- Max. dissimilarity: 0.163
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.072
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68986599 - gailkoelker
- 70650337 - saffyre13
- WINNER - 71013738 - RommelC
- 71474942 - Scarymum
- 71694073 - Preacher357
- 71732921 - Moonlightress

68986599 - gailkoelker
Molly is not awfully well, I'm sorry to say. I don't think I have got it quite straight but some part of her face may be toxic and this affects her eyes-it is hard to focus, things are muggy. She has an appointment with someone at a hospital, a fortnight tomorrow! It is not bad when she is sitting down, inactive, apparently. (She looks awfully white).The butcher's daughter-who writes romances under the name of Margeruite Clare)-is waiting with barely-concealed impatience for my verdict on her new novel. has a copy for me. It deals with Paris, a haunted castle, night clubs, the secret of a crystal box... I shall read and make some psychoanalytic guesses for our amusement-and write to the girl (I cannot avoid it) though what I shall say to her I am uncertain. (Would "you" care to read her book?)
The wireless is on. Here is a quote from a new song:
They call me the Rock of Gibraltar.
They say my heart is made of stone.
So don't you try to lead me to the altar
Because Gibraltar is standing alone.
Not bad in its' simple-minded, popular way, would you say?
I wonder what you are doing now? It is 12.15 (certainly not listening to the radio). Painting, gossiping, dusting, ? I wonder, I wonder.
Oh Sylvia, I adore, adore, adore you.
I love you
P.S. Could Clifford look up MONKEY-SHINE in his dictionary of slang: American vaudeville term, I take it, meaning what.
70650337 - saffyre13
Molly is not awfully well, I'm sorry to say. I don't think I havegot it quite straight but some part of her face may be toxic and this
affects her eyes - it is hard to focus, things are muggy. She has
an appointment with someone at a hospital, a fortnight tomorrow!
It is not bad when she is sitting down, inactive, apparently. (She
looks awfully white.)
The butcher's daughter - who writes romances under the name
of Marguerite Clare - is waiting with barely concealed impat-
ience for my verdict on her new novel. Matle has a copy
for me. It deals with Paris, a haunted castle, night clubs,
the secret of a crystal box...I shall read and make some
psychoanalytic guesses for our amusement - and write to
the girl (I cannot avoid it) though what I shall say to her I am
uncertain. (Would you care to read her book?)
The wireless is on. Here is a quote from a new song:
They call me the Rock of Gibraltar
They say my heart is made of stone.
So don't you try to lead me to the altar
Because Gibraltar is standing alone.
Not bad in its simple-minded, popular way, would you say?
I wonder what you are doing now? It is 12:15 (Certainly
not listening to the radio.) Painting, gossiping, dusting,
shopping? I wonder, I wonder.
oh Sylvia I adore, adore, adore you
love you
P.S. Could Clifford look up MONKEY-SHINE in his dictionary
of slang; America Vaudeville term, I take it, meaning meat-
WINNER - 71013738 - RommelC
Molly is not awfully well, I'm sorry to say. I don't think I have got it quite straight but some part of her face may be toxic and tis affects her eyes. It is hard to focus, things are muggy. She has an appointment with someone at a hospital, a fortnight tomorrow! It is not bad when she is sitting down, inactive, apparently. (She looks awfully white.)The butcher's daughter- who writes romances under the name of Margeruite Clare- is waiting with barely-concealed impatience for my verdict on her new novel. Mother has a copy for me. It deals with Paris, a haunted castle, night clubs, the secret of a crystal box...I shall read and make some psychoanalytic guesses for our amusement- and write to the girl (I cannot avoid it) though what I shall say to her I am uncertain. (Would you care to read her book?)
The wireless is on. Here is a quote from a new song:
They call me the Rock of Gibraltar
They say my heart is made of stone
So don't you try to lead me to the altar
Because Gibraltar is standing alone.
Not bad in its simple-minded, popular way, would you say?
I wonder what you are doing now? It is 12.15 (certainly not listening to the radio.) Painting, gossiping, dusting, shopping? I wonder, I wonder.
