- Max. dissimilarity: 0.221
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.132
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68790009 - jesseytucker
- 68821375 - soomar1
- 70130858 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 71116222 - RommelC
- 71534507 - Zooniverse2017
- 71811739 - wrightj2h

68790009 - jesseytucker
As for the lecture it seemed to be nicely received. Thepeople were interested and did not fidget or the expres-
sion of polite fascination sustained by Ancartes was magni-
ficent--a masterly piece of public service. I felt that I
should have applauded him--not the other way about.
One thing amused me. 2 separate people told me confi-
dentaly that they rather thought they had contributed to
bringing me back to Lincoln so soon...
I met Michael on Friday. I was in the Lefenre: a
hand on my shoulder--the words 'Hello Sweetie'--and
there was M. looking smart and well, I thought.
Soon I shall see you again. How impatient I am
my darling. I have a busy week until we meet--
however. Parmore to the tomorrow; TG on Tues-
day; NG and Banstead on Wednesday (and lunch with
Kenneth Mortin); TG on Thursday before Hasting.
I adore you my love. I love you
68821375 - soomar1
As for the lecture it seemed to be nicely received. The people were interested & did not fidget the express-sion of fascination sustained by was magni-ficent - a masterly piece of public service. I felt that I should have applauded him - not the other way about.One thing amused me. 2 separate people told me confi-dentially that they rather thought they had contributed to bringing me back to Lincoln so soon.
I met Michael on Friday. I was in the lefenne : a hand in my shoulder - the words 'Hello Sweetie' - & there was M. looking smart and well, I thought.
Soon I shall see you again. How impatient I am my darling. I have a busy week until we meet - however. to tea tomorrow; TG on Tuesday; NG to Barnstead on Wednesday ( & back with Kenneth Martin); T.G. On Thursday before Hastings.
I adore you my Iove love you
70130858 - Preacher357
As for the lecture, it seemed to be nicely received. Thepeople were interested & did not fidget & the expres-
sion of polite fascination sustained by Ancarter was magni-
ficent - a masterly piece of public service. I felt that I
should have applauded him - not the other way around.
One thing amused me. 2 separate people told me confi-
dentally that they rather thought they had contributed to
bringing me back to Lincoln so soon...
I met Michael on Friday. I was in the : a
hand on my shoulder - the words 'Hello Sweetie' - &
there was M. looking smart and well, I thought.
Soon I shall see you again. How impatient I am
my darling. I have a busy week until we meet -
however. Pasmore to tea tomorrow; T.G on Tues-
day; NG & Banstead on Wednesday (& lunch with
Kenneth Martin); T.G. on Thursday before Hastings.
I adore you my love I love you
WINNER - 71116222 - RommelC
As for the lecture it seemed to be nicely received. The people were interested and did not fidget and the expression of polite fascination sustained by Ancarteswas magnificent- a masterly peice of public service. I felt that I should have applauded him- not the other way about.One thing amused me. 2 separate people told me confidentally that they rather thought they had contributed to bringing me back to Lincoln so soon...
I met Michael on Friday. I was in the Lefevre: a hand on my shoulder - the words "Hello Sweetie" and there was M. looking smart and well, I thought.
Soon I shall see you again. How impatient I am my darling. I have a busy week until we meet, however. Pasmore to tea tomorrow; TG on Tuesday; NG & Banstead on Wednesday (and lunch with Kenneth Martin) ; T.G. on Thursday before Hastings.
I adore you my love. I love you
71534507 - Zooniverse2017
As for the lecture it seemed to be nicely received. Thepeople were interested & did not fidget in the expres-
sion of polite fascination sustained by Ancartes was magni-
ficent - a masterly piece of public service. I felt that I
should have applauded him - not the other way about.
One thing amused me. 2 separate people told me confi-
dentially that they rather thought they had contributed to
bringing me back to Lincoln so soon...
I met Michael on Friday. I was in the Lef'enne: a
hand on my shoulder - the words 'Hello Sweetie' & there was M. looking smart and well, I thought.
Soon I shall see you again. How impatient I am
my darling. I have a busy week until we meet -
however. Parmore to tea tomorrow; TG on Tues-
day; NG & Barnstead on Wednesday (& lunch with
Kenneth Mortin); T.G. on Thursday before Hastings.
I adore you my love. Love you
71811739 - wrightj2h
As for the lecture it seemed to be nicely received. The people were interested & did not fidget & the expression of polite fascination sustained by Ancarter was magnificent - a masterly piece of public service. I felt that I should have applauded him - not the other way about.One thing amused me. 2 separate people told me confidentially that they rather thought they had contributed to bringing me back to Lincoln so soon.....
I met Michael on Friday. I was in the Laferre: a hand on my shoulder - the words 'Hello Sweetie' - & there was M looking smart and well, I thought.
Soon I shall see you again. How impatient I am my darling. I have a busy week until we meet however. Passmore to tea tomorrow; T.G. on Tuesday; N.G. & Banstead on Wednesday (& lunch with Kenneth Martin); T.G. on Thursday before Hastings.
I adore you my love
I love you