- Max. dissimilarity: 0.391
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.197
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68628705 - tmeconverse
- 68670197 - SuperbiaIra
- 68894268 - crisanbug
- WINNER - 69104199 - JanetCormack
- 69825680 - pogostickies
- 69917218 - Judyteen

68628705 - tmeconverse
-2-Here is a poem dealing with the various ways in which a character may be presented directly, 3rd person, through other people's eyes, &c. It was suggested by an observation in Claude Edmonde-Magny's article on The Devil In Contemporary Literature: of Edmond Teste; we catch a glimpse only of him through his wife, his friend, in his log book'.
Scarred by glass or winter,
The soft boy near the icon,
Burrowed by names like water by bubbles:
He is, via image, one.
Well, it was midnight. June.
I came in. I didn't have to knock.
He was stretched on the bed,
Unshaven, window open, reading -
The lamp jumping with creatures.
68670197 - SuperbiaIra
Here is a poem with the variousways in which a may be presented.
directly, 3rd person, through other peoples'
eyes, 8c IC was suggested by an obser-
vation in Claude Emone-Magny's article on The Devil In Ceontemporary
ditine: of Edmond Terle, 'we catch a glimpse
only of him thorough his wife, his guard, or
his log book'.
Scarred by glass or winter,
The soft log near the icon,
burrowed by names like water by bubbles
He is, via image, one.
Well, it was midnight. June.
I came in. I didn't have to knock.
He was stretched in the bed,
, window open, reading -
The lamp jumping with weakness
68894268 - crisanbug
Here is a poem dealing with a various ways in which a character may be presented directly, 3rd person, through other peoples eyes, bc. it was suggested by an observation in Claude Edmonde-Moany's article on The Denial in contemporary international of Edmond Teste; we catch a only of him through his wife, his friend, or his logScarred by glass or winter,
The soft boy near the icon,
by names like water by bubbles:
He is, image, one.
Well, it was midnight. June.
I came in. I didn't have to knock.
He was stretched on the bed,
, window open, reading -
The lamp jumping with creatures.
WINNER - 69104199 - JanetCormack
- 2-Here is a poem dealing with the various ways in which a character may be presented directly, 3rd person, through other people's eyes, &C. It was suggested by an observeration in Claude Edmonde-Magny's article on The Devil in Contemporary Literature: of Edmund Teste, 'we catch a glimpse only of him through his wife, his friend, or his logbook'.
Scarred by glass or winter,
The soft log near the icon,
Burrowed by names like water by bubbles:
He is, via image, one.
Well, it was midnight, June.
I came in. I didn't have to knock.
He was stretched on the bed.
Unshaven, window open, reading -
The lamp jumping with creatures.
69825680 - pogostickies
-2-Here is a poem dealing with the various
ways in which a character may be presented
directly, 3rd person, through other people's
eyes, 8c. It was suggested by an observation in Claude Edmonde-Magny's article on The Devil In Contemporary Literature:
of Edmond Teste, 'we catch a glimpse
only of him through his wife, his friend, or his log book'.
Scarred by glass or winter,
The softboy near the icon,
Burrowed by names like water by bubbles:
He is, via image, one.
Well, it was midnight, June.
I came in. I didn't have to knock.
He was stretched on the bed,
Unshaven, window open, reading -
The lamp jumping with creatures.
69917218 - Judyteen
Here is a poem dealing with the various ways in which a character may be presented, directly, 3rd person, through other people's eyes. 8C. 1C was suggested by an observation in Claude Edmond- Mogny's article on The Devil in Contemporary Literature: of Edmond Teste, 'we catch a glimpse only of him through his wife, his friend, or his log book.'Scarred by glass or winter
The softlog near the icon,
Burrowed by names like water by bubbles:
He is, via image, one.
Well, it was midnight. June.
I came in. I didn't have to knock.
He was stretched on the bed,
Unshaven, window open, reading-
The lamp jumping with creatures.