- Max. dissimilarity: 0.211
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.155
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68944454 - xuelee
- 69001028 - altheist
- WINNER - 70239898 - hoskinml
- 71014733 - RommelC
- 71027993 - glt
- 71649221 - Zooniverse2017

68944454 - xuelee
Post Office: Cowes. Regent SC.19 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
It is 10 to 5. I suppose your bus is just about in Hastings the perhaps not yet at the Depot. I envisage your profile reflected on the window in contrast in the wintery resort on the other side of the glass: promenade, heads, sea, dark sky.
My lecture went very nicely: 30 or so people with stools whereas a short time ago the numbers were very low, as xou know. I used your petrol-on-wet-roads patina of tip: how evocat-ive & appropriate! After I have posted this I shall go to the R.A. and as I look at the pictures I shall think of our delightful visit together. You will be able to come back soon & I hopeyou will come with me again.
You made your lion so happy. Though I am so sad you have gone I still feel the glow of your presence: as La Mart said to Orph'ee, enbrac-ing him in the slodes - 'you still have the warmth of the world above you'. So, though lovely, I feel you with me. I hope you feel so too. Remember our disdussions and do not worry unduly.
I adore you. I love you
69001028 - altheist
Post Office: lower Regent St.19 II 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
It is 10 to 5. I suppose your bus is just about in Hastings tho perhaps not yet at the Depot. I ennisoge your profile reflected on the window in contrast in the wintry resort on the other side of the glass: prommrode, heads, sea, dark sky.
My lecture went very nicely: 30 or so people with stools inlerces a short time ago the numbers were very low, as you know. I used your petrol-on-wet-roads patina of sap: row evocative & appropriate! After I have posted this I shall go to the R.A. and as I look at the pictures I shall think of our delightful visit together. You will be able to come back soon & I hope yo will come with me again.
You made your lion so happy. Though I am so sad you have gone I still feel the glow of your presence: as La Mart said to Orplil, embracing him in the shade - "You still have the warmth of the world about you! So, though lonely, I feel you with me. I hope you feel so too. Remember our discussions and do not worry unduly.
I adore you - I love you,
WINNER - 70239898 - hoskinml
Post Office: Lower Regent SC.19 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
IC is 10 to 5. I suppose your bus is just about in Hastings tho perhaps not yet at the Depot. I envisage your profile reflected on the window in contrast to the wintry resort on the other side of the glass: promenade, heads, sea, dark sky.
My lecture went very nicely: 30 or so people with stools whereas a short time ago the numbers were very low, as you know. I used your petrol-on-wet-roads patina of vip: how evocat-ive & appropriate! After I have posted this I shall go to the R. A. and as I look at the pictures I shall think of our delightful visit together. You will be able to come back soon & I hope you will come with me again.
You made your lion so happy. Though I am so sad you have gone I still feel the glow of your presence: as La Mort said to Orphee, embrac-ing him in the shades - 'You still have the warmth of the world about you'. So, though lonely, I feel you with me. I hope you feel so too. Remember our discussions and do not worry unduly.
I adore you. I love you
71014733 - RommelC
Post office: Lower Regent St.19.11.1952
Dearest Sylvia
It is 10 to 5. I suppose your bus is just about in Hastings though perhaps not yet at the Depot. I envisage your profile reflected on the window in contrast to the wintry resort on the other side of the glass: promenade, beach, sea, dark sky.
My lecture went very nicely: 30 or so people with stools whereas a short time ago the numbers were very low, as you know. I used your petrol-on-wet-roads patina of Art: how evocative and appropriate! After I have posted this I shall go to the R.A. and as I look at the pictures I shall think of our delightful visit together. You will be able to come back soon and I hope you will come with me again.
You made your lion so happy. Though I am so sad you have gone I still feel the glow of your presence: as La Mart said to Orphee, embracing him in the shades- "You still have the warmth of the world about you." So, though lonely, I feel you with me. I hope you feel so too. Remember our discussions and do not worry unduly.
I adore you.
I love you
71027993 - glt
Post Office: Lower Regent St.19 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
It is 10 t0 5. I suppose your bus is just about in Hastings tho perhaps not yet at the Depot. I envisage your profile reflected on the window in contrast to the wintry resort on the other side of the glass: promenade, beach, sea, dark sky.
My lecture went very nicely: 30 or so people with stools whereas a short time ago the numbers were very low, as you know. I used your petrol-on-wet-roads patina of sip: how evocative appropriate! After I have posted this I shall go the the R.A. and as I look at the pictures I shall think of our delightful visit together. You will be able to come back soon I hope you will come with me again.
You made your lion so happy. Though I am so sad you have gone I still feel the glow of your preserve: as la Mort said to Orphee embracing him in the shade - 'You still have the warmth of the world about you'. So, though lonely, I feel you with me. I hope you feel so too. Remember our discussions and do not worry unduly.
I adore you.
I love you
71649221 - Zooniverse2017
Post Office: Lower Regent SC19 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
It is 10 to 5. I suppose your bus is just about
in Hastings tho' perhaps not yet at the Depot. I
envisage your profile reflected on the window
in contrast to the wintry resort on the other side
of the glass: promenade, roads, sea, dark sky.
My lecture went very nicely: 30 or so people
with stand audiences a short time ago the members
were very low, as you know. I used your
petal-on-wet-roads patina of nip: how evocat-
ive & appropriate! After I have posted this I
shall go to the R.A. and as I look at the picture I
shall think of our delightful visit together. You will
be able to come back soon & I hope you will come
with me again.
You made your lion so happy. Though I am so
sad you have gone I still feel the glow of gown
preserve: as La Mart said to Orplie, embrac-
ing him in the slods - "You still have the warmth of the world about you". So, though lonely, I feel you
with me. I hope you feel so too. Remember
our discussion and do not worry unduly.
I adore you. I love you