- Max. dissimilarity: 0.294
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.152
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69332920 - JanetCormack
- 69412419 - jesseytucker
- 70989474 - Zooniverse2017
- 71579598 - Preacher357
- 71580757 - the3esses
- WINNER - 72042592 - ethomson

69332920 - JanetCormack
ThursdayMy dearest Sylvia
The Leicester Gallery expects you 1.030ish (the time you suggested) & Chase, during the morning, somewhat before 12.30 which (as I work it out) will be just nice time.
Tomorrow I shall stay at home & do the dusting to receive you on Saturday. I stayed at Wimbledon after Banstead and am now - 4.30 - on the way home (perhaps to a letter from you).
I'm dying to see you again. You shall love breakfast in bed ALL day Sunday at least - waited on by Hetty, read to by Lionel, cuddled by Dandy - while Y will burst in every now & again with a grubby snowball, only to be intercepted by Dandy. I love you
69412419 - jesseytucker
ThursdayMy dearest Sylvia,
The leicerts gallery expects you
10.30is (the time you suggested)
& close, during the morning, some-
what before 12.30 which (as I
work it out) will be just nice time.
Tomorrow I shall stay at home &
do the dusting to receive you on
Saturday. I stayed at Wimbledon after
Banstead and am now--4.30 on
the way home (perhaps to a letter from
I am dying to see you again. You
shall love breakfast in hes ALL
day Sunday at least--waited on
& Hetty, read the by Lionel, need-
dled by Dandy--infile Y will hurst
in every row & again with a grubby snow
ball, and the intercepted & Dandy. I love you.
70989474 - Zooniverse2017
ThursdayMy dearest Sylvia
The Leicester gallery expects you
10.30ish (the time you suggested)
at Clace, during the warming, some-
what before 12.30 which (as I
work it out) will be just nice time.
Tomorrow I shall stay at home &
do the dusting to receive you on
Saturday. I stayed at Wimbledon after
Barnstead and am now - 4.30 - on
the way home (perhaps to a letter from
I am dying to see you again. You
shall love breakfast in bed ALL
day Sunday at least - waited on
S Melts, read to by Lionel, cud-
dled by Dandy - until Y will burst
in every row & again with a gruhs snow
ball, only to be intercepted by Dandy. I love you
71579598 - Preacher357
Thursday My dearest SylviaThe Leicester Gallery expects you
10:30ish (The time you suggested)
& Close, during the morning, some-
what before 12:30 which (as I
work it out) will be just nice time.
Tomorrow I shall stay at home &
do the dusting to receive you on
Saturday. I stayed at Wimbledon after
Banstead and am now - 4:30 - on
the way home (perhaps to a letter from
I am dying to see you again. You
shall have breakfast in bed ALL
day Sunday at least - waited on
by Hetty, read to by Lionel, cud-
dled by Dandy - while I will burst
in every now & again with a grubly snow
ball, only to be intercepted by Dandy. I love you
71580757 - the3esses
ThursdayMy Dearest Sylvia
The Leicester Gallery expects you 10.30ish (the time you suggested) & Chase, during the morning, somewhat before 12.30 which (as I work it out) will be just nice time.
Tomorrow I shall stay at home & do the dusting to receive you on Saturday. I stayed at Wimbledon after Banstead and am now - 4.30 - on the way home (perhaps to a letter from you).
I am dying to see you again. You shall have breakfast in bed ALL day Sunday at least - waited on by Hetty, read to by Lionel, cuddled by Dandy - while Y will burst in every now & again with a grubby snowball, only to be intercepted by Dandy.
I love you
WINNER - 72042592 - ethomson
ThursdayMy dearest Sylvia
The Leicester Gallery expects you
10.30ish (the time you suggested)
& close, during the morning, some-
what before 12.30 which (as I
work it out) will be just nice time.
Tomorrow I shall stay at home &
do the dusting to receive you on
Saturday. I stayed at Wimbledon after
Banstead and am now - 4.30 - on
the way home (perhaps to a letter from
I am dying to see you again. You
shall have breakfast in bed ALL
day Sunday at least - waited on
by Hetty, read to by Lionel, cud-
dled by Dandy - while Y will burst
in every now & again with a grubby snow
ball, only to be intercepted by Dandy. I love you