- Max. dissimilarity: 0.125
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.076
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68832102 - jesseytucker
- 70271533 - evanstonsherry
- 70750001 - Preacher357
- 70840412 - darryluk
- WINNER - 71111210 - not-logged-in-73b279f7bb997a45c58b
- 71224405 - Zooniverse2017

68832102 - jesseytucker
Blackheath27 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your regular and delightful letters. How I
do love to receive them: I read and re-read them. What good
news that your cold is quite better: be sure to look after your-
self for the weather is a bit uneven at present. Sometimes it
is fine, sometimes, like this morning, you cona't see out of the
window for fog.
I have heard from two publishers, Hart Davis and Lehmann: in
both cases it is negative. They were nice letters but at pre-
sent there is nothing doing. At the moment I am just writing
letters about ATHENE, I haven't seen anyone yet. I am sorry
not to have reported the ICA occasion toyou. Not much
seemed to happen about a projected film to make ourselves but
the talk itself, about Television and Art Programmes was very
interesting. The general feeling, shared by the speaker really,
was that art could be used to make a good TV show but that TV
could not present aesthetically works of art. AT least it has
not done so et.
I am trying to contact Paul. Yesterday I called at his
flat. I have rung the Irwing Theatre Club more than once.
I'll get him soon and I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Darling I do not think I can really tell you when you can
go to the Greenwoods. It depends on my cheques and they still
(Wednesday) have not come. I will let you know instantly they
I have no quite complete poems yet but I go half-way to meet
your welcome command for a poem by some fragments:
The plaza's in the water, one of these places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the Plaza sways
Siren of the liquid in.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delaed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars
The above is a cinematic infracted in a river (at Bedford) Below a descriptive
of the sky:
Cables scaffolds Hs Ys
Fleche tips wings the soft ends of the hearth
White liars on blue ladders grids
To martyr silence with ringing camphor
Foreign trapeze to miss the white dimple
Of the moon in the warehouse lunette
In a bathroom:
The armistice of squares
Intact until the white skein
Spills, unturked I am left:
Water gurgles remotely as if drowned.
The conclusions of the scientific lions will be published by
the Lion Institute in due course...
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I adore you
P.S. '1851'
at Banstead tonight. Yawalla is coming to see the slide
of the penknife with 80 blades, Lion in love is included
70271533 - evanstonsherry
Blackheath27 11 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your regular and delightful letters. How I
do love to receive them! I read and re-read them. What good
news that your cold is quite better: be sure to look after your-
self for the weather is a bit uneven at present. Sometimes it
is fine, sometimes, like this morning, you can't see out of the
window for fog.
I have heard from two publishers, Hart Davis and Lehmann: in
both cases it is negative. They were nice letters but at pre-
sent there is nothing doing. At the moment I am just writing
letters about ATHENE, I haven't seen anyone yet. I am sorry
not to have reported the I.C.A. occasion to you. Not much
seemed to happen about a projected film to make ourselves but
the talk itself, about Television and Art Programmes was very
interesting. The general feeling, shaped by the speaker really,
was that art could be used to make a good TV show but that TV
could not present asthetically works of art. At least it has
not done so yet.
I am trying to contact Paul. Yesterday I called at his
flat. I have rung the Irving Theatre Club more than once.
I'll get him soon and I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Darling I do not think I can really tell you when you can
go to the Greenwoods. it dependes on my cheques and they still
(Wednesday) have not come. I will let you know instantly they come.
I have no quite complete poems yet but I go hafl-way to meet
your welcome command for a poem by some fragments:
The plaza's in the water, one those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the Plaza sways
Siren of the liquid in.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars
The above is a sinous in a river (at Bedford). Where descriptions of the sky:
Cables scaffold Hs Ys
Flecks tips wings the soft ends of the hearth
White liars on blue ladders grids
To martyr silence with ringing camphor
Foreign trapeze to miss the white dimple
Of the moon in the warehouse lunette.
In a ballroom:
The armistices of squares
Intact until the white skein
Spills, unturked I am left:
Water gurgles remotely as if drowned.
