- Max. dissimilarity: 0.33
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.255
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68836545 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 69113158 - mar15ted
- 69338933 - JanetCormack
- 69894841 - MurielMac
- 71225776 - Zooniverse2017
- 71297547 - k.h.pot

68836545 - Preacher357
The Blackheath Press - you know, publishersof the guide - will do it for under 12.
Molly is much better tho, it seems, her chest
is still sensitive.
The 100s of Lions new coinage is under
discussion at present. Here is the 100s of Lions
However, rad-
ical lions
wish this de-
sign to be
The weight of opinion is with the rec-clarric
lions, however. The night had me modello
& Warrily.
The weather - surprise - is now wet &
snowy. Just the weather for happy Ban-
stead. "Bring the family to our snowy
crests" - if they don't behave themselves -
By the way VP has a sweet, friendly
I adore you Sylvia
love you
WINNER - 69113158 - mar15ted
The Blackheath Press - you know publishers of the guide - will do it for under [pound]12. Molly is much better tho, it seems, her chest is still sensitive. T6 100s of lions new coinage is under discussion at present. Here is the 100s of lions half-crown= [drawings] However, radical lions wish this design to be used. The weight of opinion is with the neo-classic lions, however. The right hand me modeled & warily. The weather - surprise - is now wet & snowy. the weather for happy Banstead. "Bring the family to our snowy crests" if they don't behave themselves. By the way VP has a sweet, friendly kitten. I adore you Sylvia Love you Lawrence69338933 - JanetCormack
The Blackheath Press - you know, publishers of the guide - will do it for under lb12.Molly is much better, tho', it seems, her chest is still sensitive.
The 100s of lions new coinage is under discussion at present. Here is the 100s of lions half-crown:
However, not all lions wish this design to be used:
The weight of opnion is with the neo-classic lions, however. The right hand one was modelled by Wassily.
The weather - surprise - is now wet & snowy. Just the weather for happy Banstead. "Bring the family to our snowy crests" - if they don't behave themselves.
By the way VP has a sweet, friendly kitten.
I aodre you Sylvia
Love you
69894841 - MurielMac
The Blochleatl Press - you know, publishers of the guide - will do it for under lb12.Molly is much better tho', it seems, her chest is still sensitive.
The 100's of lions new coinage is under discussion at present. Here is 100s of lions half-crown =
Hameres, not real lions wish this design to be used =
The weight of opinion is with the reo-devisive lions, Hameres. The right hand one was modelled swarily.
the weather - surprise - is now wet and snowy. Just the weather for happy Bon-stead. "Bring the family to our snowy nests " - if they don't behave themselves.
By the way VP has a sweet, friendly kitten.
I adore you Sylvia
love you
71225776 - Zooniverse2017
The Blackheath Press - you know, publisherof The Guide - will do it for under lb12.
Molly is much better, tho' it seems, her chest
is still sensitive.
The 100s of lions new coinage is under
discussion at present. Here is the 100s of lions
However, red
vial lions
wish this de-
sign to be used.
The weight of opinion is with the neo-classic
lions, however. The right had me modeled
to Wassily.
The weather - surprise - is now wet &
snowy. Just the weather for happy Barn-
stead. "Bring the family to our snowy
events" - if they don't behave themselves.
By the way VP has a sweet, friendly
I adore you Sylvia
Love you
71297547 - k.h.pot
The Blackheath Press - you know, publisher of the guide - will do it for under 12.Molly is much better, tho', it seems, her chest
is still sensitive.
T6100s of lions new coinage is under
discussion at present. Here is the 100s of lions
However rad-
ical lions
wish this de-
sign to be used:
The weight of opinion is with the red-cherrie
lions, however. The right hand one was modelled swarrily.
The weather - surprise - is now wet &
snowy. That the weather for happy Bon-
stead. "Bring the family in our snowy
crests" - if they don't before themselves!
By the way, VP has a sweet, friendly
I adore you Sylvia
love you