- Max. dissimilarity: 0.155
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.086
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68670526 - JanetCormack
- 69362809 - altheist
- 69424884 - jesseytucker
- 70187196 - pogostickies
- WINNER - 70236942 - hoskinml
- 70679241 - Sydilla

68670526 - JanetCormack
3. I don't feel at all strong today - for my period has only just begun in spite of my feeling rather wretched for several days - dark round the eyes and people saying that I don't look well and I look cold - so depressing. The weather is much milder to-day - I hope to finish the seed-bed if it's fine tomorrow - I can I think if I take it easy - I will see how I feel though.I went to the Bible Soc. Tea on Wednesday. I hoped to arrive after all the talk but arrived, rather too dramatically somewhat before the end - however Mrs. Hake found me a chair beside her. I missed the pleasure of seeing Fairlight pray however - apparently he screws his eyes up tightly, and gives the Almighty detailed information about the doings of the Bible Society! I nearly disgraced myself however for when I saw Clifford sitting on the platform like a thunder cloud I nearly laughed
69362809 - altheist
3.I don't feel at all strong - for my period has only just begun in spite of my feeling rather wretched for several days. - Dark round the eyes and people saying that I don't look. Well and I look cold - so depressing. She weather is much middle today - I hope to finish the feed-bed if it's fine tomorrow - I can I think if I take it easy - I will see how I feel though.
I went to the Bible Society Tea or Wednesday - I hoped to arrive after all the talk but arrived, rather too dramatically somewhat before the end - however Mrs. Hake found me a chair beside her. I missed the pleasure of seeing Laighight pray however - apparently he screws up his eyes tightly, and gives the Almighty detailed information about the doing of the Bible Society! I nearly disgraced myself however for when I saw Clifford sitting on the platform like a thunder cloud I nearly laughed of
69424884 - jesseytucker
3 I don't feel at all strong today--for my period has only just begun in spite
of my feeling rather wretched for several
days--dark round the eyes and
people saying that I don't look well
and I look cold--so depressing. The
weather is much milder today. I
hope to finish the seed bed if it's fine
tomorrow. I can I think if I take
it easy. I will see how I feel though.
I went to the Bible Soc. Tea or
Wednesday. I hoped to arrive after
all the talk but arrived, rather
too dramatically somewhat before the
end--however Mrs. Hake found me a
chair beside her. I missed the pleas-
ure of seeing Fairlight pray however,
apparently he screws up his eyes
rightly, and gives the Almighty
detailed information about the doing
of the Bible Society! I nearly
disgraced myself however for when
I saw Clifford sitting on the platform
like a thunder cloud I nearly laughed
70187196 - pogostickies
3. I don't feel at all strong today -for my period has only just begun in spite
of my feeling rather wretched for several
days. - dark round the eyes and
people saying that I don't look well
and I look cold - so depressing. The
weather is much milder to-day - I
hope to finish the seed-bed if it's fine
to-morrow - I can I think if I take
it easy - I will see how I feel though.
I went to the Bible Soc. Tea on
Wednesday. I hoped to arrive after
all the talk but arrived, rather
too dramatically somewhat before the
end - however Mrs. Hake found me a
chair beside her. I missed the pleas-
ure of seeing Fainlight pray however -
apparently he screws up his eyes
tightly, and gives the Almighty
detailed information about the doings
of the Bible Society! I nearly
disgraced myself however for when
I saw Clifford sitting on the platform
like a thundercloud I nearly laughed
WINNER - 70236942 - hoskinml
3. I don't feel at all strong today - for my period has only just begun in spite of my feeling rather wretched for several days. - dark round the eyes and people saying that I don't look well and I look cold - so depressing. The weather is much milder to-day - I hope to finish the seed-bed if it's fine to-morrow - I can I think if I take it easy - I will see how I feel though.I went to the Bible Soc. Tea on Wednesday.- I hoped to arrive after all the talk but arrived, rather too dramatically somewhat before the end - however Mrs. Hake found me a chair beside her. I missed the pleas-ure of seeing Fairlight pray however - apparently he screws up his eyes tightly, and gives the Almighty detailed information about the doings of the Bible Society! I nearly disgraced myself however for when I saw Clifford sitting on the platform like a thunder cloud I nearly laughed
70679241 - Sydilla
3. I don't feel at all strong today - for my period has only just begun inspite of my feeling rather wretched for several days - dark round the eyes and people saying that I don't look well and I look cold - so depresssing. The weather is much wilder today. I hope to finish the seed-bed if its fine tomorrow. I can I think if I take it easy. I will see how I feel though.I went to the Bible Soc. Tea on Wednesday. I hoped to arrive after all the talk but arrived rather too dramatically somewhat before it and however Mrs. Hake found me a chair beside her. I missed the pleasure of seeing Lairhight pray however apparently he screws up his eyes tightly, and gives the Almighty detailed information about its doing of the Bible Society! I nearly disgraced myself however for when I saw Clifford Silty on the platform like a thunder cloud I nearly laughed