- Max. dissimilarity: 0.243
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.125
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 68710204 - hoskinml
- 70429454 - JanetCormack
- 70965660 - altheist
- 72660822 - Zooniverse2017
- 72714828 - wrightj2h
- 73409715 - Preacher357

WINNER - 68710204 - hoskinml
BlackheathMonday March 17th 52
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter with the welcome news that your cold is almost gone. I am glad to hear it. And how are your sleeping? Poor Clifford - a cold on top of everything else. I hope he is not too tired to get rid of it quickly. As for Tiny - I could shake her really! Gloomy again - and yet being cheered up by Miss Peace! Oh well: the main thing is that she has cheered up.
Good for George: the dresses sound very nice, especially the navy and white one. Do you need to do much work on them? They sound in a good state. I am glad you found Esther Waters at Ditchling: I am amused you missed a train because of the book's fascinations. The other night I went to Lea instead of Blackheath in the train because I was immersed in Moby Dick: so, we are a pair! Incidentally I am reading Tennyson's Princess: and do you know in what edition? That little soft-covered book from Pett. We looked through it, and you sang your lion a Tennyson song about Owls.
At Petersfield I glimpsed Looking at Pictures - the Arts Council exhibition I designed. EXH. is the art-historical abbreviation for exhibition.
Saturday night Father & I (Mother being at a Dance) saw Out-cast of the Islands again. Afterwards I missed my train home so had to stay the night. In the morning I had to take Father to Nel-son Hospital because a splinter under his nail refused to come out. Casualty soon removed it, however, and he was alright again.
I have read an entire book on Rodin. Tomorrow's lecture is nearly ready now. I spent a nice evening with Turnbull last week: he admires Giacometti but thinks him Gothic, life-denying. He wants a more life-enhancing art: those were not his words but that is what he meant.
This afternoon I am going to the Charlton to Lewisham libraries. Then back home to read Rodin's own book ART.
I saw Mrs Cregan's Saturday lecture. It was smaller than my Saturday lectures, although the subject was Impressionism! Did I tell you, by the way, that I have a 9th lecture this week? 1 Tuesday: 3 Wednesday: 2 Thursday: 3 Saturday.
70429454 - JanetCormack
Blackheath Monday March 17th 52Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter with the welcome news that you cold is almost gone. I am glad to hear it. And how are you sleeping? Poor Clifford - a cold on top of everything else. I hope he is not too tired to get rid of it quickly. As for Tiny - I could shake her really! Gloomy again - and yet being cheered up by Miss Place! Oh well: the main thing is that she has cheered up.
Good for George: the dresses sound very nice, especially the navy and white one. Do you need to do much work on them? They sound in a good state. I am glad you found Esther Waters at Ditchling: I am amused you missed a train because of the book's fascination. The other night I went to Lee instead of Blackheath in the train because I was immersed in Moby Dick: so, we are a pair! Incidentally I am reading Tennyson's Princess: and do you know what in edition? That little soft-covered book from Pett. We looked through it, and you sang your lion a Tennyson song aboout owls.
At Petersfield I glimpsed Looking at Pictures - the Arts Council exhibition I designed. EXH. is the art-historical abbreviation for exhibtion.
Saturday night Father & I (Mother being at a Dance) saw Outcasts of the Islands again. Afterwards I missed my train home so had to stay the night. In the morning I had to take Father to Nelson Hospital because a splinter under his nail refused to come out. Casualty soon removed it, however, and he was alright again.
I have read an entire book on Rodin. Tomorrow's lecture is nearly ready now. I spent a nice evening with Turnbull last week: he admires Giacometti but thinks him Gothic, life-denying. He wants a more life-enhancing art: those were not his words but that is what he meant.
This afternoon I am going to the Charlton & Lewisham libraries. Then back home to read Rodin's own book ART.
