- Max. dissimilarity: 0.414
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.29
- Image votes: 0.33
- 68816131 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 69334996 - JanetCormack
- 70242952 - hoskinml
- 71662241 - krp242
- 72666118 - k8mielke
- 72809384 - RedShoeShuffle
- 72882314 - wrightj2h

68816131 - Preacher357
I still have a little work to do on it.Thank goodness for the Architectural Review!
for I have very few slides indeed.
LATER Your Suggestion Time of Appointment
Reg Christies 10:30 Any TIme
3983 Leicester 11:00
W H I 3374
Leger 11:30 Ring or leave pictures
R E S 2679
Chare 12:00
W E S 4299 or 2:30
Christies will see your Young Man at
any time. Mr Leger's movements are vague
but you could leave the picture
or, perhaps, ring up again on Monday
morning. Sorry it is not more settled.
Both the Leicerts & Kensington
Gals have been engaged for the
part 25 minutes so I will ring
a little later & let you know
what I can arrange.
I love you
WINNER - 69334996 - JanetCormack
I still have a little work to do on it.Thank goodness for the Architectural Review! for I have very few slides indeed.
LATER your suggestion Time of Appointment
Christies REG3983 10.30 Any time
Leicester WHI3374 11.00
Leger REG2679 11.30 Ring or leave picture
Chase WES 429912.00 or 2.30
Christies will see your Young Man at any time. Mr Leger's movements are vague but you could leave the picture, or, perhaps, ring up again on Monday morning, sorry it is not more settled.
Both the Leicester & Kensington Galleries have been engaged for the past 25 minutes so I will ring a little later & let you know what I can arrange.
I love you
70242952 - hoskinml
I still have a little work to do on it. Thank goodness for the Architectural Review! for I have very few slides indeed.LATER Your suggestion Time of Appointment REG 3983 Christies 10.30 Any Time Leicester WHI 3374 11.00 Leger RES 2679 11.30 Ring of leave pictures Chase WES 4299 12.00 or 2.30
Christies will see your Young Mozart anytime. Mr. Leger's movements are vague but you could leave the pictures or, perhaps, ring up again on Monday morning. Sorry it is not more settled.
Both the Leicester & Kensington gals have been engaged for the past 25 minutes so I will ring a little later & let you know what I can arrange.
I love you
71662241 - krp242
I still have a little work to do on it.Thank goodness for the Architectural Review!
for I have very few slides indeed.
LATER your suggestions Time of Appointement
Christian 10.30 Any Time
Leicester 11.00
Lager 11.30 Rign or leave pictures
Chase 12.00
or 2.30
Christian will see your young man at
any time. hrleger's movements are vague
but you could leave the picture
or, perhaps, ring up again on Monday
morning, sorry it is not more settled.
Both the leicerts & Kensington
gals have been engaged for the
past 25 minutes so I will ring
a little later & let you know
what I can arrage.
I love you
REG 3983
WHI 3374
RES 2679
WEST 4299
72666118 - k8mielke
I still have a little work to do on it. Thank goodness for the Architecture Review! for I have very few slides indeed.Christies will see your Young Man at any time. Leger's movements are vague but you could blame the picture or, perhaps, ring up again on Monday morning, sorry it is not more settled.
Both the Leicents & IT ensuing the gals have been engaged for the past 25 minutes so I will ring a little later & let you know what I can arrange.
I love you
72809384 - RedShoeShuffle
I still have a little work to do on it.Thank goodness for the Architectural Review!
for I have very few slides indeed.
LATER your suggestion Time of Appointment
Christies 10.30 Any Time
REG 3983
Leicester 11.00
WHI 3374
Leger 11.30 Ring or leave pictures
REG 2679
Chase 12.00 or 2.30
WES 4299
Christies will see your Young Man at
any time, Mr Leger's movements are vague
but you could leave the pictures
or, perhaps, ring up again on Monday
morning, sorry it is not more settled.
Both the Leicester & Kensington
Lab have been engaged for the
last 25 minutes so I will ring
a little later & let you know
what I can arrange.
I love you
72882314 - wrightj2h
I still have a little work to do on it. Thank goodness for the Architectural Review! For I have very few slides indeed.LATER
(chart drawn)
(REG3983) Christies - Your Suggestion - 10.30
Time of Appointment - Any Time
(WHL3374) Leicester - Your Suggestion - 11.00
Time of Appointment - Blank
(REG2679) Leger - Your Suggestion - 11.30
Time of Appointment - Ring or leave picture
(WES4299) Chase - Your Suggestion - 12.00 or 2.30
Time of Appointment - Blank
Christies will see your Young Man at any time. Mr Leger's movements are vague but you could leave the picture or, perhaps, ring up again on Monday morning, sorry it is not more settled.
Bath Leicester & Kensington Galls have been engaged for the past 25 minutes so I will ring a little later & let you know what I can arrange.
I love you