- Max. dissimilarity: 0.25
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.117
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67001501 - nzanga
- WINNER - 67167612 - ethomson
- 67455097 - Molly_Carr
- 68332552 - Preacher357
- 68340525 - tmeconverse
- 68422884 - Berhel

67001501 - nzanga
2. I hope this is useful but not irritating. Tiny thought very highly of it otherwise.The weather is dank and hot a very nasty combination and everything is damp and clammy.
We are all very sorry to hear about Sis Osbert - and hope he will soon be well again - are there any copies of "Athene" to be had at 'Black Eyes and Lemonade' i hope so. Have you been yet? I expect Sir O. would still like to read poems even if he is not well!
Oh Lion! don't worry I shall soon come. Tell Hetty I'm longing to paint her again - she too shall a place in my mural!
Desiree was not able to come - but she will when she can.
The weather has been too bad for me to start a Landscape. Yesterday I went to tea with
WINNER - 67167612 - ethomson
2 I hope this is useful but notirritating. Tiny thought very highly
of it otherwise.
The weather is dank and hot
a very nasty combination and every
thing is damp and clammy.
We are all very sorry to hear
about Sir Osbert - and hope he will
soon be well again - are there
any copies of "Athene" to be had
at "Black Eyes and Lemonade" I
hope so. Have you been yet?
I expect Sir O. would still like
to read poems even if he is not
Oh Lion! don't worry I shall
soon come. Tell Hetty I'm longing
to paint her again - she too shall
have a place in my mural!
Desiree was not able to come -
but she will when she can.
The weather has been too bad
for me to start a Landscape.
Yesterday I went to tea with
67455097 - Molly_Carr
2 I hope this is useful but not isitating. Luis thought very lightly of it otherwise.The weather is dark and hot a very nasty combintion and every thing s damp and clamy.
We are all very sorry to hear about sis Osbest - and hope he will be well again - are there any copies of "Athene" to be had at 'Black eyes and Lemonade'. I hope so. Have you been you? I expect sis O. would still like to read poems even if he is not well!
Oh Lion! don't worry I shall soon come. Tell Hetty I'm longing to paint her again - she too shall have a plae in my musal!
Desirre was not able to come - but she will when she can.
The weather has been to bad for me to start a Landscape. Yesterday I went to Lea with
68332552 - Preacher357
2 I hope this is useful but notirritating. Tiny thought very lightly
of it other wise.
The weather is dark and hot
a very nasty combination and every
thing is damp and clamy.
We are all very sorry to hear
about Sir Osbert - Are there
any copies of "Athene" to be had
at "Black Eyes and Lemonade", I
hope so. Have you been yet?
I expect Sir O. would still like
to read poems even if he is not
Oh Lion! don't worry I shall
soon come. Tell Hetty I'm longing
to paint her again - she too shall
have a place in my mural!
Desiree was not able to come -
but she will when she can.
The weather has been too bad
for me to start a Landscape.
Yesterday I went to tea with
68340525 - tmeconverse
2I hope this is useful but not irritating. Tiny thought very highly of it otherwise.
The weather is dank and hot a very nasty combination and every thing is damp and clammy.
We are all very sorry to hear about Sir Osbert - and hope he will soon be well again. Are there any copies of "Athene" to be had at 'Black Eyes and Lemonade" I hope so. Have you been yet? I expect Sir O. would still like to read poems even if he is not well!
Oh Lion! don't worry I shall soon come. Tell Hetty I'm longing to paint her again - she too shall have a place in my mural! Desiree was not able to come - but she will when she can.
The weather has been too bad for me to start a Landscape. Yesterday I went to tea with
68422884 - Berhel
2I hope this is useful but not irritating. Tiny thought very highly of it otherwise.
The weather is dank and hot a very nasty combination and everything is damp and clammy.
We are all very sorry to hear about Sir Ogbert - and hope he will soon be well again - are there any copies of "Athene" to be had at "Black Eyes and Lemonade" I hope so. Have you been yet? I expect Sir O. would still like to read poems even if he is not well!
Oh Lion! don't worry I shall soon come. Tell Hetty I'm longing to paint her again - she too shall have a place in my mural!
Desiree was not able to come - but she will when she can.
The weather has been too bad for me to start a Landscape.
Yesterday I went to tea with