- Max. dissimilarity: 0.192
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.137
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66690914 - Kimnj
- 67286394 - ethomson
- WINNER - 67563441 - nhsia
- 67763524 - dixiechicken
- 68302523 - tmeconverse
- 68357210 - jesseytucker

66690914 - Kimnj
are applying. He really isn't realuse to you now for lectures are
not the answer to your financial
Have you seen gainsborough?
Sent the poem to Sir Osbert, Inquired
about Placing Articles - like the
"phallasy of Height" of the Author.
Sent in your film book to Hodders?
Hon did your party go with
Please get my paintings as soon as
possible for it is ridiculous waste
of money - I think we really should
have had the sense to look at the
form - anyway two shillings can
be much more amusingly spent
than at Bowlets. Will you please
get my broach please.
Have you heard anything from Leeds?
My Celtens will become unwelcome
at this note - but I really feel
extremely anxious - you are nearly
25 - and have very little known
about you - When is your "present fame"
67286394 - ethomson
are applying. He really isn't muchuse to you now for lectures are
not the answer to your financial
Have you seen Gainsborough?
Sent the poem to Sir Osbert, Inquired
about Placing Articles - like the
"phallacy of Height" of the Author.
Sent in your film book to Hodders?
How did your poetry go with
Please get my painting as soon as
possible for it is ridiculous waste
of money - I think we really should
have had the sense to look at the
form - anyway five shillings can
be much more amusingly spent
than at Bourlets. Will you please
get my brooch please.
Have you heard anything from Leeds?
My letters will become unwelcome
at this rate - but I really feel
extremely anxious - You are nearly
25 - and have very little known
about you. When is your "present Lame"
WINNER - 67563441 - nhsia
are applying. He really isn't muchuse to you now for lectures are
not the answer to your financial
Have you seen Gainsborough?
Sent the poem to Sir Osbert, Inquired
about Placing Articles -- like the
"phallasy of Height" of the Author.
Sent in your film book to Hodders?
How did your party go with
Please get my paintings as soon as
possible for it is ridiculous waste
of money -- I think we really should
have had the sense to look at the
form - anyway five shillings can
be much more amusingly spent
than at Bowlets. Will you please
get my broach please.
Have you heard anything from Leeds?
My Celtens will become unwelcome
at this rate - but I really feel
extremely anxious -- you are nearly
25 -- and have very little known
about you. When is your "present fame"
67763524 - dixiechicken
are applying. He really isn't much use to you now for lectures are not the answer to your financial problem.Have you seen Gainsborough? Sent the poem to Sir Osbert, inquired about Placing Articles - like the 'Phallasy of Height' of the Author. Sent D your film book to Hodders? How did your party go with Parsons?
Please get my painting as soon as possible for it is a ridiculous waste of money - I think we really should have had the sense to look at the form - anyway 5 shillings can be more amusing spent than at Bowlets. Will you please get my broach please.
Have you heard anything more from Leeds ? My letters will become unwelcome at this rate - but I really feel extremely anxious - you are nearly 25 - and have very little known about you. When is your 'present fame'
68302523 - tmeconverse
are applying. The reality isn't much more to you now for lectures are not the answer to your financial problem.Have you seen Gainsborough? Sent the poem to Sir Osbert, Inquired about placing Articles - like the 'Phallasy of Height' of the Author? Sent in your film book to Hodder? How did your party go with Parsons?
Please get my paintings as soon as possible for it is ridiculous waste of money. I think we really should have had the sense to look at the form - anyway five shillings can be much more amusingly spent than at Bourlets. Will you please get my broach please.
Have you heard anything from Leeds? My letters will become unwelcome at this rate - but I really feel extremely anxious. You are nearly 25 - and have very little known about you. When is your "present fame"
68357210 - jesseytucker
are applying. He really isn't muchuse to you now for lectures are
not the answer to your financial
Have you seen Gainsborough?
Sent the poem to Sir Osbert, inquired
about Placiy Arteles--like the
"Phallasy of Height" of the Author.
Sent D your film book to Hodders?
How did your party go with
Please get my paintings as soon as
possible for it is ridiculous waste
of money. I think we really should
have had the sense to look at the
form. Anyway five shillings can
be much more amusing in spent
than at Bowlets. Will you please
get my broach please.
Have you heard anythhing from Leeds?
My Celtens will become unwelcome
at this note--but I really feel
extremely anxious. You are nearly
25--and have very little known
about you. When is your "present fame"