The conclusions of the scientific lions will be published by
the Lion Institute in due course...
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, adore you
P.S. "1851" at Barnstead tonight. Yowalla is caring to see the slide
of the penknife with 80 blades. Lion Is Love is included
I love you
70750001 - Preacher357
27-11-1952 Blackheath Dearest Sylvia,Thank you for your regular and delightful letters. How I
do love to receive them: I read and re-read them. What good
news that your cold is quite better: be sure to look after your-
self for the weather is a bit uneven at present. Sometimes it
is fine, sometimes, like this morning, you can't see out of the
window for fog.
I have heard from two publishers. Hart Davis and Lehmann: in
both cases it is negative. They were nice letters but at pre-
sent there is nothing doing. At the moment I am just writing
letters about ATHENE, I haven't seen anyone yet. I am sorry
not to have reported the I.C.A. occasion to you. Not much
seemed to happen about a projected film to make ourselves but
the talk itself, about Television and Art Programmes was very
interesting. The general feeling, shared by the speaker really,
was that art could be used to make a good TV show but that TV
could not present asthetically works of art. At least it has
not done so yet.
I am trying to contact Paul. Yesterday I called at his
flat. I have rung the Irving Theatre Club more than once.
I'll get him soon and I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Darling I do not think I can really tell you when you can
go to the Greenwoods. It depends on my cheque and they still
(Wednesday) have not come. I will let you know the instantly they come.
I have no quite complete poems yet but I go half-way to meet
your welcome command for a poem by some fragments:
The plaza's in the water one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the Plaza aways
Siren of the liquid in.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars
The above is a cinema reflected in a river (at Bedford). Below a description
of the sky:
Cables scaffolds Hs Ys
Fleche tips wings the soft ends of the hearth
White liars on blue ladders grids
To martyr silence with ringing camphor
Foreign trapeze to miss the white dimple
Of the moon in the warehouse lunette
In a bathroom:
The armistice of squares
Intact until the white skein
Spills, unturked I am left:
Water gurgles remotely as if drowned.
The conclusions of the scientific lions will be published by
the Lion Institute in due course...
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I adore you
P.S. '1851' at Banstead tonight. Yawolla is coming to see the slide
of the penknife with 80 blades. Lion in Love is included
I love you Lawrence
70840412 - darryluk
Blackheath27 11 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your regular and delightful letters. How I do love to receive them: I read and re-read them. What good news that your cold is quite better: be sure to look after yourself for the weather is a bit uneven at present. Sometimes it is fine, sometimes, like this morning, you can't see out of the window for fog.
I have heard from two publishers, Hart Davis and Lehmann: in both cases it is negative. They were nice letters but at present there is nothing doing. At the moment I am just writing letters about ATHENE, I haven't seen anyone yet. I am sorry not to have reported the I.C.A. occasion to you. Not much seemed to happen about a projected film to make ourselves but the talk itself, about Television and Art Programmes was very interesting. The general feeling, shared by the speaker really, was that art could be used to make a good TV show but that TV could not present aesthetically works of art. At least it has not done yet.
I am trying to contact Paul. Yesterday I called him at his flat. I have rung the Irving Theatre Club more than once. I'll get him soon and I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Darling I do not think I can really tell you when you can go to the Greenwoods. It depends on my cheques and they still (Wednesday) have not come. I will let you know instantly they come.
I have no quite complete poems yet but I go half-way to meet your welcome command for a poem by some fragments:
The Plaza's in the water, one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the Plaza sways
Siren of the liquid in
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars
The above is a cinema reflected in a river (at Bedford). below a description of the sky:
Cables scaffolds Hs Ys
Fleche tips wings the soft ends of the hearth
White liars on blue ladders grids
To martyr silence with ringing camphor
Foreign trapeze to miss the white dimple
Of the moon in the warehouse lunette
In a bathroom:
The armistice of square
Intact until the white skein
Spills, unturked I am left:
Water gurgles remotely as if drowned.
The conclusions of the scientific lions will be published by the Lion Institute in due course...
