- Max. dissimilarity: 0.271
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.166
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69110649 - Chris5420
- 69840727 - Salwell
- WINNER - 69880261 - JanetCormack
- 70655929 - maid71
- 71291578 - tmeconverse
- 71612480 - hoskinml

69110649 - Chris5420
The fence in the garden is being repaired. That means that agap in the fence opposite the kitchen door will be filled in. Now it is
Pahlo's custom to run out of the door as soon as it is opened & thus
appear through this gap. We are concerned in this matter for Pahlo is
short-sighted. We fear one day soon he will rush out (in the usual
way), not realise the change, and be stunned or, at least, bend his
whiskers. What can you recommend?
Before returning home this evening Mother and Father are taking
me to Wimbledon Theatre to see Kiss Me Kate, the Cole Porter musical.
I am looking forward to this for, in addition to the activities men-
tioned above I am working out the categories of musical films.
Provisionally I distinguish a scale with the PEDESTRIAN (you see
the point?) Musical at one end and the BALLETIC at the other.
(Singin' In The Rain I see as a 20c masque, a fairly rare form.)
The Pedestrian musical is one where all the dancing & singing is ration-
alised in night clubs or theatre percormances: the balletic is the type
in which the dancing & singing grow out of a real environment, like
On TC Town and Belle of NY. Kiss me Kate deals with a company
backstage who are going to put on a musical revision of The Shrew: you
see how the music & dancing are rationalised right away, as well as
combined with a rayeur in-the-know appeal.
About the earliest short story writers I have thought is Hoffman
as his pieces are a bit primitive he must be near the start. Have you
thought of anybody else, besides Poe & Hawthorne?
Your lion is recovering - His neck is going down and his cold
is not bad at all by now. Mother is feeding me nicely, so I shall
become a fat lion. I slept well last night: and you?
69840727 - Salwell
The fence in the garden is being repaired. That means that agap in the fence opposite the butcher door will be filled in. Now it is
Pablo's custom to run out of the door as soon as it is opened & dis-
appear through the gap. We are concerned in this matter for Pablo is
short-sighted. We fear one day he will rush out ( in the usual
way), not notice the change, and be stunned - or, at least, bend his
whiskers. What do you recommend?
Before returning home this evening Mother and father are taking
me to Wimbledon Theatre to see Kiss Me Kate, the Cole Porter musical.
I am looking forward to this for, in addition to the octinities men-
tioner alone I am working out the categories of musical films.
Provisionally I distinguish a scale with the PEDESTRIAN (you see
the point?) musical at one end and the BALLETIC at the other.
(Singin' In The rain I see as a 20c. masque, a fairly rare form.)
The pedestrian musical is one where all the dancing & singing is ration-
alised in night club or theatre performances - the balletic is the type
in which the dancing & singing grow out of a real environment, like Our TG Town and Belle of NY. Kiss Me Kate deals with a company
?ochrtage who are going to put on a musical version of T G Shrew: you
see how the music is dancing one rationaliser right away, as well as
combined with a voyeur in-the-know appeal.
About the earliest short story writes I have thought of is Hoffmann.
As his pieces are a bit primitive he must be near the stout. Have you
thought of anybody else, besides Poe & Hawthorne?
Your lion is recovering. His neck is going down an his cold
is not bad at all now. Mother is feeding me nicely so I shall
become a fat lion. I slept well last night: and you?
I love you and adore you
Love you
P.S. Could you possibly send me by Tuesday next the Rorigon containing AntonisArtardis
VAN GOGH: The Suicide Provoked By Society. It is one of the later issues. It is for my
VG lecture.
Love L
WINNER - 69880261 - JanetCormack
The fence in the garden is being repaired. That means that a gap in the fence opposite the kitchen door will be filled in. Now it is Pablo's custom to run out of the door as soon as it is opened & disappear through this gap. We are concerned in this matter for Pablo is short-sighted. We fear one day soon he will rush out (in the usual way), not notice the change, and be stunned - or, at least, bend his whiskers. What can you recommend?Before returning home this evening Mother and Father are taking me to Wimbledon Theatre to see Kiss Me Kate, the Cole Porter musical. I am looking forward to this for, in addition to the activities mentioned above I am working out the categories of musical films - Provisionally I distinguish a scale with the PEDESTRIAN (you see the point?) musical at one end and the BALLETIC at the other. (Singin' In The Rain I see as a 20c. masque, a fairly rare form.) The Pedestrian musical is one where all the dancing & singing is rationalised in night club or theatre performances: the balletic is the type in which the dancing & singing grow out of a real environment, like On The Town and Belle of NY. Kiss Me Kate deals with a company backstage who are going to put on a musical version of The Shrew: you see how the music & dancing are rationalised right away, as well as combined with a voyeur in-the-know appeal.
About the earliest short story writer I have thought of is Hoffman. As his pieces are a bit primitive he must be near the start. Have you thought of anybody else, besides Poe & Hawthorne?
Your lion is recovering. His neck is going down and his cold is not bad at all now. Mother is feeding me nicely so I shall become a fat lion. I slept well last night: and you?
