- Max. dissimilarity: 0.208
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.136
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67356204 - gailkoelker
- WINNER - 68312696 - tmeconverse
- 68551006 - RommelC
- 68589468 - Preacher357
- 69919608 - JanetCormack
- 71889164 - EricSaberhagen
- 71917149 - wrightj2h

67356204 - gailkoelker
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I have heard from the Civil Service Commissioner-I have been unsuccessful. Ronald Alley (who worked at the Tate before) has got the assist. Keepership and (who was also at the Tate before) has got the Deputy Keepership. However I console myself with the fact I did get on the short list at least. No word from Woolwich or York yet-not even acknowledgements.
Yesterday I went to Brighton where my father is recovering tho' with a number of rather neurotic delays. He (as they say) is worrying about himself. We all went to the pavillion and enjoyed that. In the afternoon we went for a walk which included the Palace Pies. 'Elevenses' and 'tea' at Zetlands-lunch & dinner at the hotel. All the meals were excellent. The hotel is Mockley's, on the front, King's street, near the West . My parents are comfortable there-do you know it?
I have not been sleeping terribly well but last night I went to bed as soon as I got in & slept from 10.30 to 10. As is so short this week I am eating breakfast in the Lewislan ABC. Soon I shall go to the library: then to Ted: then to the V and A (slides-Toulouse Lautrec) & then home again. Barnstead has asked me to go on after Xmas, by the way.
Time is slipping away and I must continue with my day's actions. I will write you again very soon, probably this afternoon. Meanwhile I just had to send my love. I love you Lawrence
WINNER - 68312696 - tmeconverse
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I have heard from the Civil Service Commissioner: I have been unsuccessful. Ronald Alley (who worked at the Tate before) has got the assist. Keepership and LeRoux Emmitt Le Rouse [that is only one man] (who was also at the Tate before) has got the Deputy Keepership. However I console myself with the fact I did get on the short list at least. No word from Woolwich or York yet - not even acknowledgements.
Yesterday I went to Brighton where my father is recovering tho' with a number of rather neurotic delays. He (as they say) is worrying about himself. We all went to the pavilion and enjoyed that. In the afternoon we went for a walk which included the Palace Pier. 'Elevenses' and 'tea' at Zetlands - lunch & dinner at the hotel. All the meals were excellent. The hotel is Mackley's, on the front, King's Street, near the West Pier. My parents are comfortable there - do you know it?
I have not been sleeping terribly well but last night I went to bed as soon as I got in & slept from 10.30 to 10. As butter is so short this week I am eating breakfast in the Lewislan ABC. Soon I shall go to the library: then to Ted: then to the V and A (slides - Toulouse Latrec) & then home again. Barnstead has asked me to go on after Xmas, by the way.
Time is slipping away and I must continue with my day's actions. I will write you again very soon, probably this afternoon. Meanwhile I just had to send my love,
I love you
68551006 - RommelC
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I have heard from the Civil Service Commissioner: I have been unsuccessful. Ronald Alley (who worked at the Tate before) has got the assist. Keepership and Le Roux Emill Le Roux (that is one man) (who was also at the Tate before) has got the Deputy Keepership, However I console myself with the fact I did get on the short list at least. No word from Woolwich in York yet- not even acknowledgements.
Yesterday I went to Brighton where my father is recovering with a number of rather neurotic delays. He (as they say) us worrying about himself. We al went to the pavillion and enjoyed that. In the afternoon we went for a walk which included the Palace Pier. and 'Tea' at Zetlands- lunch and dinner at the hotel. All the meals were excellent. The hotel is Macklay's, on the front, King's Street, near the West Pier. My parents are comfortable there- do you know it?
I have not been sleeping terribl well but last night I went to bed as son as I got in and slept from 10.30 to 10. As is so short this week I am eating breakfast in the Lewisham ABC. Soon I shall go to the library: then to Tea: then to the V and A (slides-Toulose Lautrec0 and then home again. Branstead has asked me to go on after Xmas,
Time is slipping away and I must continue with my day's actions. I will write you again very soon, probably this afternoon. Meanwhile I just to send my love.
I love you
68589468 - Preacher357
1 December 1951 Dearest SylviaI have heard from the Unit Service Commisioner: I have been unsucc-
essful. Ronald Alley (who worked at the Tate before) has got the assist-
Keepership and le Rouse Emitt le Rouse [that is only one man] (who was also at the Tate before)
has got the Deputy Keepership. However I console myself with the fact I
did get on the short list at least. No word from Woolwich or York yet -
not even acknowledgements.
