- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.656
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66810878 - jsprake
- 66839382 - Graceling1
- WINNER - 67998806 - Pushdos
- 68166865 - Berhel
- 68245578 - Preacher357
- 68391549 - lefleur

66810878 - jsprake
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I am just having tea before returning home. One of the things
I have intended to tell you in general letters but keep forgetting
is something Madeleine told me. It appears that Uhlman is sueing
Rayner-Banlam & Art News for the review of his new fhow that
appeared in the last issue. Banlan (whom Richard Conroy des-
cribbed as "an elephant on skates") doubted Uhlman's sincerity &
stated that Freddie motive from other people. I have
not heard if it is to be settled out of court, nor for how much.
The Renaissance & 1750-1820 England galleries and the new galleries
devoted to 'painted procellain" are really superb. The richness
& resource of the collection really astonishes me. You must see
them when you come next in London. After I had made out my
lantern slide list I had a look round. Especially memorable
to me personally was a giant Chinese wallpaper from Moon Park.
I see from the newspapers this is to be a black X'mas. I am
glad to hear it. White X'mas's have a double drawback. When
the snow melts it is nasty underfoot & the white market is, of
course, ridiculously inadequate.
Your illuminated poem is always in my hands, darling .
I love you so much, & long to be with you. I am happy you
are & feel lovingly to me for I adore you.
I am reading 3 Pirandelle plays & 8 Stridley Plays
66839382 - Graceling1
WINNER - 67998806 - Pushdos
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I am just having tea before returning home. One of the things I have intended to tell you in several letters but keep forgetting is something Madeleine told me. It appears that Uhlwan is sueing Raynes-Barlam & Art News for the review of his show that appeared in the last issue. Barlam (whom Richard Conroy describes as 'an elephant on skates!) doubted Uhlwan's sincerity & stated that Freddie 'eytal' motive from other people. I have not heard if it is to be settled out of court, for for how much. The Renaissance & 1750-1820 English galleries and the new galleries devoted to 'painted porcellain' are really superb. The ridness & resource of the collection really astonishes me. You must see them when you come next in London. After I had made out my lantern slide list I had a look round. Especially memorable to me personally was a giant Chinese wallpaper from Noor Park.
I see from the newspapers this is to be a black X'mas. I am glad to hear it. White X'mas's have a double drawback. When the snow melts it is nasty underfoot & the white market is, of course, ridiculously inadequate.
Your illuminated poem is always in my hands, darling poet. I love you so much, & long to be with you. I am happy you are painting & feel lovingly disposed to me for I adore you
P.S. I am reading 3 Pirandello plays & Strindberg plays.
68166865 - Berhel
1 December 1951Dearest Sylvia
I am just having tea before returning home. One of the things I have intended to tell you in several letters but keep forgetting is something Madeleine told me. It appears that Uhlwan is suing Raynes - Banham & Art News for the review of his show that appeared in the last issue. Banham (whom Richard Lanroy described as 'an elephant on skates') doubted Uhlwan's 'sincerity' and stated that Freddie '' motive from other people. I have not heard if it is to be settled out of court, nor for how much.
The Renaissance 1750-1820 English galleries and the new galleries devoted to 'painter parcellain' are really superb. The and resource of the collection really astonish me. You must see them when you come next to London. After I had made out my lantern slide list I had a look round. Especially memorable to me personally was a giant Chinese wallpaper from Moor Park.
I see from the newspapers this is to be a black Xmas. I am glad to hear it. White Xmas's have a double drawbacks. When the snow melts it is nasty underfoot and the white market is, of course, ridiculously inadequate.
Your illumiater poem is always in my hands, darling poet. I love you so much, and long to be with you. I am happy you are painting and feel lovingly to me for I adore you
P.S. I am reading 3 plays and 8 Stundley plays.
68245578 - Preacher357
1 December 1951 Dearest SylviaI am just having tea before returning home. One of the things
I have intended to tell you in several letters but keep forgettting
is something Madeleine told me. It appears that Uhlwan is suing Rayner - Banlam & Art News for the review of his new show that
appeared in the last issue. Banlan (whom Richard Conray des-
cribed as ' an elephant on skates') doubted Uhlman's sincerity &
stated that Freddie 'lytal' motive from other people. I have
not heard if it is to be settled out of court, nor for how much.
The Renaissance & 1750-1820 England galleries and the new galleries
denoted to 'painted porcellain' are realy superb. The ridness
& resource of the collection really astonishes me. You must see
then when you come next in London. After I had made out my
lantern slide list I had a look around. Especially memorable
to me personally was a giant chinese wallpaper from Moor Park.
I see from the newspaper: this is to be a black X'mas. I am
glad to hear it. While X'mas's have a double drawback. When
the snow melts it is nasty underfoot & the white market is, of
course, inadequate.
Your illuminated poem is always in my hands, darling poet.
I love you so much, & long to be with you. I am happy you
are painting & feel lovings to me for I adore you
P.S. I am reading 3 plays & 8 plays.
68391549 - lefleur