I love and adore you
I love you
P.S> Could possibly send me by Tuesday next the Horizone containing Antonin Artaud's VAN GOGH: The Suicide Provoked by Society. It is one of the later issues. It is for my VG lecture. Love L.
70655929 - maid71
The fence in the garden is being repaired. That means that a gap in the fence opposite the butcher door will be filled in. Now it is Pablo's custom to run out of the door as soon as it is opened and disappear through this gap. We are concerned in this matter for Pablo is short-sighted. We fear one day soon he will rush out (in the usual way), not notice the change, and be stunned - or at least, bend his whiskers. What can you recommend?Before returning home this evening Mother and Father are taking me to Wimbledon Theatre to see Kiss Me Kate, the Cole Porter musical. I am looking forward to this for, in addition to the activities more times alone I am working out the categories of musical films. Provisionally I distinguish a scale with the PEDESTRIAN (you see the point?) musical at one end and the BALLETIC at the other. (Singin' In The Rain I see as a 20c. marque, a fairly sane form).
The Pedestrian musical is one where all the dancing and singing is rationalised in nightclub or theatre performances: the balletic is the type in which the dancing and singing grow out of a real environment, like On The Town and Belles of N.Y. Kiss Me Kate deals with a company who are going to put on a musical version of The Shrew: you see how the music and dancing are rationalised right away, as well as combined with a voyeur in-the-know appeal.
About the earliest short story I have thought of is Hoffmann. As his pieces are a bit primitive he must be near the store. Have you thought of anybody else, besides Poe and Hawthorne?
Your lion is recovering - His neck is going down and his cold is not bad at all by now. Mother is feeding me well, so I should become a fat lion. I slept well last night: and you?
I love and adore you.
I love you
71291578 - tmeconverse
The fence in the garden is being repaired. That means that agap in the fence opposite the kitchen door will be filled in. Now it is
Pablo's custom to run out of the door as soon as it is opened & dis-
appear through this gap. We are concerned in this matter for Pablo is
short-sighted. We fear one day soon he will rush out (in the usual
way), not notice the change, and be stunned - or, at least, bend his
whiskers. What can you recommend?
Before turning home this evening Mother and Father are taking me to Wimbledon Theatre to see Kiss Me Kate, the Cole Porter musical.
I am looking forward to this for, in addition to the activities men-
tioned above I am working out the categories of musical films.
Provisionally I distinguish a scale with the PEDESTRIAN (you see
the point?) musical at one end and the BALLETIC at the other. (Singin' In The Rain I see as a 20c. masque, a fairly rare form.)
The Pedestrian musical is one where all the dancing & singing is ration-
alised in night club or theatre performances: the ballectic is the type
in which the dancing & singing grow out of a real environment, like
On The Town and Bells of NY. Kiss Me Kate deals with a company
backstage who are going to put on a musical version of The Shrew: you
see how the music & dancing are rationalised right away, as well as
combined with a voyeur in-the-know appeal.
About the earliest short story writer I have thought of is Hoffmann.
As his pieces are a bit primitive he must be near the start. Have you
thought of anybody else, besides Poe & Hawthorne?
Your lion is recovering. His neck is going down and his cold
is not bad at all by now. Mother is feeding me nicely so I should
become a fat lion. I slept well last night: and you?
I love and adore you.
I love you
P.S. Could you possibly send me by Tuesday next the Horizon containing Antonin Artaud's
Van Gogh: The Suicide Provoked by Society. It is one of the later issues. It is for my
VA lecture. love L
71612480 - hoskinml
The fence in the garden is being repaired. That means that a gap in the fence opposite the kitchen door will be filled in. Now it is Pablo's custom to run out of the door as soon as it is opened & dis appear through this gap. We are concerned in this matter for Pablo is short-sighted. We fear one day soon he will rush out (in the usual way), not notice the change, and be stunned - or, at least, bend his whiskers. What can you recommend?Before returning home this evening Mother and Father are taking me to a Wimbledon Theatre to see Kiss Me Kate, the Cole Porter musical. I am looking forward to this for, in addition to the activities men-tioned above i am working out the categories of musical films. Provisionally I distinguish a scale with the PEDESTRIAN (you see the point?) musical at one end and the BALLETIC at the other. (Singin' In The Rain I see as a 20C. masque, a fairly rare form.) The Pedestrian musical is one where all the dancing & singing is ration-alised in night club or theatre performance : the balletic is the type in which the dancing & singing grow out of a real environment, like On The Town and Belle of NY. Kiss Me Kate deals with a company backstage who are going to put on a musical version of The Shrew : you see how the music & dancing are rationalised right away, as well as combined with a voyeur in-the-know appeal.
About the earliest short story writer I have thought of is Hoffmann. As his pieces are a bit primitive he must be near the start. Have you thought of anybody else, besides Poe & Hawthorne?
Your lion is recovering. His neck is going down and his cold is not bad at all by now. Mother is feeding me nicely so I shall become a fat lion. I slept well last night : and you?
I love and adore you
I love you
P.S. Could you possibly send me by Tuesday next the Horizon containing Antoniio Artaud's VAN GOGH: The Suicide Provoked by Society. It is one of the later issues. It is for my VA lecture.
love L