- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.416
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66590437 - gailkoelker
- 67093595 - not-logged-in-91ae48aaa5b43ee47301
- 67391589 - Ellurya
- WINNER - 67745825 - mikethebike2
- 68298186 - Preacher357
- 68334116 - jesseytucker

66590437 - gailkoelker
2 writing poems again-a good sign. I think you might send the short poems you sent in the competition to Sir Osbert too-"Figure-Heads" and the of the Vase". Yesterday evening after finishing the ironing-it was only just dry enough! I tried again at making a box hedge the the heart garden from cuttings-it was a lovely evening followed by a thunder storm with extraordinary blue lightening at dusk. It deluged this morning but is fine now with a high wind. This morning I made a sketch of Mary Jane for my designs with a basket on her head, and started a water-colour portrait on the rather blotting-paper-like block. I think it is going nicely she is reclining on the sopha. They think her mother may live a normal life for 6 months with67093595 - not-logged-in-91ae48aaa5b43ee47301
writing poems again - a good signI think you might send the short
poems you send in the compet.
This to Sir Osbent too - "Figure-Heads"
and "The of the vase"
Yesterday evening after finishing the
it was only just dry en-
ough! I tried again at making
a box hedge for the front-garden
from cuttings - it was a lovely evening
followed by a thunder storm with ex-
traordinary blue lightening at dusk.
I deluge this morning but is fine
now with high wind.
This morning I made a sketch of
Mary-Jane for my designs
with a basket on her head, and
started a water-colour portrait
on the rather blotting-paper-like
block - I think it is going nicely
she is reclining on the sopha.
They think her mother may live
a normal life for 6 months with
67391589 - Ellurya
WINNER - 67745825 - mikethebike2
2 writing poems again, a good sign I think you might send the short poems you sent in the competition to Sir Osbert too, "Figure Heads ' and "The Counter of the Vase" Yesterday evening after finishing the ironing, it was only just dry enough! I tried again at Making a box hedge for the front garden from cuttings, it was a lovely evening followed by a thunder storm with extraordinary blue lightening at dusk. It deluged this morning but is fine now with a high wind. This morning I made a sketch of Mary Jane for my newrab designs with a basket on her head, and started a water colour portrait on the rather blotting paper like block. I think it is going nicely she is reclining on the sopha. They think her mother may live a normal life for 6 months with68298186 - Preacher357
2 writing poems again - a good signI think you might send the short
poems you sent in the compet-
tion to Sir Osbert too - Figure-Heads
and "the Canter of the Vase"
Yesterday evening after finishing the
ironing - it was only just dry en-
ough! I tried again at making
a box hedge for the front - garden -
from cuttings - it was a lovely evening
followed by a thunder storm with ex-
traordinary blue lighening at dusk.
It deluged this morning but is fine
now with a high wind.
This morning I made a sketch of
Mary - Jane for my designs
with a basket on her head; and
started a water-colour portrait
on the rather blotting-paper - like
block - I think it is going nicely
she is reclining on the sopha.
They think her mother may like
a normal life for 6 months with
68334116 - jesseytucker
2 writing poems again--a good signI think you might send the short
poems you sent in the compet-
ition to Sier Osbert too--"Figure-Head
and "The Center of the Vase"
Yesterday evening after finishing the
ironing--it was only just dry en-
ough! I tried again at making
a box hedge for the front garden
from cuttings--it was a lovely evening
followed by a thunder storm with ex-
traordinary blue lightening at dusk.
It deluged this morning but is fine
now with a high wind.
This morning I made a sketch of
Mary Jane for my nerab deigns
with a basket on her head; and
started a water-colour portrait
on the rather blotting paper like
block. I think it is going nicely
she is reclining on the sofa.
They think her mother may like
a normal life or 6 months with