- Max. dissimilarity: 0.14
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.096
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69126642 - hoskinml
- 69715373 - Chris5420
- 70166151 - tmeconverse
- WINNER - 70716414 - lynnschlos
- 70924747 - JanetCormack
- 71651270 - the3esses

69126642 - hoskinml
In the Bus - Bambury. 19.2.52Dearest Lawrence,
I hope that your lecture goes well -- I thought of you especially at 3. and now it is 3.30 so I expect that you are talking about Holp now. I saw your rather disgruntled looking back walking round the corner to-wards the Tate the 'bus passed very near you, and I wished so much that you would look round! I have not read very much of "the eighteen-nineties" because of the movement of the 'bus - but it seems extremely good.
I am still sitting alone I am glad to say, but I have sneezed once or twice and seem to be very sensitive in the throat so I fear that I have a cold. I feel that it will only be a slight one though.
Re. our precious cyclamen - please will you keep it in the window. I really think that is (lack of light) the trouble because of the colour of the leaves - I don't think that it
Tiny says Please get your sugar for if you don't want it or can't pay she will send the money
69715373 - Chris5420
19.2.52On the Bus - Pembury
Tiny says please get you sugar
for if you don't want it or can't
pay she will send the moneys.
Dearest Lawrence,
I hope that your lecture goes well -
I thought of you especially at 3, and
now it is 3.30 so I expect you that you
are talking about H&p now. I saw
you rather disgruntled looking back
walking round the corner towards the Tate
the bus passed very near you, and I
wished so much that you would look
round! I have not read very much
of "the eighteen-nineties" because
of the movement of the 'bus - but it seems
extremely good.
I am still sitting alone I'm glad to
say, but I have sneezed once or twice
and seem to be very sensitive in the throat
so I fear that I have a cold - I feel that
it will only be a slight one though.
Re one precious cyclamen - please will
you keep it in the window - I really think
that lack of light is the trouble because of the colour
of the leaves - I don't think that it
70166151 - tmeconverse
In the Bus - Pembsury 19.2.52Tiny says please get your sugar
for if you don't want it or can't
pay she will send the money S.
Dearest Lawrence,
I hope that your lecture goes well.
I thought of you especially at 3, and
now it is 3.30 so I expect that you
are talking about Hep now. I saw
your rather disgruntled looking back
walking round the corner towards the Tate.
The 'bus passed very near you, and I
wished so much that you would look
round! I have not read very much
of "the eighteen - nineties" because
of the movement of the 'bus - but it seems
extremely good.
I am still sitting alone I am glad to
say, but I have sneezed once or twice
and seem to be very sensitive in the throat
so I fear that I have a cold. I feel that
it will only be a slight one though.
Re. our precious cyclamen - please will
you keep it in the window. I really think
that is (lack of light) the trouble because of the colour
of the leaves. I don't think that it
WINNER - 70716414 - lynnschlos
On the Bus - Bambury 19.2.52Dearest Lawrence,
I hope that your lecture goes well -
I thought of you especially at 3. and
now it is 3:30 so I expect that you
are talking about Hep now. I saw
you rather disgruntled looking back
walking round the corner towards the Tate
the 'bus passed very near you, and I
wished so much that you would look
round! I have not read very much
of "the eighteen-nineties" because
of the movement of the 'bus - but it seems
extremely good.
I am still sitting alone I am glad to
say, but I have sneezed once or twice
and seem to be very sensitive in the throat
so I fear that I have a cold. I feel that it will only be a slight one though.
RE our precious cyclamen - please will
you keep it in the window. I really think
that (lack of light) is the trouble because of the colour
of the leaves - I don't think that it
[reversed at top of page]
Tiny says please get your sugar
for if you don't want it or can't
pay she will send the moneys.
70924747 - JanetCormack
In the 'Bus Pembury 19.2.52Tiny says please get your sugar for if you don't want it or can't pay she will send the money S
Dearest Lawrence.
I hope that your lecture goes well - I thought of you especially at 3, and now it is 3.30 so I expect that you are talking about Arp now. I saw you rather disgruntled looking back walking round the corner towards the Tate the 'bus passed very near you, and I wished so much that you would look round! I have not read very much of the "eighteen-nineties" because of the movement of the 'bus - but it seems extremely good.
I am still sitting alone I am glad to say, but I have sneezed once or twice and seem to be very sensitive in the throat so I fear that I have a cold - I feel that it will only be a slight one though.
Re. our precious cyclamen - please will you keep it in the window - I really think that is (lack of light) the trouble because of the colour of the leaves - I don't think that it
71651270 - the3esses
In The Bus - Pembury19.2.52
Dearest Lawrence,
I hope that you lecture goes well - I thought of you especially at 3, and now it is 3.30 so I expect that you are talking about Aep/unclear] now. I saw your rather disgruntled back walking round the corner towards the Tate the 'bus passed very near you , and I wished so much that you would look round! I have not read very much of "the eighteen-nineties" because of the movement of the 'bus - but it seems extremely good.
I am still sitting alone I am glad to say, but I have sneezed once or twice and seem to be very sensitive in the throat so I fear that I have a cold. I feel that it will only be a slight one though.
Re. our precious cyclemen - please will you keep it in the window. I really think that lack of light is the trouble because of the colour of the leaves. I don't think that it
Tiny says please get your sugar for if you don't want it or can't pay she will send the money s.