- Max. dissimilarity: 0.24
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.158
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68740879 - Crazycatz935
- 69926027 - Channy58
- WINNER - 70159745 - pogostickies
- 70896572 - Salwell
- 71111199 - gailkoelker
- 71693431 - tmeconverse

68740879 - Crazycatz935
In T6 Train 7 Feb 1952Dearest Sylvia
I just had time to look in on Pane (between S Paveran 8
uniroad SC. As I suspected he has not yet written to you
but he is about to. Even so, I may be first with the news.
He is very excited at the news of your joint exhibition but
there are two possible obstacles. One is the money= he is not sure of raising 30, being very doubtful of his battle in
this case. The other difficulty is that he may (repeat MAY) get a
designing job which would not leave him much time for painting
and he has not enough good-enough words at the moment. Despite
these promises he is very interested indeed & the job he has in
mind will be settled, one way or the other, early next week.
He has had a very lean time for the last month or so- with
painting but designing- after being short of money. He even tho-
ught of going back to S. Africa for a time (food & sunshine).
He & I are going to have lunch at Wimbledon on Sunday & we shall
talk it over in more detail. If possible he will go - he wants
to if he can. He adores the oil you gave him more & more he has
drawn a frame for Kissing on the wall around your watercolor.
I only saw Pane for a few minutes so we could not talk
matters over property. More of the quality of work are the
worries. He was doubtful about putting automatic works in
69926027 - Channy58
In the train 7 Feb, 1952Dearest Sylvia
I just had time to look in on Paul (between S Pancras & Liverpool St.). As I suspected he has not yet written to you but he is about to. Even so, I may be first with the news. He is very excited at the news of your joint exhibition but there are two possible obstacles. One is the money += he is not sure of raising lb30, being very doubtful of his father in this case. The other difficulty is that he may (repeat may) get a designing job which would not leave him much time for painting and he has not enough good -enough work at the moment. these promises he is very interested indeed & the job he has in mind will be settled, one way or the other, early next wee.
He has a very lean time for the last months or so - not painting but designing - often being short of money. He even thought of going back to S. Africa for a time (food & sunshine). He is I one going to have lunch at Wimbledon on Sunday & we shall talk it over in more detail. If possible he will show - he wants to if he can. He adores the oil you gave him more so kissing on the wall around your watercolour.
I only saw Paul for a few minutes so we could not talk matters over properly, money & the quality of work arethe worries. He was doubtful about putting automatic works in.
WINNER - 70159745 - pogostickies
In the train 7 Feb. 1952Dearest Sylvia
I just had time to look in on Paul (between S Pancras
Liverpool St.). As I suspected he has not yet written to you
but he is about to. Even so, I may be first with the news.
He is very excited at the news of your joint exhibition but
there are two possible obstacles. One is the money: he is not
sure of raising 30, being very doubtful of his father in
this case. The other difficulty is that he may (repeat MAY) get a
designing job which would not leave him much time for painting
and he has not enough good-enough work at the moment. Despite
the promises he is very interested indeed & the job he has in
mind will be settled, one way or the other, early next week.
He has had a very lean time for the last month or so - not
painting but designing - often being short of money. He even tho-
ught of going back to S. Africa for a time (food & susnhine).
He & I are going to have lunch at Wimbledon on Sunday & we shall
talk it over in detail. If possible he will show - he want
to if he can. He adores the oil you gave him more & more & has
drawn a frame for Kissing on the wall around your watercolor.
I only saw Paul for a few minutes so we could not talk
matters over properly. Money & the quantity of work are the
worries. He was doubtful about putting automatic works in
70896572 - Salwell
In the train 7 Feb, 1952Dearest Sylvia
I just had time to look in on Paul (between S Pancras &
Liverpool St.) As I suspected he has not yet written to you
but he is about to. Even so, I may be the first with the newa.
He is very excited at the news of your joint exhibition but
there are two possible obstacles.
One is the money - he is not
sure of raising 30, being very doubtful of his father in
this case. The other difficulty is that he may (repeat may) get a
designing job which would not leave him much time for painting
and he has not enough good - goings works at the moment. Despite
these provisos he is very interested indeed & the job he has in
mind will he settle, one way or the other, early next week.
He has has a very lean time for the last month or so - not
painting but derigning - often being short of money. He even tho-
ught of going back to S. Africa for a time (food & sunshine).
He and I are going to have lunch at Wimbledon on Sunday & we shall
talk it over in more detail. If possible he will show - he wants
to if he can. He adores the oil you gave him more & more & has
drawn a frame for Kissing on the wall around your watercolour.
I only saw Paul for a few minutes so we could not talk
matters over properly. money & the quality of work are the
worries. He was doubtful about putting alternative works in
71111199 - gailkoelker
In the Train 7 Feb. 1952Dearest Sylvia
I just had time to look in on Paul (between S Pancras & Vineyard St.). As I suspected he has not yet written to you but he is about to. Even so, I may be first with the news. He is very excited at the news of your joint exhibition but there are two possible obstacles. One is the money-he is not sure of raising 30, being very doubtful of his father in this case. The other difficulty is that he may (repeat MAY) get a designing job which would not leave him much time for painting and he has not enough good-enough work at the moment. Despite these provisions he is very interested indeed & the job he has in mind will be settled, one way or the other, early next week.
He has had a very lean time for the last month or so-not painting but designing-after being short of money. He even thought of going back to S. Africa for a time (food & sunshine). He & I are going to have lunch at Wimbledon on Sunday & we shall talk it over in more detail. If possible he will -he wants to if he can. He adores the oil you gave him more & more & has drawn a frame for Kissing on the walls around your watercolor. I only saw Paul for a few minutes so we could not talk matters over properly. Money & the quantity of work are the worries. He was doubtful about putting automatic works in
71693431 - tmeconverse
In The Train 7 Feb. 1952Dearest Sylvia
I just had time to look in on Paul (between S. Pancras
& Liverpool St). As I suspected he has not yet written to you
but he is about to. Even so, I may be first with the news.
He is very excited at the news of your joint exhibition but
there are two possible obstacles. One is the money: he is not
sure of raising 30, being very doubtful of his father in
this case. The other difficulty is that he may (repeat MAY) get a
designing job which would not leave him much time for painting
and he has not enough good-enough work at the moment. Despite
these porvisos he is very interested indeed & (the job he has in
mind will be settled, one way or the other, early next week.
He has had a very lean time for the last month of so -
not painting but designing - after being short of money. He even tho-
ought of going back to S. Africa for a time (food & sunshine).
He and I are going to have lunch at Wimbledon on Sunday & we shall
talk it over in more detail. If possible he will show - he wants
to if he can. He adores the oil you gave him more & more & has
drawn a frame for Kissing on the wall around your watercolor.
I only saw Paul for a few minutes so we could not talk
matters over properly. Money & the quantity of work are the
worries. He was doubtful about putting automatic works in