- Max. dissimilarity: 0.072
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.041
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68825485 - jesseytucker
- 69491209 - Frosty1
- 69540940 - not-logged-in-10eab89b430356fa93e9
- 69597506 - Zooniverse2017
- WINNER - 70257435 - Paula-S
- 70950048 - JanetCormack

68825485 - jesseytucker
day I have done the curtiansand the post of the side-table
I have done a little less than
I had hoped as I had to
get the lunch Marjorie still
being in Littlehampton.
I am trying hard to get
all my odd jobs done so
that I do not have an
awful rush and feel tired
on Monday. I am so long-
ing to see you. I hope you
can meet me.
It was Desiree's 16th birthday
today. She came for her lesson as usual and then we had
a glass of sherry together before
lunch. She went home of course.
Among the books that Clifford
is reviewing for Sex News in
"The Unconscious Significance
of Hair: by Charles Berg
who, Clifford says is very good.
It is certainly most interesting
and quite short.
69491209 - Frosty1
day I have done the curtains and the post of the side-table. I have done a little less than I had hoped as I had to get the lunch Marjorie still being in Littlehampton.I am trying hard to get all my odd jobs done so that I do not have an awful rush and feel tired on Monday - I am so longing to see you - I hope you can meet me.
It was Desiree's 16th birthday to-day - she came for her lesson as usual and then we had a glass of sherry together before lunch. - She went home of course.
Among the books that Clifford is reviewing for Sex News in "The Unconscious Significance of Hair" by Charles Berg who, Clifford says is very good. It is certainly most interesting and quite short.
69540940 - not-logged-in-10eab89b430356fa93e9
day I have done the curtainand the post of the side - table
I have done a little less than
I had hoped as I had to
get the lunch Marjorie still
being in Littlehampton.
I am trying hard to get
all my odd jobs alone so
that I do not have an
awful rush and feel tired
on Monday - I am so long-
ing to see you - I hope you
can meet me.
It was Desire's 16th birthday
to-day. She came for her lesson
as usual and then we had
a glass of Sherry together before
lunch. - She went home of course
Among the books that Clifford
is reviewing for sex news in
"The Unconscious Significance
of Hair" by Charles Berg
who, Clifford says is very good.
It is certainly most interesting
and quite short.
69597506 - Zooniverse2017
day I have done the curtainsand the post of the side-table
I have done a little less than
I had hoped as I had to
get the lunch Marjorie still
being in Littlehampton.
I am trying hard to get
all my odd jobs done so
that I do not have an
awful rush and feel tired
on Monday - I am so long-
ing to see you - I hope you
can meet me.
It was Desiree's birthday
to-day - she came for her lesson
as usual and then we had
a glass of sherry together before
lunch. - She went home of course.
Among the books that Clifford
is reviewing for Sex news is
"The Unconscious significance
of hair" by Charles Berg
who, Clifford says is very good.
It is certainly most interesting
and quite short.
WINNER - 70257435 - Paula-S
day I have done the curtains and the post of the side-table I have done a little less than I had hoped as I had to get the lunch Marjorie still being in Littlehampton.I am trying hard to get all my odd jobs done so that I do not have an awful rush and feel tired on Monday - I am so longing to see you - I hope you can meet me;
It was Desiree's 16th birthday today. She came for her lesson as usual and then we had a glass of sherry together before lunch. She went home of course
Among the books that Clifford is reviewing for Sex News is "The Unconscious Significance Of Hair" by Charles Berg who, Clifford says, is very good. It is certainly most interesting and quite short.
70950048 - JanetCormack
day I have done the curtain and the post of the side-table I have done a little less than I had hoped as I had to get the lunch Marjorie still being in Littlehampton.I am trying hard to get all my odd jobs done so that I do not have an awful rush and feel tired on Monday - I am so longing to seen you I hope you can meet me.
It was Desir'ee's 16th birthday to-day - she came for her lesson as usual and then we had a glass of sherry together before lunch. - She went home of course.
Among the books that Clifford is reviewing for Sex News is "The Unconscious Significance of Hair" by Charles Berg who, Clifford says, is very good. It is certainly most interesting and quite short.