- Max. dissimilarity: 0.41
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.303
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68969268 - Chris5420
- 70035463 - databanana
- 71437276 - ChaoticK
- WINNER - 71710581 - wrightj2h
- 73129332 - saffyre13
- 73336394 - darryluk

68969268 - Chris5420
lion is adding bits to his longish vaguely defined poem but hereis a short one he has finished for you:
When you cannot sleep you are transporting
lakes & wheelbarrows to the distance.
Then you are surprised to swim and be scratched
By old china in the creased lake-bed.
Also the rocks are slippery green.
Chimneys are warm on wings as buoys are bright
On the full-surface of the lake
Where you fliat perfectly among melting stars.
Wind makes a ukelele of the wires
Usual for messages, as though I phoned
Cues for sleep in lulling metaphors.
Here is a portrait of Dandy, reproducec from Lion News &Review, meaning his chain:
70035463 - databanana
Lion is adding bits to hislorgiss voguell defined poem but here is a short one he has finished for you:When you canvas sleep you are tranporting
lakes and wheelbarrows to the distance.
Then you are suprised to swim and he scratches
By old lives in the creased lake-bed.
Also the rocks are slippery green.
Chimneys are warm on wings as bouys are bright
On the full-surface of a lake
Where you float perfectly among melting stars.
Wind makes a ukilele of the wine
Usual fof messages, as claugs I phoned
Cues for sleep in lulling metaphors.
Here is a portrait of Dandy, reproduced from Lion News Review, wearing his chain:
Dearest love, I adore you.
I love you so much
71437276 - ChaoticK
lion is adding lists to his lengist vaguely defined poem but here is a short one he has finished for you:When you cannot sleep you are tranporting lakes of wheelbarrows to the distance. Then you are surpised to swim and the scratches
By old china in the creased lake-bed. sero the rocks are slippery green.
Chimneys are warm on wings as bouys are bright
On the full-surface of the lake
where you float perfectly among melting stars. Wind makes a ukulele of the wires
Usual for messages, as laughs I phoned cues for sleep in lulling metaphors.
Here is a portrait of Dandy, reproduced from Lion News & Review, enearing his claim;
& Review
16th MARCH 1952 VO
Well-brow Lion claims chains do not impris
Dearest love, I adore you.
I love you so much
WINNER - 71710581 - wrightj2h
lion is adding bits to his longish roguelly defined poem but here is a short one he has finished for you:When you cannot sleep you are transporting
Lakes & wheelbarrows to the distance
Then you are surprised to swim and be scratched
By old line in the creased lake-bed
Sers the rocks are slippery green.
Chimneys are warm on wings as buoys are bright
On the full-surface of the lake
Where you float perfectly among melting stars.
Wind makes a ukelele of the wires
Usual for messages, as clougs I phoned
Cues for sleep in lulling metaphors.
Here is a portrait of Dandy, reproduced from Lion News & Review, roaring his claim:
(Line drawing of the front page of the Lion News: "LION IS CHAINED - AND LOVES IT")
Dearest Love, I adore you
I love you so much
73129332 - saffyre13
Lion is adding bits to his largish vaguely defined poem but hereis a short one he has finished for you:
When you cannot sleep you are transporting
lakes & wheelbarrows tot he distance.
Then you are surprised to swim and be scratched
By old china in the creased lake-bed.
Also the rocks are slippery green.
Chimneys are warm on wings as buoys are bright
On the full-surface of the lake
Where you float perfectly among melting stars.
Wind makes a ukulele of the wires
Usual for messages, as claugs I phoned
Cures for sleep in lulling metaphors.
Here is a portrait of Dandy, reproduced from Lion News &
Review wearing his claim:
Dearest love,
I adore you
I love you so much
73336394 - darryluk
lion is adding bits to his original roughly defined poem but here is a short one he has finished for you:When you cannot sleep you are transporting
lakes by wheelbarrows to the distance.
Then you are surprised to swim and be scratched
By old china in the creased lake-bed.
Also the rocks are slippery green.
Chimneys are warm on wings as buoys are bright
On the flat surface of the lake
Where you float perfectly among melting stars.
Wind makes a ukulele of the wires
Usual for messages, as though I phoned
cues for sleep in lulling metaphors.
Here is a portrait of Dandy, reproduced from Lion News & Review, meaninghis claim:
--- Drawing---
Dearest love, I adore you.
I love you so much