I saw Mrs. Cregan's Saturday lecture. It was smaller than my Saturday lecture, although the subject was Impressionism! Did I tell you, by the way, I have a 9th lecture this week? 1 Tuesday: 3 Wednesday: 2 Thursday: 3 Saturday.
70965660 - altheist
March 17th 52
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for your letter with the welcome news that your cold is almost gone. I am glad to hear it. And how are you sleeping? Poor Clifford - a cold on top of everything else. I hope he is not too tired to get rid of it quickly. As for Tony - I could shake her really! Gloomy again - and yet being cleared up of this Place! Oh well: the main thing is that she has cleaned up.
Good for George: the dresses sound very nice, especially the navy and white one. Do you need to do much work on them? They sound in a good state. I am glad you found Esther Waters Of Pitchling/unclear]: I amused you missed a train because of the book's fascination. The other night I went to Lee instead of Blackheath in the last because I was immersed in Moby Dick: so, we are a pair! Incidentally I am reading Tennyorou's Pnericers: and do you know in what edition? The little soft-cornered book from Pett. W. a looked through it, and you sang your lion a Tennyron song about owls.
At Petersfield I glimpsed looking at pictures - the Arts Couvical exhibition I designed. EXH is the art - historical abbreviation for exhibition.
Saturday night Father or I (mother being at a dance) saw Outcast of the Islands again. Afterwards I missed my train home so I had to stay the night. In the morning I had to take Father in Nelson Hospital because a splinter under his nail refused to come out. Casually soon removed it, however, and he was alright again.
I have read an entire book on Rodin. Tomorrow's lecture is nearly ready now. I spent a nice evening with Turnbull last week: he admires Giocometti bu thinks his gothic, life-denying. He wants a more life-enhancing art: there were not his words but that is what he meant.
This afternoon I am hoping to the Clorlton & Lemislor libraine. Then back home to read Rodin's own book ART.
I saw Mrs. Cregan's Saturday lecture. It was smaller than my Saturday lecture, although the subject was Impressionism! But I call you, by the way, that I have a 9th lecture this week? 1 Tuesday: 3 Wednesday: 2 Thursday: 3 Saturday.
72660822 - Zooniverse2017
March 17th 52Blackheath
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter with the welcome news that your cold is
almost gone. I am glad to hear it. And how are you sleeping?
Poor Clifford - a cold on top of everything else. I hope he is not too
tired to get rid of it quickly. As for Tiny - I could shake her really!
Glooming again - and yet being cheered up by Miss Peace! Oh well: the
main thing is that she has cheered up.
Good for George: the dresses sound very nice, especially the long
and white one. Do you need to do much work on them? They sound in
a good state. I am glad you found Esther Waters at Ditchling: I
am amused you missed the train because of the book's fascination.
The other night I went to Lex instead of Blackheath on the train because I was
immersed in Moby Dick: so, we are a pain! Incidentally, I am
reading Tennyson's Princess: and do you know what edition?
That little soft-covered book from Pett. We looked through it,
and you sang your lion a Tennyson song about owls.
At Petersfield I glimpsed Looking at Pictures - the Arts Council
exhibition I designed. EXH. is the art-historical abbreviation for
Saturday night Father & I (mother being at a Dance) saw Out-
cast of the Islands again. Afterwards, I missed my train home so
had to stay the night. In the morning I had to take Father to Nel-
son Hospital because a splinter under his nail refused to come out.
Casualty soon removed it, however, and he was alright again.
I have read an entire book on Rodin. Tomorrow's lecture is
nearly ready now. I spent a nice evening with Turnbull last
week: he admired Giacometti but thinks him gothic, life-denying.
This afternoon I am going to the Charlton & Lewisham library.
Then back home to read Rodin's own book ART.
I saw Mrs. Cregan's Saturday lecture. It was smaller than
my Saturday lecture, although the subject was impressionism!
Did I tell you, by the way, that I have a 9th lecture this
week? 1 Tuesday: 3 Wednesday: 2 Thursday: 3 Saturday.
