- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.412
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66579494 - evanstonsherry
- 66790205 - SailorVal
- 66934146 - JLeBihan
- 67032209 - tinkapuppy
- 67304092 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 67434171 - ethomson

66579494 - evanstonsherry
Dearest Lawrence,
We were all devastated by your
Bonningham news - for we felt if
you were not chosen it is difficult
indeed to get a job! Anyway at
least you were on the short list.
Leeds would seem your "cup of tea"
but I suppose hundreds of people
will be after that. I am glad you
have applied to the N. A. and will
apply for the Tate - (which) - the
later, would suit you very well I
should think - I wonder if Reyner -
Banham will be after it (he doesn't
appear to have a Christian name!) I
notice in Art News that he is lectur-
ing at the Tate this week on the
Pre-Raphealites and Alfred Stevens -
(in reverse order). Have you seen
Gainsborough - R.-B. seems to get
an awful lot of work for Art News
he seem to have a feature every week.
I am so glad that you are
66790205 - SailorVal
66934146 - JLeBihan
Pett 31.8.51Dearest Lawrence,
We were all devastated by your
Birmingham news - for we felt if
you were not chosen it is difficult
indeed to get a job! Any way at
Leeds would seem your "cup of tea"
but I suppose hundreds of people
will be after that. I am glad you
have applied to the N.G. and will
apply for the Tate - (which) - the
latter, would suit you very well I
should think. I wonder if Roger
Banham will be after it (he doesn't
appear to have a christian name!) I
notice in Art News that he is lectur-
ing at the Tate this week on the
Pre-Raphaelites and Alfred Stevens -
(in reverse order). Have you seen
Gainsborough - R.-B. seems to get
an awful lot of work for Art News
he seems to have a feature every week.
I am so glad that you are
67032209 - tinkapuppy
Pett 31.8.51Dearest Lawrence,
We were all devastated by our
Birmingham news, for we felt if
you were not chosen it is difficult
indeed to get a job! Anyway at
least you were on the short list.
Leeds would seem your "cup of tea"
but I suppose hundred of people
will be after that. I am glad you
apply for the N.G. and will
apply for the Tate, (which), the
latter, would suit you very well I
should think. I wonder if Reyner,
Bonham will be after it (he doesn't
appear to have a Christian name!) I
notice in Art News that he is lectur-
ing at the Tate this week on the
Pre-Raphaelites and Alfred Stevens -
(in reverse order). Have you seen
Gainsborough. R.-B. seems to get
an awful lot of work for Art News
he seems to have a feature every week.
I am so glad that you are
67304092 - Preacher357
31-8-51 Pett Dearest Lawrence,We were all devastated by your
new - for we felt if
you are not chosen it is difficult
indeed to get a job! Anyway as
least you were on the short list.
Leeds would seem you "cup of tea"
but I suppose hundreds of people
will be after that. I am glad you
have applied to the N.G. and will
apply for the Tate - (which) - the
later, would suit you very well I
should think - I wonder if Reyner,
Banham will be after it (he doesn't
appear to have a Christian name!) I
notice in Art News that he is lectur-
ing at the Tate this week on the
Pre-Raphealites and Alfred Stevous -
(in reverse order). Have you seen
Gainsborough - R.-B. seems to get
an awful lot of work for Art News
he seems to have a feature every week.
I am so glad that you are
WINNER - 67434171 - ethomson
Pett 31.8.51Dearest Lawrence,
We were all devastated by your
Birmingham news - for we felt if
you were not chosen it is difficult
indeed to get a job! Anyway at
least you were on the short list.
Leeds would seem your "cup of tea"
but I suppose hundreds of people
will be after that. I am glad you
have applied to the N.G. and will
apply for the Tate - (which) - the
latter, would suit you very well I
should think. I wonder if Reyner-
Banham will be after it (he doesn't
appear to have a Christian name!) I
notice in Art News that he is lectur-
ing at the Tate this week on the
Pre-Raphaelites and Alfred Stevens -
(in reverse order). Have you seen
Gainsborough - R.-B. seems to get
an awful lot of work for Art News
he seems to have a feature every week.
I am so glad that you are