- Max. dissimilarity: 0.236
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.162
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68801832 - Preacher357
- 68821779 - jesseytucker
- 69259806 - RommelC
- WINNER - 69309543 - JanetCormack
- 69409138 - Shepsdaughter
- 69415811 - not-logged-in-8362141ab146ef8d3c81

68801832 - Preacher357
Blackheath Sunday Dearest SylviaCongratulations on the results - social, financial, & cultural-
of your exhibition - I should love to attend one. I know that
you would handle the visitors perfectly. Incidentally, what
an excellent total to raise: good for Marjorie.
I enclose your V and A notes. Today of course the post-
offices are closed but i wil send off your other things
I am having lunch as I write: my pen in one hand, Gruy`ere
cheese in the other. Then tonight I shall cook myself some-
thing more solid. This afternoon and evening I am going
to write: also tomorrow.
Yesterday's lectrue went rather well. Afterwards a
man introduced himself as art editor of 'Modern Wo-
man'. He wants me - subject to his editor's appoval -
to contribute a series of short articles on selected
paintings of the T.G. It will pay 25 guineas or 30.
I shall make a draft today & tomorrow of suggested
treatments & meet him for lunch in a few days to discuss
details. (By the way I am working on Hilton now,)
Last nights party was not bad. It was such a bad
night it was nice to be indoors - anydoors. I turned
to Ralent with relief: how intelligent & worldly he is
in that miliers! Madge is a good hostess: there
was even a choice of drinks. The furniture is amazing:
68821779 - jesseytucker
[30-11-52]Blackheath: Sunday
Dearest Sylvia
Congratulations on the results--social, financial, and cultural--
of your exhibition. I should love to attend one. I know that
you would handle the visitors perfectly. Incidentally what
an excellent total to raise: good for Marjorie.
I enclose your V & A notes. Today of course the post-
office are closed but I will send off your other things
I am having lunch as I write: my pen in one hand, grugere
cheese in the other. Then tonight I shall cook myself some-
thing more solid. This afternoon and evening I am going
to write: also tomorrow.
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. Afterward a
man introduced himself as an art editor of 'Modern Wo-
man'. He wants me--subject to his editor's approval--
to contribute a series of short articles on selected
paintings at the TG. It will pay 25 guivers or 30.
I shall make a drat today and tomorrow at suggested
treatments and meet him for lunch in a few days to discuss
details. (By the way I am working on Hillion now.)
Last night's party was not too bad. It was such a bad
night it was nice to be indoors--any doors. I turned
to Raelert with relief: how intelligent and worldly he is
in that miliess! Madge is a good hostess: there
was even a chance of dunths. The furniture is amazing:
69259806 - RommelC
Blackheath: Sunday 30.11.52Dearest Sylvia
Congratulations on the results - social, financial, & cultural- of your exhibition. I should love to attend one. I know that you would handle the visitors perfectly. Incidentally what an excellent total to raise: good for Mayoris.
I enclose your V & A rates. Today of course the post-offices are closed but I will send off your other things tomorrow.
I am having lunch as write: my pen in one hand , gruyere cheese in the other. Then tonight I shall cook myself something more solid. This afternoon and evening I am going to write: also tomorrow.
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. Afterwards a man introduced himself as art editor of 'Modern Woman'. He wants me - subject to his editor's approval- to contribute a series of short articles on selected paintings at the T.G. It will pay 25 guineas or 30. I shall make a draft today and tomorrow of suggested treatments & meet him for lunch in a few days to discuss detail. (By the way I am working on Hilton now.)
Last night's party was not bad. It was such a bad night it was nice to be indoors-anydoors. I turned to Robert with relief: how intelligent & worldly he is in that milieu! Madge is a good hostess: there was even a choice of . The furniture is amazing:
WINNER - 69309543 - JanetCormack
Blackheath Sunday [30.11.52]Dearest Sylvia
Congratulations on the results - social, financial & cultural - of your exhibition. I should love to attend one. I know that you would handle the visitors perfectly. Incidentally what an excellent total to raise: good for Marjorie.
I enclose your V & A notes. Today of course the post offices are closed but I will send off your other things tomorrow.
I am having lunch as I write: my pen in one hand gruyere cheese in the other. Then tonight I shall cook myself something more solid. This afternoon and evening I am going to write: also tomorrow.
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. Afterwards a man introuduced himself as art editor of 'Modern Woman'. He wants me - subject to his editor's approval - to contribute a series of short articles on selected paintings at the T.G. It will pay 25 guineas or so. I shall make a draft today & tomorrow of suggested treatments & meet him for lunch in a few days to discuss details. (By the way I a working on Hilton now.)
Last night's party was not bad. It was such a bad night it was nice to be indoors - any doors. I turned to Robert with relief: how intelligent and worldly he is in that milieu! Madge is a good hostess: there was even a choice of drinks. The furniture is amazing:
69409138 - Shepsdaughter
Blackheath SundayDearest Sylvia
Congratulations on the results - social, financial and cultural -
of your exhibition. I should love to attend one. I know that
you would handle the visitors perfectly. Incidentally what
an excellent total to raise good for Marjorie.
I enclose your V & A notes. Today of course the post-
offices are closed but I will send off your other things
I am having lunch as I write: my pen in one hand, grueyere
cheese in the other. Then tonight I shall cook myself some-
thing more solid. This afternoon and evening I am going to write : also tomorrow.
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. Afterwords a
man introduced himself as art editor of 'Modern Wo-
man'. He wants me - subject to his editor's approval -
to contribute a series of short articles on selected
paintings at the T. G. It will pay 25 or so.
I shall make a draft today and tomorrow of suggested
treatments and meet him for lunch in a few days to discuss
detail. (By the way I am working on now.)
Last night's party was not bad.
It was such a bad
night it was nice to be indoors - any doors. I turned
to Robert with relief; how intelligent and worldly he is
in ! Madge is a good hostess : there
was even a choice of drinks. The furniture is amazing :
69415811 - not-logged-in-8362141ab146ef8d3c81
[30-11-52] Blackheath: SundayDearest Sylvia
Congratulations on the results-social, financial, & cultural -
of your exhibition. I should love to attend one. I know that
you would handle the visitors perfectly. Incidentally what
an excellent Cotal tu naive : good for Mayonie.
I enclose your V & A notes. Today of course the post -
offices are closed but I will send all your other things
I am having lunch as I write: my pen in one hand, gruyere
cheese in the other. Then tonight I shall cook myself some-
thing more solid. This afternoon and evening I am going
to write: also tomorrow.
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. Afterwards a
man introduced himself as art editor of 'Modern Wo-
man'. He wants me - subject to his editor's approval -
to contribute a service of short article on selected
paintings at a T. G. It will pay 25 guinea or so.
I shall make a draft today & tomorrow of suggested
treatments & meet him for lunch in a few days to discuss
details. (By the way I am working on Million now.)
Last night's party was not bad. It was such a bad
night it was nice to be indoors - anydoor. I turned
to Ralens with relief: how intelligent and worldly he is
in that milieu! Nodge is a good hostess: there
was even a choice of drinks. The furniture is amasing: