- Max. dissimilarity: 0.124
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.075
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68703625 - hoskinml
- 69875495 - JanetCormack
- 71609097 - Preacher357
- 72365595 - saffyre13
- WINNER - 73183939 - ethomson
- 73442217 - tmeconverse

68703625 - hoskinml
Wimbledon Thursday [11-9-52]Dearest Sylvia
The radio is on. Kay Starr (I think that's her name) is singing : 'Come on'a my house. I'm gonna give you candy, I'm gonna give you everything. Give you a peach and a pomegranate'. Studies in Iconography in what can only be described as Tin Pan Alley!
However Dandy is not only listening to nonsense - he is reading it also. I am half-way through 6 Existentialist Thinkers: so far I have read about Kierkegaard, Wietzzele, and Jaspers: I have Marcel, Hei-digger, & Sartre to go. Seriously some excellent points emerge. For instance, Nietzsche says it is no good expecting x-ianity just to fade out like the belief in fairies - it is too involved in our whole culture for that. N hated x-ianity. The only way to get rid of it would be by a total rejection perpetually renewed. Surely we in 1952 see he was right? It is the rationalist error to think it could be overcome by a mere accumulation of facts against it. There are some long quotations from Kierkegaard: he is an enchanting writer, a brilliant ironist (I see where Auden gets it).
I am getting on with my lecture notes" I am reading Groddeck who is better than I expected. His Symbolism in Language & Art is especially useful to me at present (notably the section on Wagner's Ring). Wimbledon library has also yielded Jones' 2 vols of Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis as well as a collection of essays including Kris on Approaches To Art. I hope that my letter is not turning into lecture-notes or a book-lovers guide to something or other but I must quote Groddeck on Birthdays: 'To have a birthday, & for 24 hours be lord of the earth! Yet there are people who say they care not a jot about birthday= exiled monarchs, whose kingdoms were lost in childhood!'
Incidentally I am writing a birthday poem - surveying the past and the present, those before we met and those since.
Are you being able to paint as you would wish? The weather here is milder and sunny now.
69875495 - JanetCormack
Wimbledon Thursday [11-9-52]Dearest Sylvia
The radio is on. Kay Starr (I think that's his name) is singing: 'Come on 'a my house. I'm gonna give you candy, I'm gonna give you everything. Give you a peach and a pomegrante'. Studies in Iconography in what can only be described as Tin Pan Alley!
However Dandy is not only listening to nonsense - he is reading it also. I am half-way through 6 Existentialist Thinkers: so far I have read about Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Jaspers: I have Marcel, Heidigger and Sartre to go. Seriously some excellent points emerge. For instance, Nietzsche says it is no good expecting X-tianity just to fade out like the belief in fairies - it is too involved in our whole culture for that. N hated X-tianity. The only way to get rid of it would be by a total rejection perpetually renewed. Surely we in 1952 see he was right? It is the rationalist error to think it would be overcome by a mere accumulation of facts against it. There are some long quotations from Kirkegaard: he is an enchanting writer, a brilliant ironist (I see where Auden gets it.)
I am getting on with my lecture notes: I am reading Groddeck who is better than I expected. His Symbolism in Language & Art is especially useful to me at present (notably the section on Wagner's Ring). Wimbledon library has also yielded Jones' 2 vols of Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis as well as a collection of essays including Kris on Approaches to Art. I hope that my letter is turning into lecture-notes or a book-lovers guide to something or other but I must quote Groddeck on Birthdays: 'To have a birthday, & for 24 hours be lord of the earth! Yet there are people who say they care not a jot about birthday: exiled monarchs, whose kingdoms were lost in childhood!'
Incidentally I am writing a birthday poem - surveying the past and the present, those before we met and those since.
Are you being able to paint as you would wish? The weather here is milder and sunny now.
71609097 - Preacher357
[11-9-52] Wimbledon Thursday Dearest SylviaThe radio is on - Kay Starr (I think that's her name) is singing: 'come on' in
my house. I'm gonna give you candy, I'm gonna give you everything.
Give you a peach and a pomegranate. Studies in Iconography in what
can only be described as Tin Pan Alley!
However Dandy is not only listening to nonsence - he is reading it
also. I am half-way through 6. Existentialist Thinkers: so far I have
read about Kierhegaard Wietzsche, and Jaspers: I have Marcel, Hei-
digger, & Sartre to go. Seriously some excellent points emerge. For
instance, Nietzsche says it is no good expecting X-ianity just to fade out
like the belief in fairies - it is too involved in our whole culture for
that. N hated x-ianity. The only way to get rid of it would be by a
total rejection perpetually renewed. Surely we in 1952 see he was
right? It is the rationalist error to think it could be overcome by a
mere accumulation of facts against it. There are some long
quotations from Kierhegaard: he is an enchanting writer, a brilliant
ironist (I see where Anden gets it).
I am getting on with my lecture rates: I am reading Groddeck
who is better than I expected. His Symbolian in Language & Art
is especially useful to me at present (notably the section on
Wagner's Ring). Wimbedon library has also yielded Jones' 2 vols
of Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis as well as a collection of
essays including Kris on Approaches To Art. I hope that my letter
is not turning into lecture-notes or a book-lovers guide to
something or other but I must quote Graddeck on Birthdays: 'To have
a birthday, & for 24 hours be lord of the earth! Yet there are
people who say they care not a jot about birthday: exciled
monarchs, whose kingdom were lost in childhood!'
Incidentally I am writing a birthday poem - surveying the
past and the present, those before we me and those since.