Oh Sylvia, I adore, adore, adore you
I love you
P.S. Could Clifford look up MONKEY SHINE in his dictionary of slang; American vaudeville term, I take it, meaning what.
71474942 - Scarymum
Molly is not awfully well, I'm sorry to say. I don't think I have got it quite straight but some part of her face may be toxic and this affects her eyes - it is hard to focus, things and muggy. She has an appointment with someone at a hospital, a fortnight tomorrow! It is not bad when she is sitting down, inactive, apparently (she looks awfully white)The butchers daughter - who writes romances under the name of Marguerite Clare - is waiting with barely concealed impatience for my verdict on her new novel. Natle has a copy for me. It deals into Paris, a haunted castle, night clubs, the secret of a crystal box... I shall read and make some psychoanalytic guesses for our amusement - andd write to the girl (I cannot avoid it) though what I shall say to her I am uncertain. (would you care to read her book?)
The wireless is on. Here is a quote. from a new
They call me the Rock of Gibraltar.
They say my heart is made of stone.
So don't you try to lead me to the altar
Because Gibraltar is standing alone.
Not bad in it's simple minded, popular way, would you say?
I wonder what you are doing now? It is 12.15 (Certainly not listening to the radio.) Painting, gossiping, dusting, shopping? i wonder, I wonder.
oh Sylvia I adore, adore, adore you
love you
P.S. Could Clifford look up MONKEY - SHINE in his dictionary of slang, American vaudeville term, I take it, meaning what.
71694073 - Preacher357
Molly is not awfully well. I'm sorry to say. I don't think I havegot it quite straight, but some part of her face may be toxic and this
affects her eyes - it is hard to focus, things are muggy. She has
an appointment with someone at a hospital, a fortnight tomorrow!
It is not bad when she is sitting down, inactive, apparently. (She
looks awfully white.)
The butcher's daughter - who writes romances under the name
of Margeruite Clare - is waiting with barely - concealed impat-
ience for my verdict on her new novel. Mother has a copy
for me. It deals with Paris, a haunted castle, night clubs,
the secret of a crystal box... I shall read and make some
psycloanalytic guesses for our amusement - and write to
the girl (I cannot avoid it) though what I shall say to her I am
uncertain. (Would you care to read her book?)
The wireless is on. Here is a quote from a new song:
They call me the Rock of Gibraltar.
They say my heart is made of stone.
So don't you try to lead me to the altar
Because Gibraltar is standing alone.
Not bad in its simple minded, popular way, would you say?
I wonder what you are doing now? It is 12:15. (Certainly
not listening to the radio). Painting, gossiping, dusting,
slapping? I wonder, I wonder.
Oh Sylvia I adore, adore, adore you
I love you
71732921 - Moonlightress
Molly is not awfully well, I'm sorry to say. I don't think I have got it quite straight but some part of her face may be toxic and this affects her eyes - it is hard to focus, things are muggy. She has an appointment with someone at a hospital, a fortnight tomorrow! It is not bad when she is sitting down, inactive, apparently. (She looks awfully white.)The butcher's daughter - who writes romances under the name of Margeruite Clare - is waiting with barely concealed impatience for my verdict on her new novel. Mathe has a copy for me. It deals with Paris, a haunted castle, night clubs, the secret of a crystal box... I shall read and make some psychoanalytic guesses for our amusement - and write to the girl (I cannot avoid it) though what I shall say to her I am uncertain. (Would you care to read her book?)
The wireless is on. Here is a quote from a new song:
They call me the Rock of Gibraltar.
They say my heart is made of stone.
So don't you try to lead me to the altar
Because Gibraltar is standing alone.
Not bad in its simple-minded popular way, would you say?
I wonder what you are doing now? It is 12.15. (Certainly not listening to the radio.) Painting, gossiping, dusting, shopping? I wonder, I wonder.
Oh Sylvia I adore, adore, adore you
love you
P.S. Could Clifford look up MONKEY-SHINE in his dictionary of slang; American vaudeville term, I take it, meaning what.