- Max. dissimilarity: 0.221
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.118
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68669269 - JanetCormack
- 71092208 - Eboo
- 71360198 - Chris5420
- WINNER - 72293336 - racjohn
- 73889772 - Zooniverse2017
- 73891515 - darryluk

68669269 - JanetCormack
Blackheath29 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I rang up Paul yesterday and invited him to spend the night at Blackheath. He accepted, arrived at 11.00 o'clock, and is here with me now as I write. He is delighted to hear that he may yet be able to exhibit with you if circumstances get better for him. Paul sends his love to you. (As I write a dove is cooing away outside - soft and strong notes) I am excited to hear your picture is, by now, almost finished & I anticipate seeing it with great pleasure. I am looking forward to Clifford's lecture very much. You will be able to hear it I am sure. Be careful with your gardening: do not overdo it and 'regard apres votre mains', says Hetty. (That's what she says.)
I have an Arts Council lecture at Westcliff next Wednesday: Cubism at T.G. on Tuesday; Turner at T.G. tomorrow. Richard Convay by the way admired my R.B. & Del B review: apparently Smith is furious at my review & 'would like to get his hands on me', Dandy's first impulse was only to criticise small painters in future but Hetty said that I must not compromise. Lionel agreed.
Yesterday I studied the Ital. Ren. galleries at the V & A discovering many charming objects, including a pavement from the Pal. Pandolfo Pettrucci where Pinturicchio's Return of Odysses comes from. Then I went to the R.A. again to study Turne & Constable.
M has asked for my Francis Bacon literature which I am sending off to him today. He is writing an article.
Iris wants a synopsis of an article on films for Brit. & En.
Paul has just said again how pleased he is to hear that there is still a chance of his sharng the exhibition.
I must get my Turner lecture ready. My usual choice of picture will not do because some of the rooms are closed & I must make up a complete new lecture.
I love you dearest
71092208 - Eboo
Blackheath29 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I rang up Paul yesterday evening and invited him to spend a night a Blackheath. He accepted, arrived at 11.00 o clock, and is here with me now as I write. He is delighted to hear that he may yet be able to exhibit with you if circumstance get better for him. Paul sends his love to you. (As I write a dove is cooing away outside - soft and strong notes.) I am excited to hear your picture is, by now, about finished I anticipate seeing it with great pleasure. I am looking forward to Clifford's lecture nearly as much. You will be able to hear I am sure. Be careful with your gardening: do not overdo it and 'regard apres ratio mains', says Hetty. (That's what she says).
I have an Arts Council lecture at Westcliffe next Wednesday: Cuhion at T.G. on Tuesday; Turner at T.G. Tomorrow. Richard Lanroy the way admired my R.B. Del B seminar : Apparently Erwith is furious at my seminar 'would like to get his hands on me'. Dandy's first impulse was one to initiaise small painters in further but plenty said that I must not compromise. Lionel agreed.
Yesterday I studied the Ital. Ren galleries of the V A, discer-ning many charming objects, including a panement from the Pal. Pardoefo Pettrucci where Pinturicchio's Return of Odysseus comes from. Then I went to the R.A. again to study Turner Constable.
M has asked for my Francis Bacon literature which I am sending off to him today. He is writing an article.
Iris wants a synopsis of an article on films for Brit En.
Paul has just said again how pleased he is to hear that there is still a chance of his showingthe exhibition.
I must get my Turner lecture ready. My usual choice of picture will not do because some of our rooms are closed I must make up a complete new lecture.
I love you dearest
Love you
71360198 - Chris5420
Blackheath29 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I rang up Paul yesterday and invited him to spend the night at Blackheath. He accepted, arrived at 11.00 o'clock, and is here with me now as i write. He is delighted to hear that he may yet be able to exhibit with you if circumstances get better for him. Paul sends his love to you. (As I write a dove is cooing away outside - soft and strong notes.) I am excited to hear your picture is, by now, almost finished & I anticipate seeing it with great pleasure. I am looking forward to Clifford's lecture very much. You will be able to hear it I am sure. Be careful with your gardening: do not overdo it and ' regard apres votre mains.', says Hetty. (That's what she says.)
I have an Arts council lecture at Westcliff next Wednesday: Cubism at T.G. on Tuesday; Turner at T.G. tomorrow. Richard Lanvoy by the way admired my R.B. & Del B review: apparently Smith is furious at my review & 'would like to get his hands on me'. Dandy's first impulse was only to criticise small painters in future but Hetty said that I must not compromise. Lionel agreed.
Yesterday I studied the Ital. Ren. galleries at the V&A, discovering many charming objects, including a pavement from the Pal. Pandolfo Pettrucci where Pintoricchio's Return of Odysseus comes from. Then I went to the R.A. again to study Turner & Constable.
M has asked for my Francis Bacon literature which I am sending off to him today. He is writing an article.
Iris wants a synopsis of an article on films for Brit. & En.
Paul has just said again how pleased he is to hear that there is still a chance of his sharing the exhibition.
I must get my Turner lecture ready. My usual choice of picture will not do because some of the rooms are closed & I must make up a complete new lecture.
