- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.508
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68824851 - jesseytucker
- 68882561 - Preacher357
- 70196073 - JanetCormack
- 71460220 - nahnah
- 72716974 - the3esses
- 73417231 - Molly_Carr
- WINNER - 74017578 - ethomson
- 74030726 - mar15ted
- 74140591 - darryluk
- 74151184 - EValleyY6
- 74412377 - cramirezmoreno
- 74415453 - Nomadrv
- 74661563 - TabithaKnight
- 74692857 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c

68824851 - jesseytucker
2 "Dido, as there is a ship with a patrioticverse below on onejug, a verse begun,
my "Remember Me" on the other--
and a cup with "Faith" on her head.
I don't suppose you like the title, but
I don't see why I shouldn't have my
"Private Bathly"!
Thank you for getting my paintings.
I do hope that you will have opportun-
ities for improvising your finances soon--
it is so worrying for you always, swing
so precariously, and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Mr. A. Hill
having tea with you when your hair
is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand!
Alack a day!
I hope your 18th paintings was well
attended. I shall be interested and
favorite titles, and whether you will
be enough "draw" yourself to
bring people to bos popular subjects
for I feel that you will widen their
interests! Have you assauged some
more lectures as Le Roux SLR (!)
68882561 - Preacher357
2 "Dido, as there is a ship with a patrioticverse below on one jug, a verse begun
my "Remember me" on the other -
and a cup with "Faith" on her head.
I don't suppose you like the title, but
I don't see why I shouldn't have my
"Private Bathing"!
Thank you for getting my painting -
I do hope that you will have opportun-
ities for improving your finances soon -
it is so worrying for you alway, giving
so precarionsly - and I'm afraid you
don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Ms. A. Hill
having tea with you when your hair
is newly glosiais from Ted's creative hand!
Alaen a day!
I hope your 18th paintings was well
attended - I shall be interested &
favourite titles, and whether you will
be enough "drama" yourself to
bring people to love popular subjects,
for I feel that you will widen their
interests! Have you arranged some
more lectures as Le Ronx S.L.R. (!)
70196073 - JanetCormack
2" Dido, as there is a ship with a patriotic verse below on one jug, a verse beginning "Remember me" on the other - and a cup with "Faith" on her head. I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Private Bathing"!Thank you for getting my painting - I do hope that will have opportunities for improving your finances soon - it is so worrying for you always living so precariously - and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Mr. A. Hill - having tea with you when your hair is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand! Alack a day!
I hope your C18th paintings was well attended - I shall be interested a favourite titles, and whether you will be enough "draw" yourself to bring people to less popular subjects for I feel that you will widen their interests! Have you arranged some more lectures as Le Roux S. L. R (!) sugested?
71460220 - nahnah
"Dido, as there is a ship with a patriotic verse below on one jug, a verse beginning "Remember me" on the other - and a cup with "faith" on her head. I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Psioate bathing"!Thank you for getting my paintings - I do hope that you will have opportunities for improving your finances soon - it is so worrying for you always swing so precariously - and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Mr. A. Hill - having tea with you when your hair is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand! Alack a day!
I hope your 18th paintings was well attended - I shall be interested in favourite titles, and whether you will be enough "down" yourself being people to boo popular subjects for I feel that you will widen their interests! Have you arranged some more lectures as Le Roux S.L.R (!) suggested?
72716974 - the3esses
2 "Dido, as there is a ship with a patriotic verse below on one jug, a verse beginning "Remember me" on the other - and a cup with "Faith" on her head.I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Private Bathing"!
Thank you for getting my paintings. I do hope that you will have opportunities for improving your finances soon - it is so worrying for you always living so precariously and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Mr A. Hill having tea with you when your hair is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand! Alack a day!
I hope your 18thC paintings was well attended. I shall be interested re favourite titles, and whether you will be enough "draw" yourself to bring people to less popular subjects for I feel that you will widen their interests! Have you arranged some more lectures as Le Roux S.L.R(!) suggested?
73417231 - Molly_Carr
2 "Dido, as there is a ship with a patriotic verse below on one jug, a verse beginning "Remember me" on the other - and a cup with "faith" on her head. I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Private Bathing"!Thank you for getting my paintings - I do hope that you will have opportunities for improving your finances soon - it is so worrying for you always, living so precasionaly - and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Mr. A. Hill - having tea with you when your hair is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand!
