- Max. dissimilarity: 0.179
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.137
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69453948 - Merlotmateus
- 70747000 - Preacher357
- 70921099 - JanetCormack
- 71680017 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 71706227 - wrightj2h
- 71710031 - the3esses

69453948 - Merlotmateus
26 November 1952Dearest Sylvia
The weather is more fine today and as usual each change in the weather is transcribed into terms of Pett by me. Soon - once your exhibition in the studio is over - you will perhaps be able to complete your watercolor of the shore. That is one of your finest drawings I think. I am glad - turning my attention indoors - that Rivaldo & Armido is more or less complete and I look forward to seeing it in January.
Today I am having tea with VP, K Martin, and Robert Adams to discuss the manifesto. Before that, however, I am going to 'do' some of the Bond St. galleries, duty rather than pleasure - as you well know. A S. American artists named Guevara (you know he did the Edith portrait in the TG) has a memorial show at the Mayor Gallery. Osbert was an admirer of his in the 20's so I may enjoy that. I think I shall include him in tomorrows lecture on Modern British Art.
The film I mentioned to you (at Golders Green) Talk About A Stranger was very good. It was psychological in a detailed but lyrical manner
70747000 - Preacher357
26 November 1952 Dearest SylviaThe weather is more fine today and as usual
each change in the weather is translated into
terms of Pett by me. Soon - once your exhibit-
ion in the studio is near - you will perhaps be
able to complete your water color of the shore.
That is one of your finest drawings I think. I
am glad - turning my attention indoors - that
Renaldo Armide is more or less complete & I look
forward to seeing it in January.
Today I am having tea with VP, K Martin, & Robert
Adams to discuss the manifesto. Before that, how-
ever, I am going to do some of the Bond St. Galleries:
rather tea pleasure - as you well know. A
S. America artist named Guariana (you know - he
did the Edith portrait in the TS) has a memorial
show at the Mayor Gal. Osbert was an admirer
of his in the 20's. So I may enjoy that. I think
I shall include him in tomorrow's lecture on
Modern British Art.
The film I mentioned to you (at Golders' Green)
Talk About A Stranger was very good. It was
plychological in a detached but lyrical manner
70921099 - JanetCormack
26 November 1952Dearest Sylvia
The weather is more fine today and as usual each change in the weather is translated into tems of Pett by me. Soon - once your exhibition in the studio is over - you will perhaps be able to complete your watercolour of the shore. That is one of your finest drawings I think. I am glad - turning my attention indoors - that Rinaldo and Armide is more or less complete & I look forward to seeing it in January.
Today I am having tea with VP, K Martin, & Robert Adams to discuss the manifesto. Before that, however, I am going to 'do' some of the Bond St. Galleries: duty rather than pleasure - as you well know. A S. American artist named Guevara (you know - he did the Edith portrait in the TG) has a memorial show in the Mayor Gal. Osbert was an admirer of his in the 20s. So I may enjoy that. I think I shall include him in Tomorrow's lecture on Modern British Art.
The film I mentioned to you (at Golders' Green) Talk About A Stranger was very good. It was psychological in a detached but lyrical manner
71680017 - jesseytucker
26 November 1952Dearest Sylvia
The weather is more fine today and as usual
each change in the weather is translated into
terms of Pett by me. Soon--once your exhibit-
ion in the studio is over--you will perhaps be
able to complete your watercolor of the shore.
That is one of your finest drawings I think. I
am glad--turning my attention indoors--that
Renaldo and Armida is more or less complete as I look
forward to seeing it in January.
Today I am having ten until VP, K Martin, and Robert
Adams to discuss the manifesto. Before that, how-
ever, I am going to do some of the Bond St. galleries:
duty rather than pleasure--as you well know. A
S. American artist named Guaravan (you know--he
did the Edith portrait in UTS) has a memorial
show at the Mayor Gal. Oshert was an admirer
of his in the 20s. So I may enjoy that. I think
I shall include him in tomorrow's lecture on
Modern British Art.
The film I mentioned to you (as Golder's Green)
Talk About A Stranger was very good. It was
psychological in a detached but lyrical manner
WINNER - 71706227 - wrightj2h
26 November 1952Dearest Sylvia
The weather is more fine today and as usual each change in the weather is translated into terms of Pett by me. Soon - once your exhibition in in the studio is over - you will perhaps be able to complete your watercolour of the shore. That is one of your finest drawings I think. I am glad - turning my attention indoors - that Renaldo Armide is more or less complete & I look forward to seeing it in January.
Today I am having tea with V.P., K Martin, & Robert Adams to discuss the manifesto. Before that, however, I am going to 'do' some of the Bond St galleries; duty rather than pleasure - as you well know. A Sth. American client named Guevara (you know - he did the Edith portrait in U.T.S.) has a memorial show at the Mayor Gall. Osbert was an admirer of his in the 20's. So I may enjoy that. I think I shall include him in tomorrow's lecture on Modern British Art.
The film I mentioned to you (at Golder's Green) Talk About A Stranger was very good. It was psychological in a detached but lyrical manner
71710031 - the3esses
26 November 1952Dearest Sylvia
The weather is more fine today and as usual each change in the weather is translated into terms of Pett by me. Soon - once your exhibition in the studio is over - you will perhaps be able to complete your water color of the shore.
That is one of your finest drawings I think. I am glad - turning my attention indoors - that Rinaldo & Armide is more or less complete as I look forward to seeing it in January.
Today I am having tea with VP, K Martin, & Robert Adams to discuss the manifesto. Before that, however I am going to 'do' some of the Bond St. galleries: duty rather than pleasure - as you well know. A S. America artist named Juarava (you know he did the Edith portrait in UTS) has a memorial shoe at the Moyes Gal. Osbert was an admirer of his in the 20s. So I may enjoy that. I think I shall include him in Tomorrow's lecture on Modern British Art.
The film I mentioned to you (at Golders' Green) Talk About A stranger was very good. It was psychological in a detached but lyrical manner