- Max. dissimilarity: 0.116
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.078
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69703896 - glt
- 71470375 - Preacher357
- 71831301 - the3esses
- 71849963 - ChaoticK
- 72199153 - beefriendly
- WINNER - 72756277 - Chris5420

69703896 - glt
Blackheath27 X 52
Dearest Sylvia
Did I tell you that the sash cord of the front window was broken? The upper frame was hanging by, almost, a thread. I spoke to Mrs Morrison and Blow & Co.'s men came today: I anticipated them being here all day but they have done it all in half an hour. I invited Pasmore to 5.00 o'clock tea because of them - I could have made it earlier. I shall give him Welsh Ratebit, Bread & butter, orange flavoured doc. biscuits, & pomegranate! The last is optional.
Yes I agree one ought to see Brangwyn tho' Ronald Alley says its worse than I think. & You know what I think.
That is excellent news about Mrs Clark: good for here. And how good for your bank account. I hope you feel more secure about things now.
The decanter in its new frame must be charming. As you say - why didn't you do it before? I am impatient to see it.
Who is Barden going to redecorate - the Rectory or the church you are painting? It isn't clear.
So glad about Manhood.
Yes I will bring my cord-coat to Pett, & the picture frames from behind the bath.
I shall do some Steer and some Pasmore article during the afternoon until the latter comes.
I am dying to see you, my love.
I adore you
71470375 - Preacher357
27 x 52 Blackheath Dearest SylviaDid I tell you that the sash cord of the front window was
broken? The upper frame was hanging by, almost, a thread.
I spoke to Mrs. Harrison and Blow & Co.'s men came today. I
anticipated them being here all day but they have done it
all in half an hour. I invited Pasmore to 5:00 0' clock
tea because of them - I could have made it earlier. I
shall give him Welsh Rarebit, bread & butter, orange flavored
choc. buscuits, & pomegranate! The last is optional.
Yes I agree one ought to see Brangwyn tho' Ronald Alley
says its worse than I think, & you know what I think.
That is excellent news about Mrs. Clark: good for her.
And how good for your bank account. I hope you feel more
secure about things now.
The decanter in its new frame must be charming. As
you say - why didn't you do it before? I am impatient
to see it.
Who is Barden giving to redecorate - the Rectory
or the church you are painting? It isn't clear.
So glad about Manhood.
Yes I will bring my cord-cort to Pett, & the
picture frames from behind the bath.
I shall do some steer and some Pasmore article
during the afternoon until the latter comes.
I am dying to see you, my love.
I adore you
71831301 - the3esses
Blackheath27 x 52
Dearest Sylvia
Did I tell you that the sash cord of the front window was broken? The upper frame was hanging by, almost, a thread. I spoke to Mrs Harrison and Blow & Co.'s men cae today: I anticipated them being here all day but they have done it all in half an hour. I invited Pasmore to 5.00 o'clock tea because of them - I could have made it earlier. I shall give him Welsh Rarebit, bread & butter, orange flavored choc. biscuits, & pomegranate! The Last is optional.
Yes, I agree one ought to see Brangwyn tho' Ronald Alley says its worse than I think & you know what I think.
That is excellent news about Mrs Clark: good for her. And how good for your bank account. I hope you feel more secure about things now.
The decanter in its new frame must be charming. As you say - why didn't you do it before? I am impatient to see it.
Who is Barden going to redecorate - the Rectory or the church you are painting? It isn't clear.
So glad about Manhood.
Yes I will bring my cord-coat to Pett, & the picture frames from behind the bath.
I shall do some Steer and some Pasmore article during the afternoon until the latter comes.
I am dying to see you, my love.
Love you
71849963 - ChaoticK
Blackheath27 x 52
Dearest Sylvia
Did I tell you that the sash cord of the front window was broken? The upper frame was hanging by, almost, a thread. I spoke to Mrs Harrison and Blow & Co.'s men came today; I anticipated them being here all day but they have done it all in half an hour. I invited Fasmore to 5.00 o'clock tea because of them - I could have made it earlier. I shall give him Welsh Rarebit, bread & butter, orange flavored doc. biscuits, & pomegranate! The last is optional.
Yes I agree on ought to see Branywyn tho' Ronald Alley says its worse than I think. & you know what I think.
That is excellent news about Mrs Clark; good for her. And how good for your bank account. I hope you feel more secure about things now.
The decanter in its new frame must be charming. As you say - why didn't you do it before? I am impatient to see it.
Who is Barden going to redecorate - the Rectory or the church you are reuniting? It isn't clear.
So glad about Manhood.
Yes I will bring my card-coat to Pett, & the picture frames from behind the bath.
I shall do some steer and some Pasmore aricle during the afternoon until the latter comes.
I am dying to see you, my love.
I adore you
72199153 - beefriendly
Blackheath27 x 52
Dearest Sylvia,
Did I tell you that the sashcord of the front window was broken? The upper frame was hanging by, almost, a thread.
I spoke to Mrs Harrison and Blow & Co's men came today: I anticipated them being here all day but they have done it all in half an hour. I invited Rasmore to 5 o'clock tea because of them - I could have made it earlier. I shall give him Welsh rarebit, bread and butter, orange flavored doc biscuits, & pomegranate! The last is optional.
Yes, I agree, one ought to see Brangwyn though Ronald Alley says it's worse than I think & you know what I think.
That is excellent news about Mrs Clark: good for her. And how good for your bank account. I hope you feel more secure about things now.
The decanter in its new frame must be charming. As you say - why didn't you do it before? I am impatient to see it.
Who is Borden going to redecorate? The Rectory or the church you are painting? It isn't clear.
So glad about Manhood.
Yes, I will bring my cord coat to Pett & the picture frames from behind the bath.
I shall do some steer and some Passmore article during the afternoon until the latter comes.
I am dying to see you, my love.
I adore you
WINNER - 72756277 - Chris5420
Blackheath27 x 52
Dearest Sylvia
Did I tell you that the sash cord of the front window was broken? The upper frame was hanging by, almost, a thread. I spoke to Mrs Harrison and Blow & Co.'s men came today: I anticipated them being here all day but they have done it all in half an hour. I invited Pasmore to 5.00 o'clock tea because of them - I could have made it earlier. I shall give him Welsh Rarebit, bread and butter, orange flavoured choc. biscuits, & pomegranate! The last is optional.
Yes I agree one ought to see Brangwyn tho' Ronald Alley says its worse than I think, & you know what I think.
That is excellent news about Mrs Clark: good for her. And how good for your bank account. I hope you feel more secure about things now.
The decanter in its new frame must be charming. As you say- why didn't you do it before? I am impatient to see it.
Who is Barden going to redecorate - the Rectory or the church you are painting? It isn't clear.
So glad about Manhood.
Yes I will bring my cord-coat to Pett,, & the picture frames from behind the bath.
I shall do some Steer and some Pasmore article during the afternoon until the latter comes.
I am dying to see you, my love.
adore you