- Max. dissimilarity: 0.213
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.146
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67850619 - jsprake
- 67963656 - Frosty1
- 68210930 - JanetCormack
- 68267197 - tmeconverse
- 68550144 - RommelC
- WINNER - 68625530 - Sarahbt

67850619 - jsprake
Dearest Sylvia
I attempted to write a letter to you in the train yesterday but the movement
was too wild. When I reached London I phoned my parents and found that
Father was in hospital and that he is having his operation on Monday
(today). Mother was alone - so here I am, staying at Manrel? Road for
a couple of days. Last night, of course, I went to visit father intend-
ing to return home. But, if all goes well ( or there is no reason to
doubt it), I'll be home on Tuesday - I hope so for I find I am irrit-
able and anxious without news of you ( your nice long letter at
Thom's - which I got Friday - cheered me up and soothed me).
My cold is bad: not only is it , I have (imitative lion that I am)
neurolgia on the right side of my face too. Too many journeys or changes
of temperature have brought my cold back - and worse, I'm afraid. In
a way Wimbledon is good for me as there are medicines (arondynes) and rum
(in hot milk). but I want to get home once I've seen father tomorrow after the operation.
there are 2 lectures on Wednesday which I cannot shirk - N.S. at 2
and, the Banstead.
Dirs? was a successful lecture, I think, and afterwards I stayed in a large
(16th manor owned by the Rah's - the lady of whom is novelist Doreen
Wallace and a Norfolk annalist. We got on very well and she gave me
one of her books and an invitation to return in the future. She is a
jolly talkative woman in her 50s - owns most of Wartlan (the vil-
lage near Dias). But she feels a bit isolated from congenial peop-
le: everybody's got something wrong, - even when you're loaded
and own a village!
Any ideas for an Xmas short story 3000 words and 250? My parents
have found a competition to that effect and suggested I try. I though
I might go about the way Poe claims to have set to write The Raven
(I must look up his analysis - I must try to get a slightly dif-
ferent answer).
I will write again tomorrow. I love you I love you
Yawolla Hetty Lionel XXX
67963656 - Frosty1
Wimbledon [11-10-51]Dearest Sylvia
I attempted to write a letter in the train yesterday but the movement was too wild. When I reached London I phoned my parents & found that Father was in hospital and that he is having his operation on Monday (today). Mother was alone - so here I am, staying at Namel Road for a couple of days. Last night, of course, I went to visit father intending to return home. But, if all goes well (& there is no reason to doubt it), I'll be home on Tuesday - I hope so for I find I am irritable & anxious without news of you (though your nice long letter at Thom's - which I got Friday - cheered me up & soothed me).
My cold is bad : not only is it nasal , I have (irritative lion that I am) neuralgia on the right side of my face, too. Too many journeys & changes of temperature have brought my cold back - its worse, I'm afraid. In a way Wimbledon is good for me as there are medicines (anondynes) & rum (in hot milk). But I want to get home once I've seen father tomorrow after the operation. There are 2 lectures on Wednesday which I cannot shirk - N. G. at 2 , then, Banstead.
Diss was a successful lecture, I think, & afterwards I stayed in a large C16th manor owned by the Rash's - the lady of whom is novelist Doreen Wallace & a Norfolk annalist. We got on very well & she gave me one of her books & an invitation to return I the future. She is a jolly talkative woman in her 50s - owns most of Wortham (the village near Diss). But she feels a bit isolated from congenial people : everybody's got something wrong, - even when you're loaded & own a village!
Any ideas for an Xmas short story - 3000 words & lb250? My parents have found a competition to that effect & suggested I try. I thought I might go about the way Poe claims to have set to write The Raven. (I must look up his analysis - tho' I must try to get a slightly different answer).
I will write again tomorrow. I love you I love you
68210930 - JanetCormack
Wimbledon [11-10-51]Dearest Sylvia
I attempted to write a letter to you in the train yesterday but the movement was too wild. When I reached London I phoned my parents & found that Father was in hospital and that he is having the operation on Monday (today). Mother was alone - so here I am, staying at Namel Road for a couple of days. Last night, of course, I went to visit Father intending to return home. But, if all goes well (& there is no reason to doubt it). I'll be home on Tuesday - I hope so for I find I am irritable & anxious without news of you (though your nice long letters at Thomas' - which I got Friday - cheered me up & soothed me).
My cold is bad: not only is nasal, I have (imitiative lion that I am) neuralgia on the right side of my face, too. Too many journeys & changes of temperature have bought my cold back - & worse, I'm afraid. In a way Wimbledon is good for me as there are medicines (anondynes) & rum (in hot milk). But I want to get home once I've seen father tomorrow after the operation. There are 2 lectures on Wednesday which I cannot shirk - N.G. at 2 and, then, Banstead.
Diss was a successful lecture, I think, afterwards I stayed in a large C16th manor owned by the Rash's - the lady of whom is novelist Doreen Wallace & a Norfolk annalist. We got on very well & she gave me one of her books & an invitation to return in the future. She is a jolly talkative woman in her 50s - owns most of Wortham (the village near Diss). But she feels a bit isolated from congenial people: everybody's got something wrong, - even when you're loaded & own a village!