72714828 - wrightj2h
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter with the welcome news that your cold is almost gone. I am glad to hear it. And how are you sleeping? Poor Clifford - a cold on top of everything else. I hope he is not too tired to get rid of it quickly. As for Tiny - I could shake her really! Gloomy again - and yet being cheered up by Miss Peace! Oh well; the main thing is that she has cheered up.
Good for George; the dresses sound very nice, especially the rory and white one. Do you need to do much work on them? They sound in a good state. I am glad you found Esther Waters at Ditching; I am amused you missed a train because of the book's fascination. The other night I went to Lee instead of Blackheath in the train because I was immersed in Moby Dick; so, we are a pair! Incidentally I am reading Tennyson's 'Princess'; and do you know in what edition? That little soft-covered book from Pett. We looked through it, and you sang your lion a Tennyson song about owls.
At Petersfield I glimpsed Looking at Pictures - the Arts Council exhibition I designed. EXH is the art-historical abbreviation for exhibition.
Saturday night Father & I (Mother being at a Dance) saw Outcast Of The Islands again. Afterwards I missed my train home so had to stay the night. In the morning I had to take Father to Nelson Hospital because a splinter under his nail refused to come out. Casualty soon removed it, however, and he was alright again.
I have read an entire book on Rodin. Tomorrow's lecture is nearly ready now. I spent a nice evening with Turnbull last week; he admires Giacometti but thinks him Gothic, life-denying. He wants a more life-enhancing art; those were not his words but that is what he meant.
This afternoon I am going to the Charlton & Lewisham libraries. Then back home to read Rodin's own book ART.
I saw Mrs Grogan's Saturday lecture. It was smaller than my Saturday lecture, although the subject was Impressionism! Did I tell you, by the way, that I have a 9th lecture this week? 1 Tuesday; 3 Wednesday; 2 Thursday; 3 Saturday.
73409715 - Preacher357
March 17th 52 Moday Blackheath Dearest SylviaThank you for your letter with the welcome news that your cold is
almost gone. I am glad to hear it. And how are you sleeping?
Poor Cliffird - a cold on top of everything else. I hope he is not too
tired to get rid of it quickly. As for Tiny - I could shake her really!
Gloomy again - and yet being cheered up by Miss Peace! Oh well: the
main thing is that she has cheered up.
Good for George: the dresses sound very nice, especially the navy
and white one. Do you need to do much work of them? They sound in
a good state. I am glad you found Esther Waters at Ditching: I
am amused you missed a train because of the book's fascination.
The other night I went to Lee instead of Blackheath in the train, because I was
immersed in Moby Dick: so, we are a pair! Incidentaly I am
reading Tennyson's Princess: and do you know in what edition?
That little soft-covered book from Pett. We looked through it,
and you sang your lion a Tennyson song about owls.
At Petersfield I glimpsed Looking at Pictures - the Arts Council
exhibition I designed. EXtt. is the art-historical abbreviation for
Saturday night Father & I (Mother being at a Dance) saw Out-
cast of the Islands again. Afterwards I missed my train home so
had to stay the night. In the morning I had to take Father to Nel-
son Hospital because a splinter under his nail refused to come out.
Casualty soon removed it, however, and he was alright again.
I have read an entire book on Rodin. Tomorrow's lecture is
nearly ready now. I spent a nice evening with Turnbull last
week: he admires Giocometti but thinks him Gothic, life-denying.
He wants a more life-enhancing art: those were not his words,
but that is what he meant.
This afternoon I am going to the Charlton & Lewiston Libraries.
Then back home to read Rodin's own book ART.
I saw Mrs Cregan's Saturday lecture. It was smaller than
my Saturday lecture, although the subject was Impressionism!
Did I tell you, by the way, that i have a 9th lecture this
week? 1 Tuesday: 3 Wednesday: 2 Thursday: 3 Saturday.