Alack a day!
I hope your 18th paintings was well attended - I shall be interested & favourite titles, and whether you will be enough "draws" yourself to busy poeple to bos popular subjects for I feel that you will widen their entwests! Have you arranged some more lectures as Le Ronx S. L. R (!)
WINNER - 74017578 - ethomson
2" Dido, as there is a ship with a patrioticverse below on one jug, a verse begin-
ing "Remember me" on the other -
and a cup with "Faith" on her head.
I don't suppose you like the title, but
I don't see why I shouldn't have my
"Private Bathing"!
Thank you for getting my paintings -
I do hope that you will have opportun-
ities for improving your finances soon -
it is so worrying for you always, living
so precariously - and I'm afraid you
don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Mr. A. Hill -
having tea with you when your hair
is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand!
Alack a day!
I hope your C18th paintings was well
attended - I shall be interested &
favourite titles, and whether you will
be enough "draw" yourself to
bring people to less popular subjects
for I feel that you will widen their
interests! Have you arranged some
more lectures as Le Roux S. L. R (!)
74030726 - mar15ted
2 "Dido, as there is a ship with a patriotic verse below on one jug, a verse begun, "Remember me" on the other and a cup with "Faith" on her head. I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Private Bathing"! thank you for getting my paintings. I do hope that you will have opportunities for improving your finances soon. It is so worrying for you always living so precariously and I'm afraid you don't eat enough. I am most jealous of Mr. A. Hill having tea with you when your hair is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand? Alack a day! I hope your 18th C paintings was well attended. I shall be interested in favourite titles, and whether you will be enough "draw" yourself to bring people to less popular subjects for I feel that you will widen their interests! Have you arranged some more lectures as Le Roux S.L.R (!) suggested?74140591 - darryluk
2 "Dido, as there is a ship with a patriotic verse below on one jug, a verse begun, my "Remember me" on the other - and a cup with "Faith" on her head. I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Private Bathing"!Thank you for getting my paintings - I do hope that you will have opportunities for improving your finances soon - it is so worrying for you always swing so precariously - and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of Mr A Hill - having tea with you when your hair is newly glorious from Ted's creative hand! Alack a day!
I hope your 18thC paintings was well attended - I shall be interested & favourite titles, and whether you will be enough "drans" yourself to bring people to bos popular subjects, for I feel that you will widen their interests! Have you arranged some more lectures as Le Roux S.L.R (!) suggested?
74151184 - EValleyY6
old time74412377 - cramirezmoreno
2" Dido, as there is a ship with a patriotic [rerse unclear] below on one jug, a [rerse unclear] begun, my "Remember me" on the other, and a cup with "faith" on her lead.I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why D. shouldn't have my "Private Balty"!
[ Should unclear] you for get my paintings. I do hope that you will have opportunities for [improper unclear] for you always, swing so [processionally unclear]and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of [Mr. unclear] A. Hill, having tea with you when your hair is newly [glorious unclear] from Ted's creatives hand!
[Alaeh unclear] a day!
D. hope your 18 paintings was well attended - I shall be interested and favorite takes, and whether you will be enough "[discuss unclear]" yourself to bring people to [boo unclear] populous subjects for I reel that you will wide their antecedents! Have you arranged some more lectures as de Rorx S. L. R (!) susqeahed?
74415453 - Nomadrv
Dido, as there is a ship will a patritic verse below or one up, a verse begun, in " Remelube me" or the other and a cup with "Faith" or I don't suppose you like the title, but I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Private Bath"!Thank you for getting my paintings = I do hope that you will have oportunities for improving your finances soon if is so worrying for you always, so and I'm afraid you don't eat enough.
I am most jealous of New. A. Hill -- is newly glosiais from Ted's creative hand! Alaeh a day!
I hope you 18th painting
74661563 - TabithaKnight
Dido, as there is a ship will a patriotic sense below on one jug, a race begun, my "Remember me" on the other, and a cup with "faith" on her head.I don't see why I shouldn't have my "Private Bath"!
Should you forget my painting, I do hope that you will have opportunities, for improving your finances soon -
if it so worrying for you always,
74692857 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
2" Dido +an there is a ship with a petroitie