- Max. dissimilarity: 0.567
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.244
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68811813 - not-logged-in-c80ea6d4d202a0759827
- 69099785 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 69120724 - hoskinml
- 69459202 - JanetCormack
- 71043227 - Zooniverse2017
- 71668594 - the3esses
- 71707439 - wrightj2h

68811813 - not-logged-in-c80ea6d4d202a0759827
26 u 1932Dearest Sylvia
Here is the 100s of lions pancake competition reprinted special for you by Courtney and love of loins news and review
On the tiger is an action picture of the winning lion blow Dordy eating the delicious pancake
love you Catherine
69099785 - Preacher357
26 11 1952 Dearest SylviaHer is the 100's of lions Pancake Competition -
reprinted specially for you by courtecy & love
of lions News & Review:
On the right is an
action - picture of the
winning Lion. Below,
Dandy eating the chef's prize
I love you
WINNER - 69120724 - hoskinml
26 11 1952Dearest Sylvia
Here is the 100s of Lions Pancake Competition - reprinted specially for you by courtesy & love of Lions News & Review:
On the right is an action - picture of the winning lion. Below, Dandy eating the chef's prize pancake
I love you
69459202 - JanetCormack
26 II 1952Dearest Sylvia
Here is the 100s of lions Pancake Competition reprinted specially for you by courtesy & love of Lions News & Review:
On the right is an action-picture of the winning lion. Below Dandy eating the chef's prize pancake:
I love you
71043227 - Zooniverse2017
26 11 1952Dearest Sylvia
Here is the 100s of lions Pancake competition -
reprinted specially for you by courtesy & love
of Lion News & Review:
On the right is an
action-picture of the
winning lion. Below,
Dandy eating the def's prize
I love you
71668594 - the3esses
26.11.1952Dearest Sylvia
Here is the 100s of lions Pancake competition - reprinted specially for you by courtesy & love of lion News & Review:
On the right is an action - picture of the winning lion. Below, Dandy eating the chefs prize pancake.
Love you
71707439 - wrightj2h
26.11.1952Dearest Sylvia
Here is the 100s of Lions Pancake competition - reprinted specially for you by courtesy & Love of Lions News & Review:
(line drawing of lion chefs with frypans)
On the right is an action-picture of the winning lion. Below, Dandy eating the chef's prize pancake.
(More line drawings)
I love you