I love you dearest
love you
WINNER - 72293336 - racjohn
Blackheath29 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I rang up Paul yesterday evening and invited him to spend the night
at Blackheath. He accepted, arrived at 11.00 o'clock, and is here
with me now as I write. He is delighted to hear that he may yet be
able to exhibit with you if circumstance get better for him. Paul
sends his love to you. (As I write a dove is cooing away outside -
soft and strong notes.) I am excited to hear your picture is, by now,
almost finished & I anticipate seeing it with great pleasure. I am
looking forward to Clifford's lecture very much. You will be able to
hear it I am sure. Be careful with your gardening: do not overdo
it and 'regard apres votre mains', says Hetty. (That's what she says.)
I have an Arts Council lecture at Westcliffe next Wednesday: Cubism,
at T.G. on Tuesday; Turner at T.G. tomorrow. Richard Conroy by the
way admired my R.B. & Del B review: apparently Smith is furious
at my review & 'would like to get his hands on me'. Dandy's first
impulse was only to criticise small painters in future but Hetty said that
I must not compromise. Lionel agreed.
Yesterday I studied the Ital. Ren. galleries at the V&A, discov-
ering many charming objects, including a pavement from the Pal.
Pandolfo Pettrucci where Pinturicchio's Return of Odysseus comes
from. Then I went to the R. A. again to study Turner & Constable.
M has asked from my Francis Bacon literature which I am sending off to
him today. He is writing an article.
Iris wants s synopsis of an article on films for Brit & En.
Paul has just said again how pleased he is to hear that there
is still a chance of his sharing the exhibition.
I must get my Turner lecture ready. My usual choice
of picture will not do because some of the rooms are closed &
I must make up a complete new lecture,
I love you dearest
Love you
73889772 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath29 ii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I rang up Paul yesterday evening and invited him to spend the night
at Blackheath. He accepted, arrived at 11.00 o'clock, and is here
with me now as I write. He is delighted to hear that he may yet be
able to exhibit with you if circumstances get better for him. Paul
sends his love to you. (As I write a dove is cooing away outside -
soft and strong notes.) I am excited to hear your picture is, by now,
almost finished & I anticipate seeing it with great pleasure. I am
looking forward to Clifford's lecture very much. You will be able to
hear it I am sure. Be careful with your gardening: do not overdo
it and 'regard often nature maims', says Hetty. (That's what she says.)
I have an Arts Council lecture at Westcliff next Wednesday: Turned at T.G. tomorrow. Richard Convoy, by the
way, admired my R.B. & Del B review: apparently, Smith is furious
at my review & 'would like to get his hands on me'. Dandy's first
impulse was only to criticise small painters in Sutton but Hetty said that
D must not compromise. Lionel agreed.
Yesterday I studied the Ital. Ren. galleries of the V & A, discov-
ering many charming objects, including a pavement from the Pal.
Pandolfo Petrucci where Pintoricchio's Return of Odysseus comes
from. Then I went to the R.A. again to study Turner & Courtable.
M has asked for my Francis Bacon literature which I am sending off to
him today. He is writing an article.
Iris wants a synopsis of an article on films for Brit. & En.
Paul has just said again how pleased he is to hear that there
is still a chance of his sharing the exhibition.
I must get my Turner lecture ready. My usual choice
of picture will not do because some of the rooms are closed &
I must make up a complete new lecture.
I love you dearest
love you
73891515 - darryluk
Blackheath29 II 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I rang Paul yesterday evening and invited him to spend the night at Blackheath. He accepted, arrived at 11.00 o'clock, and is here with me now as I write. He is delighted to hear that he may yet be able to exhibit with you if circumstances get better for him. Paul sends his love to you. (As I write a dove is cooing away outside - soft and strong notes). I am excited to hear your picture is, by now, almost finished & I anticipate seeing it with great pleasure. I am looking forward to Clifford's lecture very much. You will be able to hear it I am sure. Be careful with your gardening: do not overdo it and 'regard apres votre mains' says Hetty. (That's what she says.)
I have an Arts Council lecture at Westcliffe next Wednesday:Culiggs at T.G on Tuesday; Turner at T.G. tomorrow. Richard Convoy by the way admired my R.B. & Del B review: apparently Smith is furious at my review & 'would like to get his hands on me'. Dandy's first impulse was only to criticise small painters in future but Matty said that I must not compromise. Lionel agreed.
Yesterday I studied the Ital. Ren. galleries at the V & A, discovering many charming objects, including a pavement from the Pal. Pandolfo Petrucci where Pinturicchio's Return of Odysseus comes from. The I went to the R.A again to study Turner & Constable.
M has asked for my Francis Bacon literature which I am sending off to him today. He is writing an article.
Iris wants a synopsis of an article on films for Brit. & Ev.
Paul has just said again how pleased he is to hear that there is still a chance of his sharing the exhibition.
I must get my Turner lecture ready. My usual choice of picture will not do because some of the rooms are closed & I must make up a complete new lecture.
I love you dearest
I love you