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I adore you
WINNER - 71111210 - not-logged-in-73b279f7bb997a45c58b
Blackheath27 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your regular and delightful letters. How I do love to receive them: I read and re-read them. What good news that your cold is quite better: be sure to look after yourself for the weather is a bit uneven at present. Sometimes it is fine, sometimes, like this morning, you can't see out of the window for fog.
I have heard from two publishers. Hart Davis and Lehmann: in both cases it is negative. They were nice letters but at present there is nothing doing. At the moment I am just writing letters about ATHENE, I haven't seen anyone yet. I am sorry not to have reported the I.C.A. occasion to you. Not much seemed to happen about a projected film to make ourselves but the talk itself, about Television and Art Programmes was very interesting. The general feeling, shaped by the speaker really, was that art could be used to make a good TV show but that TV could not present aethetically works of art. At least it has not done so yet.
I am trying to contact Paul. Yesterday I called at his flat. I have rung the Irving Theatre Club more than once. I'll get him soon and I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Darling I do not think I can really tell you when you can go to the Greenwoods. It depends on my cheques and they still (Wednesday) have not come. I will let you know instantly they come.
I have no quite complete poems yet but I go half-way to meet your welcome command for a poem by some fragments:
The plaza's in the water, one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the Plaza sways
Siren of the liquid in,
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars
The above is a cinema reflected in a river (at Bedford). Below a description of the sky:
Cables scaffolds Hs Ys
Fleche tips wings the soft ends of the hearth
White liars on blue ladders grids
To martyr silence with ringing camphor
Foreign trapeze to miss the white dimple
Of the moon in the warehouse lunette
In a bathroom:
The armistice of squares
Intact until the white skein
Spills, unturked I am left:
Water gurgles remotely as if drowned.
The conclusions of the scientific lions will be published by the Lion Institute in due course...
Dearest Sylvia, I love you, I adore you, Lawrence
P.S. '1851' at Banstead tonight. Towalla is coming to see the slide of the penknife with 80 blades. Lion in Love is included also.
I love you, Lawrence
71224405 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath27 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your regular and delightful letters. How I
do love to receive them: I read and re-read them. What good
news that your cold is quite better: be sure to look after your-
self for the weather is a bit uneven at present. Sometimes it
is fine, sometimes, like this morning, you can't see out of the
window for fog.
I haven't heard from two publishers, Hart Davis and Lehmann: in
both cases it is negative. They were nice letters but at pre-
sent there is nothing doing. At the moment I am just writing
letters about ATHENE, I haven't seen anyone yet. I am sorry
not to have reported the I.C.A. occasion to you. Not much
seemed to happen about a projected film to make ourselves but
the talk itself, about Television and Art Programmes was very
interesting. The general feeling, shaped by the speaker really,
was that art could be used to make a good TV show but that TV
could not present aesthetically works of art. At least it has
not done so yet.
I am trying to contact Paul. Yesterday I called at his
flat. I have rung the Irving Theatre Club more than once.
I'll get him soon and I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Darling I do not think I can really tell you when you can
go to the Greenwoods. It depends on my cheques and they still
(Wednesday) have not come. I will let you know instantly they
I have no quite complete poems yet but I go half-way to meet
your welcome command for a poem by some fragments:
The plaza's in the water, one of the those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the Plaza sways
Siren of the liquid in.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars
The above is a cinema reflection in a river (at Bedford), Below a description
of the sky:
Cables scaffolds Hs Ys
Fleche tips wings the soft ends of the hearth
White liars on blue ladders grids
To martyr silence with ringing camphor
Foreign trapeze to miss the white dimple
Of the moon in the warehouse lunette
In a bathroom:
The armistice of squares
Intact until the white skein
Spills, unturked I am left:
Water gurgles remotely as if drowned.
The conclusions of the scientific lions will be published by
the Lion Institute in due course...
Dear Sylvia, I love you, I adore you
P.S. '1851' at Barnstead tonight. Yawalla is coming to see the slide
of the penknife with 80 blades. Lion In Love is included
I love you