- Max. dissimilarity: 0.226
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.145
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69109245 - JanetCormack
- 70760618 - Chris5420
- 71171375 - Strathdon
- WINNER - 71710954 - wrightj2h
- 71852431 - ChaoticK
- 72990961 - mdlincoln

69109245 - JanetCormack
-3-Paged by divided characters
Ongrowing, watered by time:
Did he turn the book
Or remember writing it?
A few lines in his hand:
'Do cages island me or do I evide them?'
The W.E.A. visitor last night suggests that I write to Harold Sherman at London University and try and get an Appreciation of Art Class on a University basis (more money). So I shall follow that up, of course.
I have another idea for a film chapter: Unanimism and the American Mob - or some such title - comparing Jules Romains' panoramas of collective activity with U.S. race films in which the community is the 'hero'. Unanimism is the name of Romains' now rather unfashionable theories. Munch's Workers Going Home is parallel, in ways with his concerns - & Eisenstein's revolutionary films, also. It's all new & shapeless at the moment but I am hopeful. It will relate with Key to the City.
70760618 - Chris5420
Pages by divided characters -3-Ongrowing, watered by time:
Did he turn the book
Or remember writing it?
A few lines in his hand:
'Do cages island me or do I circle them?'
The W.E.A. visitor last night suggests that
I write to Harold Sherman at London University and try and get an Appreciation of Art class on a university basis (more money). So I shall follow that up, of course.
I have another idea for a film chapter: Unanimism and the American Mob - or some such title - comparing Jules Romains' pano-ramas of collective activity with U.S. race films in which the community is the 'hero'. Unanimism is the name of Romains' now rather fashionable theories. Munch's Workers going home is parallel, in some ways, with his concerns - & Gisensteins' revolutionary films, also. It's all new & shapeless at the moment but I am hope-ful. IC will relate with Key to the City
71171375 - Strathdon
Paged by divided charactersOn growing,watered by time:
Did he turn the book
Or remember writing it?
A few lines in his hand:
'Do cages island me or do I circle them?'
The W.E.A. visitor last night suggests that I write to Harold Stevenson at London University and try and get an Appreciation of Art class on a University bases (more money). So I shall follow that up, of course.
I have another idea for a film chapter: Unanimism and the American Mob - or some such title - comparing Jules Romains' panoramas of collective activity with U.S. race films in which the community is the 'hero'. Unanimism is the name of Romains' new rather unfashionable theories. Munch's workers going home is parallel, in some ways, with his concerns - & Eisenstein's revolutionary films also. It's all new & shapeless at the moment but I am hope-ful. It will relate with Key to the City.
WINNER - 71710954 - wrightj2h
3.Pages by divided characters
On growing, watered by time -
Did he turn the book
Or remember writing it?
A few lines in his hand:
'Do cages island me or do I circle them?'
The W.E.A. visitor last night suggests that I write to Hanover Sherman at London University and try and get an Appreciation of Art class on a University basis (more money). So I shall follow that up, of course.
I have another idea for a film chapter: Unanimism and the American Male - or some such title - comparing Jules Romains' panoramas of collective activity with U.S. race films in which the community is the 'hero'. Unanimism is the name of Romains' new rather unfashionable theories. Munch's Workers Going Home is parallel, in some ways, with his concerns - or Eisenstein's revolutionary films, also. It's all new & shapeless at the moment but I am hopeful. It will relate with Key To The City.
71852431 - ChaoticK
-3-Paged by divided characters
Ongrowing, watered by time:
Did he turn the book
Or remember writing it?
A few lines in his hand:
'Do cages island me or do I circle them?'
The W.E.A. visitor last night suggests that I write to Harold Sherman at London University and try and get an Appreciation of that class on a University basis (more money). So I shall follow that of, up course.
I have another idea for a film chapter: Unanimism and the American Mob - or some such title - comparing Jules Rowains' pano-ramas of collective activity in the U.S. race films in which the community is the 'hero'. Unanimsm is the name of Rowains' new rather unfashionable theories. Munch's Workers Going Home is parallel, in some ways, with his concerns - or Gisensteins' revolutionary films, also. It's all new & shapeless at the moment, but I am hope-ful. it will relate with Key to the City.
72990961 - mdlincoln
Paged by divided characterson growing, watered by time:
Did he return the book
or remember writing it?
A few lines in his hand:
'Do cages island me or do I circle them?'
The W.E.A. minutes last night suggests that
I write to HHaraed Sherman at London University
and try and get an Appreciating of Art class
on a University basis (more money). So I
shall follow that up, of course.
I have eotled idea of a film chapter:
Unanimism and the American Mob - or some
such title - comparing Jules Romain's panoramas
of collective activity until U.S race
films in which the community is the 'hero'.
Unanimism is the name of Roman's new
rather unfashionable theories. Munch's
Workers Going Home is parallel, in some
ways, with his concerns - or Orenstein's
revolutionary films. Also, it's all new
& sleepless at the moment but I am hopeful.
IC will relate with Key To The City.