Any ideas for an Xmas short story: 3000 words & lb250? My parents have found a competion to that effect & suggested I try. I thought I might go about the way Poe claims to have set to write The Raven. (I must look up his analysis - tho' I want to get a slightly different answer).
I will write again tomorrow. I love you I love you
Yawolla Hetty Lionel X X X
68267197 - tmeconverse
Dearest Sylvia,
I attempted to write a letter to you in the train yesterday but the movement was too wild. When I reached London I phoned my parents & found that Father was in hospital and that he is having his operation on Monday (today). Mother was alone - so here I am, staying at Mamel Road for a couple of days. Last night, of course, I went to visit father intending to return home. But, if all goes well (& there is no reason to doubt it), I'll be home on Tuesday - I hope so for I find I am irritable & anxious without news of you (though your nice long letter at Thom's - which I got Friday - cheered me up & soothed me.
My cold is bad: not only is it nasal, I have (imitative lion that I am) neuralgia on the right side of my face, too. Too many journeys & changes of temperature have brought my cold back - beware, I'm afraid. In a way Wimbledon is good for me as there are medicines (anodynes) to rum (in hot milk). But I want to get home once I've seen father tomorrow after the operation. There are 2 lectures on Wednesday which I cannot shirk - N.G. at 2 and the Barnstead.
Dias was a successful lecture, I think, & afterwards I stayed in a large C16th manor owned by the Rash's - the lady of whom is novelist Doreen Wallace & a Norfolk annalist. We got on very well & she gave me one of her books & an invitation to return in the future. She is a jolly talkative woman in her 50s - owns most of Wartlan (the village near Dias). But she feels a bit isolated from congenial people: everybody's got something wrong - even when you're loaded & own a village!
My ideas for an Xmas short story: 3000 words & 250? My parents have found a competition to that effect & suggested I try. I thought I might go about the way Poe claims to have set to write The Raven. (I must look up his analysis - tho' I must try to get a slightly different answer).
I will write again tomorrow. I love I love you
68550144 - RommelC
Dearest SylviaI attmepted to write a letter to you in the train yesterday but the movement was too wild. When I reached London I phoned my parents and found that Father was in hospital and that he is having his operation on Monday (today). Mother was alone- so here I am, staying at Road for a couple of days. Last night, of course, I went to visit father intending to return home. But, if all goes well (& there is no reason to doubt it), I'll be home on Tuesday- I hope so for I find I am irritable and anxious without news of you (though your nice long letter at Thom's- which I got Friday- cheered me up and soothed me).
My cold is bad : not only is it , I have (imitation lion that I am) neuralgia on the right side of my face, too. Too many journeys and changes of temperature have brought my cold back- beware, I'm afraid. In a way Wimbledon is good for me as there are medicines (avondynes and (in hot milk.) But I want to get home once I've seen father tomorrow after the operation. There are 2 lectures on Wednesday, which I cannot shirk - N.S. at 2 and, then, Banstead.
was a successful lecture, I think, and afterwards I stayed in a large Goth manor owned by the Rask's- the lady of whom is novelist Doreen Wallace and a Norfolk annalist. We got on very well and she gave me one of her books and an invitation to return in the future. She is a jolly talkative woman in her 50s- owns most of Worthan (the village near Dias). But she feels a bit isolated from original people: everybody's got something wrong- even when you're and own a village!
My idea for a Xmas short story: 3000 words and 250 pounds? My parents have found a competition to that effect and suggested I try. I thought I might go about the way Poe claims to have set to write "The Raven". (I must look up his analysis- though I must try to get a slightly different answer.
I will write again tomorow. I love you I love you.
Yawolla Hetty Lionel xxx
WINNER - 68625530 - Sarahbt
Dearest Sylvia,
I attempted to write a letter to you in the train yesterday but the movement was too wild. When I reached London I phoned my parents & found that father was in hospital and that he is having his operation on Monday (today). Motherwas alone - so here I am, staying at Namel Road for a couple of days. Last night, of course, I went to visit father intending to return home. But, if all goes well (& there is no reason to doubt it), I'll be home on Tuesday - I hope so for I find I am irritable & anxious without news of you (though your nice long letter at Thom's - which I got Friday - cheered me up & soothed me).
My cold is bad: not only is it nasal, I have (imitative lion that I am) neuralgia on the right side of my face, too. Too many journeys & changes of temperature have brought my cold back - & worse, I'm afraid. In a way Wimbledon is good for me as there are medicines (avondynes) & rum (in hot milk). But I want to get home once I've seen father tomorrow after the operation. There are 2 lectures on Wednesday which I cannot shirk - N.G. at 2 and, then, Banstead.
Diss was a successful lecture, I think, & afterwards I stayed in a large C16th manor owned by the Rash's - the lady of whom is novelist Doreen Wallace & a Norfolk annalist. We got on very well & she gave me one of her books & an invitation to return in the future. She is a jolly talkative woman in her 50s - owns most of Wortham (the village near Diss). But she feels a bit isolated from congenial people: everybody's got something wrong, - even when you're loaded & own a village!
Any ideals for an Xmas short story: 3000 words & lb250. My parents have found a competition to that effect & suggested I try. I thought I might go about the way Poe claims to have set to write The Raven. (I must look up his analysis - tho' I must try to get a slightly different answer).
I will write again tomorrow. I love you I love you
YAWOLLA Hetty Lionel X X X