Are you being able to paint as your would Miss? The
weather here is milder and sunny now.
72365595 - saffyre13
Wimbledon Thursday [11-9-52]Dearest Sylvia
The radio is on. Kay Starr (I think that's her name) is singing: 'Come on'a
my house. I'm gonna give you candy, I'm gonna give you everything.
Give you a peach and a pomegranate'. Studines in iconography in what
can only be described as Tin Pan Alley!
Harvener Dandy is not only listening to nonsense - he is reading it
also. I am half-way through Existentialist Thinker: so far I have
read about Kierkegaard Witzscle, and Jaspers: I have Marcel, Hei-
digger, & Sartre to go. Seriously some excellent points emerge. For
instance, Nietzsche says it is no good expecting Christianity just to fade out
like the belief in fairies - it is too involved in our whole culture for
that. N hated Christianity. The only way to get rid of it would be by a
total rejection perpetually renewed. Surely we in 1952 see he was
right? It is the rationalist error to think it could be overcome by a mere accumulation of facts against it. There are some long
quotations from Kierkegaard: he is an enchanting writer, a brilliant
ironist (I see where Auden gets it).
I am getting on with my lecture notes: I am reading Groddeck
who is better than I expected. Uses Symbolism in language and Art
is especially useful to me at present (notably the section on
Wagner's Ring). Wimbledon library has also yielded Jones' 2 vols
of Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis as well as a collection of
essays including Kris on Approaches to Art. I hope that my letter
is not turning into lecture-notes or a book-lover's guide to
something or other but I must quote Groddeck on Birthdays: 'To have
a birthday, and for 24 hours be lord of the earth! Yet there are
people who say they care not a jot about birthday: exiled
monarchs, whose kingdom were lost in childhood!'
Incidentally I am writing a birthday poem - surveying the
past and the present, those before we met and those since.
Are you being able to paint as you would wish? The
weather here is milder and sunny now.
WINNER - 73183939 - ethomson
Wimbledon Thursday [11-9-52]Dearest Sylvia
The radio is on. Kay Starr (I think that's her name) is singing: 'Come on'a
my house. I'm gonna give you candy, I'm gonna give you everything.
Give you a peach and a pomegranate'. Studies in Iconography in what
can only be described as Tin Pan Alley!
However Dandy is not only listening to nonsense - he is reading it
also. I am half-way through 6 Existentialist Thinkers: so far I have
read about Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Jaspers: I have Marcel, Hei-
digger, & Sartre to go. Seriously some excellent points emerge. For
instance, Nietzsche says it is no good expecting X-ianity just to fade out
like the belief in fairness - it is too involved in our whole culture for
that. N hated X-ianity. The only way to get rid of it would be by a
total rejection perpetually renewed. Surely we in 1952 see he was
right? It is the rationalist error to think it would be overcome by a
mere accumulation of facts against it. There are some long
quotations from Kierkegaard: he is an enchanting writer, a brilliant
ironist (I see where Auden gets it).
I am getting on with my lecture notes: I am reading Groddeck
who is better than I expected. His Symbolism in Language & Art
is especially useful to me at present (notably the section on
Wagner's Ring). Wimbledon library has also yielded Jones' 2 vols.
of Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis as well as a collection of
essays including Kris on Approaches to Art. I hope that my letter
is not turning into lecture-notes or a book-lovers guide to
something or other but I must quote Groddeck on Birthdays: 'To have
a birthday, & for 24 hours be lord of the earth! Yet there are
people who say they care not a jot about birthdays: exiled
monarchs, whose kingdoms were lost in childhood!'
Incidentally I am writing a birthday poem - surveying the
past and the present, those before we met and those since.
Are you being able to paint as you would wish? The
weather here is milder and sunny now.
73442217 - tmeconverse
Wimbledon Thursday [11-9-52]Dearest Sylvia
The radio is on. Kay Starr (I think that's her name) is singing: 'Come on'a
my house. I'm gonna give you candy, I'm gonna give you everything.
Give you a peach and a pomegranate'. Studies in Iconography in what
can only be described as Tin Pan Alley!
However Dandy is not only listening to nonsense - he is reading it
also. I am half-way through 6 Existentialist Thinkers: so far I have
read about Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Jaspers: I have Marcel, Heidegger, & Sartre to go. Seriously some excellent points emerge. For
instance, Nietzsche says it is no good expecting X-ianity just to fade out
like the belief in fairies - it is too involved in our whole culture for
that. N hated X-ianty. The only way to get rid of it would be by a
total rejection perpetually renewed. Surely we in 1952 see he was
right? It is the rationalist error to think it would be overcome by a
mere accumulation of facts against it. There are some long
quotations from Kierkegaard: he is an enchanting writer, a brilliant
ironist (I see where Auden gets it).
I am getting on with my lecture notes: I am reading Groddeck
who is better than I expected. His Symbolism in Language & Art
is especially useful to me at present (notably the section on
Wagner's Ring). Wimbledon's library has also yielded Jones' 2 vols
of Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis as well as a collection of
essays including Kris on Approaches to Art. I hope that my letter
is not turning in lecture-notes or a book-lovers guide to
something or other but I must quote Groddeck on Birthdays: ' To have
a birthday, & for 24 hours be lord of the earth! Yet there are
people who say they care not a jot about birthdays: exiled
monarchs, whose kingdoms were lost in childhood!
I incidentally I am writing a birthday poem - surveying the
past and the present, those before we met and those since.
Are you being able to paint as you would wish? The
weather here is milder and sunny now.