- Max. dissimilarity: 0.191
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.115
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68764834 - Chris5420
- 68828893 - jesseytucker
- 69102996 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 69361378 - Sabine_Tuck
- 70207166 - not-logged-in-942c3c2c16ea98bbfbb8

68764834 - Chris5420
3Wwriting to you comforts me,
my love. I love you so much -
that's really all I can say -
I love you so much. I hope
I hear from you tomorrow.
On re-reading your programme
I see you are lecturing at the
W.1. at Sevenoaks to -
morrow. I hope it is success-
ful - you will be a little bit
nearer to me, my darling -
my dear love, my sweet poet.
You have rather a busy week.
Tuesday -
So happy to have your letter
I love you - my dearest Dandylion
Nothing else in the world matters
to me but your love
I love you
68828893 - jesseytucker
3 writing to you comforts me,my love. I love you so much,
that's really all I can say,
I love you so much. I hope
I hear from you tomorrow.
Re-reading your program
I see you are lecturing at the
WI at Seven Oakes to-
morrow. I hope it i success-
ful. You will be a little bit
nearer to me, my darling--
my dear love, my sweet poet.
You have rather a busy week.
So happy to have your letter.
I love you, dearest Dandylion.
Nothing else in the world matters
to me but your love.
I love you
69102996 - Preacher357
3 Writing to you comforts me,my love. I love you so much -
that's really all I can say -
I love you so much. I hope I hear from you tomorrow.
On re-reading your program
I see you are lecturing at the
W.I. at Sevenoakes to-
morrow. I hope it is a sucess-
ful you will be a little bit
nearer to me, my darling -
My dear love, and sweet poet.
You have rather a busy week.
Tuesday -
So happy to have your letter.
I love you, dearest Dandy Lion.
Nothing else in the world matters
to me but your love
I love you
WINNER - 69361378 - Sabine_Tuck
3Writing to you comforts me, my love. I love you so much - that's really all I can say - I love you so much. I hope I hear from you tomorrow. On re-reading your program I see you are lecturing at the W.I. at Sevenoaks tomorrow. I hope it is successful - you will be a little bit nearer to me, my darling - my dear love, my sweet poet. You have rather a busy week.
Tuesday -
So happy to have your letter. I love you, dearest Dandylion. Nothing else in the world matters to me but your love.
I love you
3 writing to you comforts me,my love. I love you so much -
that's really all I can say -
I love you so much. I hope
I hear from, you tomorrow.
On re-reading your program
I see you are left away at the
W.I. at Sevenoaks to -
morrow. I hope it is success
ful - you will be a little bit
nearer to me, my dealing -
my dear love, any sweet pooh
you have rather a busy week.
Tuesday -
So happy to have your letter
I love you. dearest Dandylion
Nothing else in the world matters
to me but your love
I love you
70207166 - not-logged-in-942c3c2c16ea98bbfbb8
Writing to you comforts me,my love. I love you so much -
that's really all I can say -
I love you so much. I hope
I hear from you tomorrow.
Oh re-reading your program
I see you are lecturing at the
W. I. at Sevenoaks to-
morrow. I hope it is success-
ful - you will be a little bit
nearer to me, my darling -
my dear love, my sweet poet.
You have rather a busy week.
Tuesday -
So happy to have your letter.
I love you, dearest Dandylion.
Nothing else in the world matters
to me but your love
I love you