- Max. dissimilarity: 0.273
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.205
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66551364 - xuelee
- 66856416 - Berhel
- 66987790 - southsidesunny
- 67321749 - NVarellas
- WINNER - 67469150 - SailorVal
- 68169203 - not-logged-in-f75cca1c538dfbd7d272

66551364 - xuelee
3Poem of my sleeping in Rome and the ble plot - I like very much the ghost story and the one night from December 31 - You are a most brilliant poet - and I wish you would realize this, my Apollo. By the way I'm sure you noticed the sinificance of the landscape - did you see the two types of building they are somewhat hidden?
You seem to have done quite well for presents -Timy + Clifford give me notepaper + chocolates (E. Shro) Michael a pretty Victorian oach, the mountains a large jar of preserved Ginger the Philis ! Chrystalized fruit mixed a coxino in a case and some milk chocolate. Aunt Margaret a flower Book Rudecy 7/6. P.O not back.
66856416 - Berhel
3poem of my Sleeping in Rome and the double plots - I like very much the ghost story and 'One Night from December's 31 - you are a most brilliant poet - and I wish you would realise this, my Apollo. By the way I'm sure you noticed the significance of the landscape - did you see the two types of building they are somewhat hidden.
You seem to have done quite well for presents - Tiny and Clifford give me notepaper and chocolates (E. ) Michael a pretty Victorian broach, the a large jar of preserved Ginger, the Philips! chrystalized fruit, Muriel a comb in a case and some milk chocolate, Aunt Margaret a Flower Book, Audrey 7/6. P.O. not bad.
66987790 - southsidesunny
3 poem of my Sleeping in Romeand the double plot -- I like
very much the ghost story and
the 'One Night from Decembiel
31-- You are a most brilliaant
poet - and I wish you would
realize this, my Apollo, for
the way I'm sure you noticed
the significance of the landscape
-- did you see the two types of
building they are somewhat hidden?
You seem to have done quite
well for presents-- Tiny & Clifford
gave me notepaper & chocolates
(E. Sharo) Michael a pretty
Victorian brooch, the Mountars
a large jar of preserved ginger
The Phillips! chrystalized fruit
Muriel a comb in a case and
some milk chocolate, Aunt
Margaret a Flower Book
Audely 7/6. P.O. not bael
67321749 - NVarellas
3 poem of my Sleeping in Rome and the doible plots. I like very much the ghost story and the 'One Night from December's 31'. You are a most brilliant poet - and I wish you would realize this, my Apollo. By the way I'm sure you noticed the significance of the landscape - did you see the two types of buildings they are somewhat hidden?You seem to have done quite well for presents. Tiny & Clifford give me notepaper & chocolates (El Sharo) Michael a pretty Victorian broach, the Mountans a large jar of preserved ginger The Phillips! Chrystalized fruit Muriel a cofino in a case and some milk chocolate. Aunt Margaret a Flower Book Audrey 7/6. P.O. not bad.
WINNER - 67469150 - SailorVal
3 poem of my Sleeping in Romeand the double plot - I like
very much the ghost story and
the 'One Night from December's
31. You are a most brilliant
poet - and I wish you would
realize this, my Apollo. By
the way I'm sure you noticed
the significance of the landscape
- did you see the two types of
building they are somewhat hidden?
You seem to have done quite
well for presents. Tiny & Clifford
gave me notepaper& chocolates
(E. Shaw) Michael a pretty
Victorian brooch, the Mountans
a large jar of preserved Ginger
The Phillips! chrystalized fruit
Muriel a cofino in a case and
some milk chocolate, Aunt Margaret a flower book
Audrey 7/6 P.O. not bad.
68169203 - not-logged-in-f75cca1c538dfbd7d272
3 poem of my sleeping in Romeand the plot. I like
very much the ghost story and
the one Night from December's
31. You are a most brilliant
poet, and I wish you would
realize this, my Apollo
the way I'm sure you noticed
the significance of the landscape
--did you see the two types of
building they are somewhat hidden?
You seem to have done quite
well for presents--Tim and Clifford
give me the notepaper and chocolates
(E. Sharo) Michael a pretty
Victorian broach, the mountains
a large jar of preserved ginger
The Phillips! Crystallized fruit
a comb in a case and
some milk chocolate. Aunt
Margaret a flower book
Audrey 7/6 PO. not bad.