- Max. dissimilarity: 0.435
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.249
- Image votes: 1.0
- 66573697 - caro22
- 67501284 - Preacher357
- 68284402 - jesseytucker
- 68604904 - ALBECA
- WINNER - 68719967 - JanetCormack
- 69715237 - SusanMorley53425

66573697 - caro22
My main complaint about Kitty Clicks' middle is that it means I miss some letters from you-which is not in the lease an easy thing for me to do for I feel very rest-less and loney, being away from you so much. Do you know when you can come? I think you will need to bring some money with you for my earnings recently, none of which have yet come, are ear-marked for Mrs Marrirm.I have a cold at the moment. Nathe gave me num & milk last night and today I shall buy Quinine-Belladona. & conplor-a drareie for effective knew mode by an old alilomical lion of uonels'acquaintance. I saw a mast untenertiy advertesenant the other day, put and by a trade I too thought must be underground her days: so and so," of ALLCHEMISTS, price 60"
Now is my darling painties, my beauty, my love. Oh I hope you are well and recomiler will quiety add time: she is like "Digger" who was at whalden last night who doesn't "one up" all the 24 days leave in a year ^to which he's entitled. Doesn't know what to do with it!
Lion is going to home lunch here-go to ce vo a shide devantment-and then home, stopping on the way, to home its evening & tomorrow at home! before returing to bed what is called the "Lantern Region?
I love tou. Come soon. I love you
67501284 - Preacher357
My main complaint about Kitty Chick's muddle is that itmeans I miss some letters from you - which is not in
the least an easy think for me to do for i feel very rest-
less and lonely, being away from you so much. Do you
know when you can come? I think you will need to
bring some money with you for my earnings recents, none
of which have have yet come, are ear-marked for Mrs Marriron.
I have a cold at the moment. Mother gave me rum & milk
last night and today I shall buy Quinine - Belladonna - &
tamplor - a drastic but effective brew made by an old
alchemical lion of Lionel's acquaintance. I saw a most
interesting advertisement the other day, put out by a trade
bad thought must be underground there days: so and so, "of
How is my darling painter, by beauty, my love. Oh I hope
you are well and reconciled with guilty old Tiny: she is like
'Digger', who was at Wimbledon last night who doesn't 'use up'
all the 24 days leave in a year to which he's entitled. Doesn't know what to do
with it!
Lion is goin to have lunch here - go to the V&A slide
department - and then home, shopping on the way, to
have the evening & tomorrow at home, before returning to
what is called a 'Eastern Region'?
I love you - Come soon, I love you
68284402 - jesseytucker
MY main complaint about Kitty Qich's muddle is that itmeans I miss some letters from you--which is not in
the least an easy thing for me to do for I feel very rest-
less and lonely, being away from you so much. Do you
know when you can come? I think you will need to
bring some money with you for my earnings recents, none
of which have yet come, are ear-marked for Mars. Harrison.
I have a cold at the moment. Malta gave me rum and milk
last night and today. I shall buy Quinier Aelladam and
Taylor--a drastic at effective even made by an old
alchemical lion of Lionel's acquaintance. I vow a vast
interesting advertisement the other day, put out by a trade I
too thought must be underground there days: so and so, "of
ALLCHEMISTS, price 60."
How is my darling paints, my beauty, my love. Oh I hope
you are well and reconciled with guilty old Tiny: she is like
'Digger', who was at Wimbledon last malt who doesn't "use up'
all 24 days leave in ayear to which his started. Doesn't even what a do
will it!
Lion is going to love lunch here--go to the V&A slide
Department--and then home, shopping on the way, I
love the evening and tomorrow at home, before returning and
what is called the 'Lantern Region'.
I love you. Come soon, I love you.
68604904 - ALBECA
My main complaint about Kitty Click's muddle is that it means I miss some letters from you - which is not in the least an easy thing for me to do for I feel very restless and lonely, being away from you so much. Do you know when you can come? I think you will need to bring some money with you for my earnings recently, none of which have yet come, are ear-marked for Mrs Harrison.I have a cold at the moment. Matla gave me rum & milk last night and today I shall buy Quinine - Belladona & camphor - a drastic but effective brew made by an old alchemical lion of Lionel's acquaintance. I saw a most interesting advertisement at atle day, put out by a trade I had thought must be underground there days: so and so, "of ALLCHEMISTS, price GO."
How is my darling painter, my beauty, my love. I hope you are well and reconciled with guilty old Tiny: she is like 'Digger', who was at Wimbledon last night, who doesn't 'use up' all 24 days leave in a year to which he's entitled. Doesn't know what to do with it!
Lion is going to have lunch here - go to the VBA slide Department- and then home, stopping on the way, to have the evening & tomorrow at home, before returning to what is called the 'Eastern Region'.
I love you. Come soon. I love you
WINNER - 68719967 - JanetCormack
My main complaint about Kitty Chick's muddle is that it means I miss some letters from you - which is not in the least an easy thing for me to do for I feel very restless and lonely, being away from you so much. Do you know when you can come? I think you will need to bring some money with you for my earnings recently, none of which have yet come, are ear-marked for Mrs Harrison.I have a cold at the moment. Mother gave me rum & milk last night and today I shall buy Quinine-Belladonna & Camphor - a drastic but effective brew made by an old alchemical lion of Lionel's acquaintenance. I saw a most interesting advertisement the other day, put out by a trade I had thought must be underground theses days: so and so, "of ALCHEMISTS, price 6D".
How is my darling painter, my beauty, my love. Oh I hope you are well and reconciled with guilty old Tiny: she is like 'Digger', who was at Wimbledon last night who doesn't 'use up' all the 24 days leave in a year to which he's entitled. Doesn't know what to do with it!
Lion is going to have lunch here - go to the V & A Slide Department - and then home, shopping on the way, to have the evening and tomorrow at home, before returning to what is called the 'Eastern Region'.
I love you, Come soon, I love you
69715237 - SusanMorley53425
My main complaint about Kitty Chick's muddle is that itmeans I miss some letters from you - which is not in
the least an easy thing for me to do for I feel very rest-
less and lonely, being away from you so much. Do you
know when you can come? I think you will need to
bring some money with you for my earnings recently, none
of which have yet come, are ear-marked for Mrs Harrison.
I have a cold at the moment. Natla gave me rum & milk
last night and today I shall buy Quinine-Belladona &
Camphor - a drastic but effective brew made by an old
alchemical lion of lionel's acquaintance. I saw a most
interesting advertisement the other day, put out by a trade I
had though must be underground these days: so and so, "of
How is my darling painter, my beauty, my love. Oh I hope
you are well and reconciled with guilty old Tiny : she is like
'Digger', who was at Wimbledon last night, who doesn't 'use up'
all his 24 days leave in a year to which he's entitled. Doesn't know what to do
with it!
lion is going to have lunch here - go to the V & A slide
Department - and then home, shopping on the way, to
have the evening & tomorrow at home, before rreturning to
what is called the 'Lantern Region'.
I love you. Come soon. I love you