Yesterday I went to Brighton where my father is recovering tho' with a
number of rather neurotive delays. He (as they say) is worrying about
himself. We all went to the Pavillion and enjoyed that. In the after-
noon we went for a walk which included the Palace Pier. ''Elevenses'
and 'Tea' at Zetlands - lunch & dinner at the hotel. All the meals
were excellent. The hotel is Mockley's, on the front, King's street, near
the West Pier. My parents are comfortable there - do you know it?
I have not been sleeping terribly well, but last night I went to bed
as soon as I got in & slept from 10:30 to 10. As is so short this week,
I am eating breakfast in the Lewislan ABC. Soon I shall to to the
library: then to Ted: then to the V and A (slides - Toulane Lautree)
& then home again. Banstead has asked me to go on after Xmas,
& the way.
Time is slipping away and I must continue with my day's actions. I
will write you again very soon, probably this afternoon. Meanwhile
I just had to send my love. I love you
69919608 - JanetCormack
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I have heard from the Civil Service Commissioner: I have been unsuccessful. Ronald Alley (who worked at the Tate before) has got the assist. Keepership and Le Roux Smith Le Roux (that is one man) (who was also at the Tate before) had got the Deputy Keepership. However I console myself with the fact I did get on the short list at least. No word from Woolwich or York yet - not even acknowledgements.
Yesterday I went to Brighton where my father is recovering tho' with a number of rather neurotic delays. He (as they say) is worrying about himself. We all went to the Pavilion and enjoyed that. In the afternoon we went for a walk which included the Palace Pies, 'Elevenses' and 'Tea' at Zetlands - lunch & dinner at the hotel. All the meals were excellent. The Hotel is Hockley's on the front, King's Street, near the West Pier. My parents are comfortable there - do you know it?
I have not been sleeping terribly well but last night I went to bed as soon as I got in & slept from 10.30 to 10. As butter is so short this week I am eating breakfast in the Lewisham ABC. Soon I shall go to the library: then to Ted: then to the V and A (slides - Toulouse- Lautrec) & then home again. Banstead has asked me to go on after Xmas, by the way.
Time is slipping away and I must continue with my day'd actions. I will write you again very soon, probably this afternoon. Meanwhile I just had to send my love
I love you
71889164 - EricSaberhagen
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I have heard from the Civil Service Commissioner: I have been unsucc-
essful. Ronald Allen (who worked at the Tate before) has got the assist-
Keepership and Le Roux Emilil le Rouse [that is only one man] (who was also at the Tate before)
has got the Deputy Keepership. However I console myself with the fact I
did get on the short list at least. No word from Woolwiel on York yet-
not even acknowledgements.
Yesterday I went to Brighton where my father is recovering the ' with a
number of rather neurotic delays. He (as they say) is worrying about
himself. We all went to the pavillion and enjoyed that. In the after-
noon we went for a walk which included the Palace Pies, 'Elevenses'
and 'Tea' at Zetlands - lunch & dinner at the hotel. All the meals
were excellent. The hotel is Mockley's, on the front, King's Street, near
the West Pier. My parents are comfortable there - do you know it?
I have not been sleeping terribly well but last night I went to bed
as soon as I got in & slept from 10.30 to 10. As butter is so short this week
I am eating breakfast in the Lewiston ABC. Soon I shall go to the
library: then to Ted: then to the V and A (slides - Toulouse Lautrec)
& then home again. Barstead has asked me to go on after Xmas,
by the way.
Time is slipping away and I must continue with my day's actions. I
will write you again very soon, probably this afternoon. Meanwhile
I just had to send my love.
I love you
71917149 - wrightj2h
(December 1951)Dearest Sylvia
I have heard from the Civil Service Commission - I have been unsuccessful. Ronald Alley (who worked at the Tate before) has got the Assist-Keepership and Le Roux Emill Le Roux (that is only one name)(who was also at the Tate before) has got the Deputy Keepership. However I comfort yself with the fact I did get on the short list at least. No word from Woolwich or York yet not even aknowledgements.
Yesterday I went to Brighton where my father is recovering tho' after a number of rather neurotic delays. He (as they say) is worrying about himslf. We all went to the pavilion and enjoyed that. In the afternoon we went for a walk which included the Palace Pde. 'Elevenses' and 'Tea' at Zetlands - lunch & dinner at the hotel. All the meals were excellent. The hotel is Mockleys, on the front, King's Street, near the West Pde. My parents are comfortable there - do you know it?
I have not been sleeping terribly well but last night I went to bed as soon as I got in and slept from 10.30 to 10. As butter is so short this week I am eating breakfast in the Lewisham A.B.C. Soon I shall go to the library; then to Ted; then to the V and A (slides - Toulouse Lautrec) and then home again. Barnstead has asked me to go on after Xmas, by the way.
Time is slipping away and I must continue with my day's activities. I will write you again very soon, probably this afternoon. Meanwhile I just had to send my love.
I love you