- Max. dissimilarity: 0.165
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.128
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68674212 - JanetCormack
- WINNER - 69211243 - Chris5420
- 70475274 - pogostickies
- 71223646 - ChaoticK
- 71612731 - the3esses
- 72341733 - Preacher357

68674212 - JanetCormack
Blackheath [3.3.52]Monday
My dearest Sylvia
Thank you so much for your long and delightful letter. What a good letter-writer you are - keeping your lion informed and warming him with words of love. (You will have received yesterday's letter by now: will you come on Thursday I wonder. OhI hope so.)
Sorry about my hand: Tuesday's subject is CUBISM. Not, after all, a lecture on cushions in Tate Gallery Masterpiece - or something like of the kind.
I am very interested to hear about The Street Car, though I am sorry to learn it depressed you. I hope that you are cheerful again now: after all, you've never been in New Orleans, have you. Well, then, says Hetty. The cuts you mention interest me very much. I shall read the play as you suggest before seeing the film. By the way, which depressed you - the film, or reading the play? I assume that it was the former mostly. Is that the case?
You are a fine cat: I am so happy to hear you have been wearing gloves. The lichens in the garden so seem to be a wretched nuisance!
By the way, here is a sketch of the electro-plated 'tureen' or what ever it should be properly called so that when you come here you will not be taken by surprise (you remember it was an X'mas present):
Today I am going to see Zadkine's exhibition and then go to the I.C.A. where Z. himself will talk about modern sculpture.
I am afraid that our cyclamen has not survived. Perhaps it will revive next year. I hope so.
I have just been fixing up April lectures at the T G with Miss Chamot as she is going away.
Look after yourself as I look after you in imagination.
I love you Sylvia
I love you
WINNER - 69211243 - Chris5420
My dearest Sylvis
Thank you so much for the latest of your long and delightful letters - what
a good letter-writer you are- keeping your lion informed and warming him
with words of love. (You will have received yesterday's letter by now:
will you come on Thursday I wonder, as I hope so.)
Sorry about my hand: Tuesday's subject is CUBISM. Next, after all, a
lecture on cubism in Tate Gallery Masterpieces - or something of the kind.
I am very interested to hear about The Street Car, though I am sorry to
learn it depressed you. I hope that you are cheerful again now: after
all, you've never been in New Orleans, have you. Well, then, says
Hetty. The cuts you mention interest me very much. I shall read
the play as you suggest before seeing the film. By the way, which
depressed you - the film, or reading the play. I assume that it
was the former mostly. Is that the case?
You are a fine cat: I am so happy to hear you have been wearing
gloves. The chickens in the garden do seem to be a wretched nuisance!
By the way here is a sketch of the electro-plated 'tureen' or
what ever it should be properly called so that when you come here
you will not be taken by surprise (you remember it was an X'mas
Today I am going to see Zadkine's exhibition and then go to
the I.C.A. where Z. himself will talk about modern sculpture.
I am afraid that our cyclamen has not survived. Perhaps it
will revive next year. I hope so.
I have just been fixing up April lectures at the T G with Miss Clamot as she is going away.
Look after yourself as I look after you in imagination.
I love you Sylvia
love you
70475274 - pogostickies
My dearest Sylvia
Thank you so much for the latest of your long and delightful letters. What
a good letter-writer you are - keeping your lion informed and warming him
with words of love. (You will have received yesterday's letter by now:
will you come on Thursday I wonder. as I hope so.)
Sorry about my hand: Tuesday's subject is CUBISM. Not, after all, a
lecture on cushions in Tate Gallery Masterpiece - or something of the kind.
I am very interested to hear about The Street Car. Though I am sorry to
learn it depressed you. I hope that you are cheerful again now: after
all, you've never been in New Orleans, have you. Well, then, say's
Meth. The cut you mention interest me very much. I shall read
the play as you suggest before seeing the film. By the way, which
depressed you - the film, or reading the play. I assume that it
was the former mostly. Is that the case?
You are a fine cat: I am so happy to hear you have been wearing
gloves. The chickens in the garden do seem to be a wretched nuisance!
By the way here is a sketch the electro-plates 'turner' or
what ever it should be properly called so that when you come here
you will not be taken by surprise (you remember it was an X-mas
Tuesday I am going to see Zadkine's exhibition and then go to
the I.C.A. where Z. himself will talk about modern sculpture.
I am afraid that our cyclaam has not survived. Perhaps it
will revive next year. I hope so.
