- Max. dissimilarity: 0.284
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.207
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68804348 - jesseytucker
- 68951942 - altheist
- 71276950 - wrightj2h
- 71691302 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72313058 - racjohn
- 72769557 - not-logged-in-41b8e2b6825dc10c3016

68804348 - jesseytucker
but I said that I thought he should. Carefully selected oneswould I think govenise with your works very well.
The day is dull, now. The early sum is grey viled..
I seem always to be in trains or strange beds. Stuffy
non-smoking components on cold bedrooms. I long to
be home again. Even more I long to be with you there.
Forgive my letters being to school--lion isnt in ap-
pearance but I have no paper materials with me.
I feel like one theme in Intolerance. I am incomplete
with the other thre--yourself. I wonder how your paint-
ing is going. I keep wondering but have no means of
drawing exactly (despite many guesses). I desire most
of all news of you yet there is only the urban or suburban
landscape to which I am confined. Or for the splen-
dors of Babylon to complete this present.
Sylvia I love you, I love you
68951942 - altheist
but I said that I thought he should. Carefully selected one would I think harmonise with your works very well.Today is duller now. The early sun is greyly veiled. I seem always to be in trains or strange beds. Stuffy non-smoking/ apartments or cold bedrooms. I long to be home again. Even more I long to be with you there.
Forgive my letter being so school-lion-ish in appearance but I have no proper materials with me.
I feel like one theme in Intolerance. I am incomplete with the other there - yourself. I wonder how your painting is going. I keep wondering but have no means of knowing exactly (despite many guesses). I desire most of all news of you yet there is only the urban or suburban landscapes to which I am confined. Or for splendors of Babylon to complete this present.
Sylvia I love you, I love you,
Dandy of Sparcras
71276950 - wrightj2h
but I said that I thought he should. Carefully selected and would I think harmonise with your work very well.The day is duller now. The early sun is greyly veiled. I seem always to be in trains or strange beds. Stuffy non-smoking compartments or cold bedrooms. I log to be home again. Even more I long to be with you there.
Forgive my letters being so school lion-ist in appearance but I have no proper materials with me.
I feel like one theme is intolerance. I am incomplete with out the other theme - yourself. I wonder how your painting is going. I keep wondering but have no means of knowing exactly (despite many guesses). I desire most of all news of you yet there is only the urban or suburban landscape to which I am confined. Offer the splendours of Ralylon to complete this present.
Sylvia I love you I love you
(Then a pencil sketch, possibly church interior.)
71691302 - Preacher357
but I said that I thought he should. Carefully selected overwould I think with your very well.
The day is duller now. The early sun is greyly veiled.
I seem always to be in trains or strange beds. Stuffy
man smoking compartments or cold bed rooms. I long to
be home again. Even more I long to be with you there.
Forgive my letters being so school-lion-ish in ap-
pearance but I have no proper materials with me.
I feel like one theme in Intolerance. I am incomplete
with the other theme - yourself. I wonder how your paint-
ing is going. I keep wondering but have no means of
knowing exactly (despite many guerres). I desire most
of all news of you yet there is only the urban or suburban
landscape to which I am confined. Or for th spen-
dours of Babylon to complete this precent.
Sylvia I love you, I love you
Dandy at
WINNER - 72313058 - racjohn
but I said that I thought he should. Carefully selected onewould I think harmonise with your works very well.
The day is duller now. The early sun is grayly veiled.
I seem always to be in trains or strange beds. Stuffy
non-smoking compartments or cold bedrooms. I long to
be home again. Even more I long to be with you there.
Forgive my letters being so school-lion-ish in ap-
pearance but I have no proper materials with me.
I feel like one theme in Intolerance. I am incomplete
with the other theme - yourself. I wonder how your paint-
ing is going. I keep wondering but have no means of
knowing exactly (despite my guesses). I desire most
of all news of you uet there is only the urban or suburban
landscape to which I am confined . Oh for the splen-
dours of Babylon to complete this present.
Sylvia I love you,
Love you
Dandy at St Pancras
72769557 - not-logged-in-41b8e2b6825dc10c3016
but I said that I thought he should. Carefully selected oneswould I think harmonise with your works very well.
The day is duller now. The early sun is greyly .
I seem always to be in trains on strange beds. Stuffy
non-smoking \ compartments or cold bed rooms. I long to
be home again. Even more I long to be with you there.
Forgive my letters being so school-lion-ish in ap-
pearance but I have no proper materials with me.
I feel like one theme in Intolerance. I am incomplete
with the other theme - yourself. I wonder how your paint-
ing is going. I keep wondering but have no means of
knowing exact;u (despite many guesses). I desire most
of all news of you yet there is only the urban or suburban
landscape to which I am confined. Oh for the splen-
dours of Babylon to complete this present.
Sylvia I love you, I love you