- Max. dissimilarity: 0.115
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.074
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66620480 - Preacher357
- 68004889 - evanstonsherry
- WINNER - 68070257 - tmeconverse
- 68435088 - jesseytucker
- 68597782 - xuelee
- 68737851 - ALBECA

66620480 - Preacher357
2 try again - I have tried to getstrong frames as requested.
Thank you again for the cheque -
how sweet of you - I fear it
is a sacrifice on your part?
I think I shall not buy the
cosmetics till I go into town,
but I think I may buy myself
a little purse here as I need one badly.
Clifford read to us your
article last night and we
all enjoyed it very much
and thought it extreemly good.
I shall read it again - when
I went to bed I reread all
your dear letters. I hope you
will forgive me for writing rather
scrappily but I have had
rather a rush around.
I adore Lionel's card! and
I'm glad that you like his
picture. The poem on the back
has a little the imagery of
the delightful and subtle
68004889 - evanstonsherry
2 try again - I have tried to getstrong frames as requested.
Thank you again for the cheque -
how sweet of you - I fear it
is a sacrifice on your part?
I think I shall not buy the cosmetics
till I go to town,
but I think I ay buy myself
a little purse here as I need
one badly.
Clifford read to us your
article last night and we
all enjoyed it very much
and thought it extremely good.
I shall read it again - when
I went to bed I reread all
your dear letters. I hope you
will forgive me for writing rather
scrappily but I have had
rather a rush round.
I adore Lionel's card! and
I'm glad that you like his
picture. The poemon the back
has a little imagery of
the delightful and subtle
WINNER - 68070257 - tmeconverse
2try again. I have tried to get strong frames as requested.
Thank you again for the cheque - how sweet of you. I fear it is a sacrifice on your part? I think I shall not buy the cosmetics till I go to town, but I think I may buy myself a little purse here as I need one badly.
Clifford read to us your article last night and we all enjoyed it very much and thought it extremely good. I shall read it again - when I went to bed I reread all your dear letters. I hope you will forgive me for writing rather scrappily but I have had rather a rush round.
I adore Lionel's card! and I'm glad that you like his picture. The poem on the back has a little the imagery of the delightful and subtle
68435088 - jesseytucker
2 try again. I have tried to getstrong frames as requested.
Thank you again for the cheque--
how sweet of you. I fear it
is a sacrifice on your part?
I think I shall not buy the
cosmetics til I go to town,
but I think I may buy myself
a little purse here as I need
one badly.
Clifford read to us your
article last night and we
all enjoyed it very much
and thought it extremely good.
I shall read it again when
I went to bed I reread all
your dear letters. I hope you
wlll forgive me for writing rather
scrappily but I have had
rather a rush round.
I adore Lionel's card I and
I'm glad that you like his
picture. The poem on the back
has a little the imagery of
the delightful and subtle
68597782 - xuelee
2. Try again - I have tried to get strong frames as requested.Thank you again for the cheque - how sweet of you - I fear it is a sacrifice on your part? I think I shall not buy the cosmetics till I go to town, but I think I my buy myself a little purse here as I need one badly.
Clifford read to us your article last night and we all enjoyed it very muchnand thought it extremly good. I shall read it again - when I went to bed I reread all your dear letters. I hope you will forgive me for writing rather scrappily but I have had rather a rush round.
I adore Lionel's card! and I'm glad that you like this picture. The poem on the back has a little the imagery of the delightful and subtle
68737851 - ALBECA
2try again - I have tried to get strong frames as requested.
Thank you again for the cheque- how sweet of you - I fear it is a sacrifice on your part? I think I shall not try the cosmetics till I go to town but I think I may buy myself a little purse here as I need one badly.
Clifford read to us your article last night and we all enjoyed it very much and thought it extremely good. I shall read it again - when I went to bed I reread all your letters. I hope you will forgive me for writing rather scrappily but I have had rather a rush round.
I adore Monel's card! and I'm glad that you like his pictures. The poem on the back has a little the imagery of the delightful and subtle