- Max. dissimilarity: 0.297
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.197
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69960391 - southsidesunny
- WINNER - 70549137 - LibrarianMark
- 70685137 - LJE
- 70734611 - Snowy88
- 71012412 - Preacher357
- 71082077 - Reno38

69960391 - southsidesunny
I like all the fragments you have sentme save the 1st. Speaking of Kingless-
ness -- "Tom Thumb" shook his head
very doubtfully and said "Three Queens!
as though it were rather onions! Of
course they are all Morgan la Fee!
Thank you so much for making in-
quiries for me. I hope perhaps you have
managed to make appointments with the
Leicester and Kensington -- I don't
want to leave pictures at the Lege
as I have to deliver Mme Bergmans!
You will be pleased to hear that I
have started the other still-life with
the cupid compotier and the pineapple
I am just finishing the curtain and
I hope to do the pineapple -- though
I shall not finish that to-day I imagine
I love you, dearest Poet, I love you
WINNER - 70549137 - LibrarianMark
I like all the fragments you have sent me save the 18th. Speaking of Kniplessness - "Tom Thumb" shook his head very doubtfully and said "Three Queens!" as though it were rather ominous! Of course they are all Morgan la Fee!Thank you so much for making inquiries for me. I hope perhaps you have managed to make appointments with the Leicester at Kensington - I don't want to leave pictures at the Lege as I have to deliver Mme Bugmart!
You will be pleased to hear that I have started the other Still-Life with the cupid compotier and the pineapple. I am just finishing the curtain and I hope to do the pineapple - though I shall not finish that to-day I imagine.
I love you, dearest Poet, I love you
70685137 - LJE
I like all the fragments you have sent me save the 1st. Speaking of Knipless-ness - "Tom Thumb" shook his head very doubtfully and said "Three Queens!" as though it were rather ominous! Of course the are all Morgan La Fee!Thank you so much for mailing in-
quiries for me. I hope perhaps you have managed to make appointments with the L1@cester and Kensington-I don't want to leave pictures at the Lege as I have to deliver more Bergmard !
You will be pleased to hear that I have started the other still-life with the cupid canpotier and the pineapple I am just finishing the curtain and I hope to do the pineapple - though I shall not finish that do-day I imagine
I love you, dearest Poet, I love you Sylvia.
70734611 - Snowy88
I like all the fragments you have sentme. Save the 18th. Speaking of Knipless-
ness - "Tom Thumb"shook his head
very doubtfully and said "Three Queens?!
as though it were rather ominous! Of
course the are all Morgan da Fee!
Thank you so much for mailing in-
quizies for me. I hope perhaps you have
managed to make appointments with the
Liccorer ad Kensington - I don't
want to leave pictures at the Lege
as I have to deliver nineBergmans!
You will be pleased to hear that I
have started the other Still-Life with
the cupid compotier and the pineapple
I am just finishing the curtain and
I hope to do the pineapple - though
I shall not finish that today I imagine
I love you, dearest Poet, I love you
71012412 - Preacher357
I like all the fragments you have sentme save the 18th. Speaking of Kingless-
ness - "Tom Thumb" shook his head
very doubtfully and said "Three Queens"!
as though it were rather onminous! If
can use the are All Morgan La Fee!
Thank you so much for making in-
quiries for me. I hope perhaps you have
managed to make appointments with the
Leicester and Kensington - I don't
want to leave pictures at the Lege,
as I have to deliver Mrs Bermans!
You will be pleased to hear that I
have started the other still-life with
the cupid canpotier and the pineapple.
I am just finishing the curtain and
I hope to do the pineapple - though
I shall not finish that to-day, I imagine.
I love you, dearest Poet, I love you
71082077 - Reno38
I like all the fragments you have send me save the 18th. Specially of Kniplessness - "Tom Snimt" shook his head very doubt fully and said "three Queens"! as though it were rather onuinons! Of can use the all all Morgan La F'ee !Thank you so much for malty in-quiries for me. I hope perphaps you have managed to make appointments voilt the Liceester and Kensington. I dont want to leave pictures at the Lege as I have to deliver nine Bergmane!
You will be pleased to hear that I have started the other still-life with the cupid compotier and the pineapple I am just finishinf the curtain and I hope to do the pineapple - though I shall not finish that to-day I imagine.
I love you, dearest Poet, I love you