chick is
being a bit dotty, I think, for as you know, she spec-
ifically said I should not return: but, reasonably
enough Thoms at Cambridge had only arranged for ac-
comodation for Monday, Friday, & Saturday evenings.
So here I am back for Tuesday through Thursday.
I was expecting to lecture about Hogarth at Ipswich
and prepared accordingly (tho' of course I had the slides
for the other lecture in my bag - a bag heavy with one
week's needs). It turned out - 10 minutes before the
lecture that the subject was Old Masters & Modern
Art. So I just had time to unpack and arrange the
slides and improvise accordingly: it was not too
bad, I think. An audience of 70 - mostly the local
art school.
There are one or 2 Gainsboroughs in the local mus-
eum as well as a great deal of Tudor & early Stuart
woodwork and mantlepieces. It is a C16th house
of considerable charm. I was shown ones by the curat-
or (70 years old) with Thoms who murmured 'Amazing'
and 'Yes', alternating these with 'Really'. Thoms has one
arm, a masculine wife, is a bit queer, and loves look-
ing up old Scottish names - or any old names.
67691547 - Lady12
Dearest Sylvia
I came to Wimbledon for the night because (expecting to be away from town for a week) I had used up all my food before going away. My lectures consist of Harehill and Diss on Friday & Saturday respectively and, of course, Ipswich last Monday. Miss thick is being a bit dotty, I think, for, as you know, she specifically said I should not return: but, reasonably enough Thoms at Cambridge had only arranged for accommodation for Monday, Friday & Saturday evenings. So here I am back for Tuesday through Thursday.
I was expecting a lecture about Hogarth at Ipswich and prepared accordingly (tho' of course I had the slide for the other lecture in my bag - a bag heavy with one week's needs). It turned out - 10 minutes before the lecture that the subject was Old Masters and Modern Art. So I just had time to unpack and arrange the slides and improvise accordingly: it was not too bad, I think. An audience of 70 - mostly the local art school.
There are one or 2 Sainsboroughs in the local museum as well as a great deal of Tudor & early Stuart woodwork and mantlepieces. It is in a (16th house of considerable charm. I was shown only by the wrator (70 years old) with Thoms who murmered 'Amazing' and 'Yes', alternating these with 'Really'. Thoms has one arm, a masculine wife, is a bit queer, and loves looking up old Scottish names - or any old names.
67942244 - Carriechelle
Dearest Sylvia
I came to Wimbledon for the night because (expecting to be away from town for a week) I had used up all my food before going away. My lectures consist of Hoverhill and Diss on Friday and Saturday respectively and, of course, Ipwich last Monday. Miss Chick is being a bit dotty, I think, for, as you know, she specifically said I should not return: but, reasonably enough Thoms at Cambridge had only arranged for accommodation for Monday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. So here I am back for Tuesday through Thursday.
I was expecting to lecture about Hogarth at I prived and prepared accordingly (though of course I had the slide for the atlas lecture in my bag - a bag heavy with one week's needs). It turned out - 10 minutes before the lecture that the subject was Old Martens & Modern Art. So I just had time to unpack and arrange the slides and improvise accordingly: it was not too bad, I think. An audience of 70 - mostly the local art school.
There are one or two bainboroyls in the local museum as well as a great deal of tudor and early Stuart Woodwork and mantlepieces. It is a cloth house of considerable charm. I was shown one by the curator (70 years old) with Thoms who murmered 'Amazing' and 'yes' alternating these with 'really'. Thoms has one arm, a masculine wife, is a bit queer, and loves looking up old Scottish names - or any old names.
68328341 - SailorVal
Wimbledon 10-10-51Dearest Sylvia
I came to Wimbledon for the night because (expecting to be
away from town for a week) I had used up all my
food before going away. My lectures consist of
Haverhill and Diss on Friday & Saturday respectively
and, of course, Ipswich last Monday. Miss Chick is
being a bit dotty, I think, for, as you know, she spec-
ifically said I should not return: but, reasonably
Grays Thoms at Cambridge had only arranged for ac-
commodation for Monday, Friday & Saturday evenings.
So here I am back for Tuesday through Thursday.
I was expecting to lecture about Hogarth at Ipswich
and prepared accordingly (tho' of course I had the slides
for the other lecture in my bag - a bag heavy with one
week's needs). It turned out - 10 minutes before the
lecture that the subject was Old Masters to Modern
Art. So I just had time to unpack and arrange the
slides and improvised accordingly: it was not too
bad, I think. An audience of 70 - mainly the local
art school.
There are one or 2 Gainsboroughs in the local mus-
eum as well as a great deal of Tudor & early Stuart
woodwork and mantlepieces. It is in a C16th house
of considerable charm. I was shown ones by the curat-
or (70 years old) with Thoms who murmered 'Amazing'
and 'Yes', alternating these with 'Really'. Thoms has one
arm, a masculine wife, is a bit queer, and loves look-
ing up old Scottish names - or any old names.