- Max. dissimilarity: 0.279
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.169
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68933898 - southsidesunny
- WINNER - 70170136 - JanetCormack
- 70499486 - mlesullivan
- 70644741 - glt
- 70710241 - Preacher357
- 71104617 - Zooniverse2017

68933898 - southsidesunny
WednesdayMy dearest Sylvia
I do hope that your cold is better & that you slept
well last night and so reduced your fatigue,
though I have an uncomfortable feeling the Green-
woods beds are not soft. I wait anxiously
for news.
I hope also that John was pleasant on the jour-
ney as far as Redhill. How surprising to meet
him at Victoria like that.
This morning I have dusted & hoovered and I have collected my slide: I have nearly all the impression-
ists I asked for which is lucky and surprising.
The T G lecture went pleasantly I think ( I didn't
run out of ideas) and so did Petersfield. They
are very keen there and I saw my esch
up for its 1st
time, or rather I glimpsed it up for a moment or 2
before & after the lecture. It seemed nice. I got
home by 12.00 which was better than I expected.
Good news. Rietman of Netlerns is willing yo write
for the next Arles. An article 3000 -5000 words
he offers! And I have it is the end of the
No sign of a cold in your lion yet I am glad to report. I love you; do look after yourself
I love you Lawrence
WINNER - 70170136 - JanetCormack
WednesdayMy dearest Sylvia
I do hope that your cold is better & that you slept well last night and so reduced your fatigue, though I have an uncomfortable feeling the Greenwoods' beds are not soft. I wait anxiously for news.
I hope also that John was pleasant on the journey as far as Redhill. How surprising to meet him at Victoria like that.
This morning I have dusted & hoovered and I have collected my slide: I have nearly all the Impressionists I asked for which is lucky and surprising.
The T G Lecture went pleasantly I think (I didn't run out of ideas) and so did Petersfield. They are very keen there and I saw my exh. up for the 1st time, or rather I glimpsed it up for a moment or 2 before & after the lecture. It seemed nice. I got home by 12.00 which was better than I expected.
Good news. Rietman of Netherns is willing to write for the next Athene. An article 3000 - 5000 words he offers! And I can have it by the end of the month.
No sign of a cold in your lion yet I am glad to report. I love you; do look afterself
I love you
70499486 - mlesullivan
WednesdayMy dearest Sylvia
I do hope that your cold is better and that you slept well last night and so reduced your fatigue.
Though I have an uncomfortable feeling the Greenwoods beds are not soft. I wait anxiously for news.
I hope also that John was pleasant on the journey as far as Redhill. How surprising to meet him in Victoria like that.
This morning I have dental and ??: I have nearly all the impressionists I asked for which is lucky and surprising.
The T h lectures went pleasantly I think ( I didn't run out of ideas) and so did Peterfields. They are very keen there and I saw my exchup for the 1st time, or rather I glimpsed it up for a moment on 2 before and after the lecture. It seemed nice, I got home at 12:00 which was better than I expected.
Good news .... of ... is for the next Alles An article 3000-5000 words he offers! And I can have it at the end of the month.
No sign of a cold in your lion yet I am glad to report. I love you; do look after yourself
I love you
70644741 - glt
WednesdayMy dearest Sylvia
I do hope that your cold is better that you slept well last night and so reduced your fatigue, though I have an uncomfortable feeling the Greenwoods' beds are not soft. I wait anxiously for news.
I hope also that John was pleasant on the journey as far as Redhill. How surprising to meet him at Victoria like that.
This morning I have dusted and hoovered and I have collected my slide: I have nearly all the Impressionists I asked for which is lucky and surprising.
The TG lecture went pleasantly I think (I didn't run out of ideas) and so did Petersfield. They are very keen there and I saw my exl. up for the 1st time, or rather I glimpsed it up for a moment or 2 before and after the lecture. It seemed nice, I got home by 12.00 which was better than I expected.
Good news. Dietmar of Nethern is willing to write for the next Athene. An article 3000 -5000 words he offers! And I can have it by the end of the month.
No sign of a cold in your lion yet I am glad to report. I love you, do look after yourself.
I love you Lawrence
70710241 - Preacher357
Wednesday My dearest SylviaI do hope that your cold is better & that you slept
well last night and so reduced your fatique,
though I have an uncomfortable feeling the Green-
woods beds are not soft. I wait anxiously
for news.
I hope also that John was pleasant on the jour-
ney as far as Redhill. How surprising to meet
him a Victoria like that.
This morning, I have dusted & hoovered and I have
collected my slides: I have nearly all the Impression-
ists I asked for, which is lucky and surprising.
The TG lecture went pleasantly I think (I didn't
run out of ideas) and so did Petersfield. They
are very keen there and I saw my erch. up for the 1st
time, or rather I glimpsed it up for a moment or two, before & after the lecture. It seemed nice. I got
home by 12:00 which was better than I expected.
Good news. Rietman of Netherns is willing to write
for the next Ailes. An article 3000-5000 words
he offers! And I can have it & the end of the
No sign of a cold in your lion yet, I am glad
to report. I love you; do look after yourself.
I love you Lawrence
71104617 - Zooniverse2017
WednesdayMy dearest Sylvia
I do hope that your cold is better & that you slept
well last night and so reduced your fatigue,
though I have an uncomfortable feeling the Green-
woods beds are not soft. I wait anxiously
for news.
I hope also that John was pleasant on the jour-
ney as far as Redhill. How surprising to meet
him at Victoria like that.
This morning I have dusted & hoovered and I have
collected my slide: I have nearly all the impression-
ists I asked for which is lucky and surprising.
The TG lecture went pleasantly I think (I didn't
run out of ideas) and so did Plainfield. They
are very green there and I saw my sch. up for the 1st
time, or rather I glimpsed it up for a moment or 2
before & after the lecture. it seemed nice, I got
home at 12.00 which was better than I expected.
Good news, Rietman of Nethern is willing to write
for the next Altes. An article 3000-5000 words
he offers! And I can have it & to land if he
No sign of a cold in your lion yet I am glad
to report. I love you; do rest after journey.
I love you Lawrence