- Max. dissimilarity: 0.387
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.28
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68877272 - JanetCormack
- WINNER - 69098233 - SailorVal
- 69239299 - hallkr
- 69382986 - lexabear
- 69489527 - marcinj
- 69695850 - Chris5420

68877272 - JanetCormack
about a boy who develops a hate for an odd neighbour in an amazing 19c. house (Chas. Adams only in the sun of a Californian suburb). He has sister-or-brother on the way & this disturbs him. It has great quality - tho' the revelation about the neighbour is novelettish. First-rate landscapes. I hope you may be able to see it with me in the near future. Jan would be charmed by it. David (Julian Claro) Bradley made it, you may remember.I have no real news except I am picking up the threads of my film book again in preparation for further work - mainly, completing and relating half-finished sections.
My love, I adore you so much, I think of you eslyl by day & unesly, at night
I love you
WINNER - 69098233 - SailorVal
about a boy who develops a hate for an odd neigh-bour in an amazing 19c. house (Chas.
Adams only in
the sun of a Californian suburb). He has a sister-or-
brother on the way & this disturbs him. It has great
quality - tho' the revelation about the
neighbour is novelettish. First-rate landscapes.
Hope you may be able to see it with me in the near
future. Ian would be charmed by it. David (Julius
Caesar) Bradley made it, you may remember.
I have no real news except I am picking up
the threads of my film book again in preparation
for further work - mainly completing and relating
half-finished sections.
My love, I adore you so much. I think of
you esly by day & unesly , at night.
I love you
69239299 - hallkr
about a boy who developes a hate for an odd neighbor in an amazing 19c. house ( Adams only in the sun of a California suburb). He has a sister -or- brother on the way this disturbs him. It has great quality - it's the revelation about the strange neighbor is revelettish First-rate landscapes. Hope you way he able to see it until me in the near future. Ian would be charmed by it. David (Julian Aaron) Bradley made it, you may remember.I have no real news except I am picking up the threads of my life book again in preporation for futher works - mainly completing and relating half-finished sections.
My love, I adore you so much. I think of you , at night.
Love you,
69382986 - lexabear
about a boy who develops a hate for an odd neigh-bour in an amazing 19c. source (In Adams only in
the sun of a California suburb). He has a sister - or -
bathes on the way and this disturbs him. It has great
quality - It's the revelation about the
neighbor is novelettish. First-rate landreyes.
Hope you may be able to see it until me in the near
future. Ian would be charmed by it. David (Julius
Ceasar) Bredley made it from many remembers.
I have no real news except I am picking up
the thread of my file book again in preparation
for further work - mainly, completing and relating
half-finished sections.
My love, I adore you so much. I think of
you early by day and uneasily at night.
Love you
69489527 - marcinj
about a boy who developes a hate for an odd neigh-bor in an amazing 19c. house (Cler. Adams only in
the sun of a California suburb). He has a sister- or-
brother on the way & this disturbs him. It has great
quality- the te revelation about the
neighbor is nonehettish. [/unclear First-rate landscapes.
Hope you may be able to see it with me in the near
future. Ian would be charmed by it. Davis (Julien
Claros) Bradley made it you may remember.
I have no real news except I am picking up
the threads of my Jils book again in preparation
for future work- mainly completing and relating
half-finished sections.
My love, I adore you so much. I think of
you srly. to day & unesly, at night.
Love you
69695850 - Chris5420
about a boy who develops a hate for an old neigh-bour in an amazing 19c. house (Cles. Adams only in
the sun of a California suburb). He has a sister - an-
bathes on the way & this disturbs him. It has great
quality - tho' the revelation about the
neighbour is novelettish. First-rate landscapes.
I hope you may be able to see it with me in the near
future. You would be charmed by it. David (Julian
Clares) Bradley made it, you may remember.
I have no real news except I am picking up
the threads of my film book again in preparation
for further work - mainly completing and relating
half-finished section.
My love, I adore you so much. I think of
you easily by day & uneasily, at night.
love you