I have just finished up April lectures at the T G with miss
Clamat as she is going away.
Look after yourself as I look after you in imagination.
I love you Sylvia I love you
71223646 - ChaoticK
My dearest Sylvia
Thank you so much for the latest of your long and delightful letter. what a good letter-writer you are - keeping your lion informed and warming him with words of love. (You will receive yesterday's letter if now: will you come on Thursday I wonder. as I hope so.)
Sorry about my hand: Tuesday's subject is CUBISM. Not, after all, a lecture on cubism in Tate Solley Masterpiece - or something of the kind.
I am very interested to hear about _The Street car_. though I am sorry to learn it depressed you. I hope that you are cheerful again now: after all, you've never been in New Orleans, have you. Well, then, says Mettz. The cuts you mention interest me very much. I shall read the play as you suggest before seeing the film. By the way, which depressed you - the film, or _reading_ the play. I assume that it was the former mostly. Is that the case?
You are a fine cat: I am so happy to hear you have been wearing gloves. The chickens in the garden do seem to be a wretched nuisance!
By the way here is a sketch of the electro-plated 'tureen' or what ever it should be properly called so that when you come here you will not be taken by surprise (you remember it was an X'mas present):
Today I am going to see Zadheine's exhibition and then go to the I.C.A. where Z. himself will talk about modern sculpture.
I am afraid that our cyclamin has _not_ survived. Perhaps it will revive next year. I hope so.
I have just been fixing up April lectures at the T G with Miss Clamat as she is going away.
Look after yourself as I look after you in imagination.
I love you Sylvia I love you
71612731 - the3esses
Blackheath 3.3.52Monday
My dearest Sylvia
Thank you so much for the latest of your long and delightful letter. What a good letter writer you are - keeping you lion informed and warming him with words of love. (You will have received yesterday's letter by now: will you come on Thursday I wonder, as I hope so.)
Sorry about my hand: Tuesday's subject is CUBISM. Not, after all, a lecture on Cushion Im Tate Tattey Masterpiece - or something of the kind.
I am very interested to hear about The Street Car, though I am sorry to learn it depressed you. I hope that you are cheerful again now: after all, you've never been in New Orleans, have you. Well, then, says Hetty. The cute you mention interest me very much. I still shall read the play as you suggest before seeing the film. By the way, which depressed you - the film, or reading the play. I assume that it was the former mostly. Is that the case?
You are a fine cat: I am so happy to hear you have been wearing gloves. The children in the garden do seem to be a wretched nuisance.
By the way here is a sketch of the electro-plated 'tureen' or what ever it should be properly called so that when you come here you will not be taken by surprise (you remember it was an x'mas present):
Today I am going to see Zadhine's exhibition and then go to the I.C.A. where Z. himself will talk about modern sculpture.
I am afraid that our cyclamen has not survived. Perhaps it will revive next year. I hope so.
I have just been fixing up April lectures at the TG with Miss Clamot as she is going away.
Look after yourself as I look after you in imagination.
I love you Sylvia Love you
72341733 - Preacher357
[3-3-52] Monday Blackheath My dearest SylviaThank you so much for the latest of your long and delightful letter. What
a good letter-writer you are - keeping your lion informed and warming him
with words of love. (You will have received yesterday's letter by now:
will you come on Thursday I wonder, as I hope so.)
Sorry about my hand: Tuesday's subject is CUBISM. Next, after all, a
lecture on cushions In Tate Gallery Masterpieces - or something of the kind.
I am very interested to hear about The Street Car, though I am sorry to
learn it depressed you. I hope that you are cheerful again now: after
all, you've never been in New Orleans, have you. Well, then, says
Hetty. The cuts you mention interest me very much. I shall read
the play as you suggest before seeing the film. By the way, which
depressed you - the film, or reading the play. I assume that it
was the former mostly. Is that the case?
You are a fine cat: I am so happy to hear you have been wearing
gloves. The chickens in the garden do seem to the a wretched nuisance!
Buy the way here is a sketch of the electric-plated 'turner' or
what ever it should be properly called so that when you come here
you will not be taken by suprise (you remember it was on X'mas
Today I am going to see Zadhive's exhibition and then go to
the I.C.A. where Z. himself will talk about modern sculpture.
I am afraid that our has not survived. Perhaps it
will revive next year. I hope so.
I have just been fixing up April lectures at the TG with Miss
Clamot as she is going away.
Look after yourself as I look after you in imagination.
I love you Sylvia love you