- Max. dissimilarity: 0.095
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.051
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69737363 - jesseytucker
- 69986862 - pogostickies
- 70720663 - Chris5420
- WINNER - 71245268 - Zooniverse2017
- 71287398 - JanetCormack
- 71705790 - Preacher357

69737363 - jesseytucker
2 I shall probably call on your servicesthe week or so before a good deal.
But as Chase says one shouldn't
be there all the time. I hope there
will be time for you to take the
one or two people you thought of,
but if you don't do this before
you go there will still be time
when you come back.
I am so glad to hear of your
book taken present--how very en-
couraging--I shall look forward
to seeing your purchases. What luck
to have met Robert just at lunch
time! I think the picture of
Dandy reading the two books
in bed very fine--and most
successful in the "contre jour" effect
and Dandy at the cinema
very expressive! I hope the
films are interesting, or at least
will make a lively article.
69986862 - pogostickies
2. I shall probably call on your servicesthe week or so before a good deal.
But as Chase says she shouldn't
be there all the time - I hope there
will be time for you to take the
one or two people you thought of,
but if you don't do this before
you go there will still be time
when you come back.
I am so glad to hear of your
book taker present - how very en-
couraging - I shall look forward
to seeing your purchases. What luck
to have met Robert just at lunch
time! I think the picture of
Dandy reading the two Books
2 bed very fine - and most
successful in the "contre jour" effect.
and Dandy at the Cinema
very expressive! I hope the
films are interesting, or at least
will make a lovely article
70720663 - Chris5420
2. I shall probably call on your services the week or so before a good deal. But as Chase says one shouldn't be there all the time - I hope there will be time for you to take the one or two people you thought of, but if you don't do this before you go there will still be time when you come back.I'm so glad to hear of your book token present - how very en-couraging - I shall look forward to seeing your purchases. What luck to have met Robert just at lunch time! I think the picture of Dandy reading the two Books in bed very fine - and, most successful is the "contre jour" effect. and Dandy at the cinema very expressive! I hope the films are interesting, or at least will make a lovely article
WINNER - 71245268 - Zooniverse2017
2. I shall probably call on your servicesthe week or so before a good deal.
But as Chase says one shouldn't
be there all the time - I hope there
will be time for you to take the
one or two people you thought of
but if you don't do this before
you go there will still be time
when you come back.
I am so glad to hear of your
book token present - how very en-
couraging - I shall look forward
to seeing your purchases. What luck
to have met Robert just at lunch
time! I think the picture of
Dandy reading the two books
in bed very fine - and most
successful in the "contre jour" effect.
And Dandy at the Cinema
very expressive! I hope the
films are interesting or at least
will make a lively article
71287398 - JanetCormack
2. I shall probably call on your services the week or so before a good deal. But as Chase says one shouldn't be there all the time - I hope there will be time for you to take the one or two people you thought of, but if you don't do this before you go there will be time when you come back.I am so glad to hear of your book token present - how very encouraging - I shall look forward to seeing your purchases. What luck to have met Robert just at lunchtime! I think the picture of Dandy reading the two Books in bed very fine - and most successful in the "contre jour" effect. and Dandy at the cinema very expressive! I hope the films are interesting, or at least will make a lively article
71705790 - Preacher357
2 I shall probably call on your servicesthe week or so before a good deal.
But as Chase says one shouldn't
be there all the time - I hope there
will be time for you to take the
one or two people you thought of,
but if you don't do this before
you go there, will still be time
when you come back.
I am so glad to hear of your
book token present - how very en-
couraging - I shall look forward
to seeing your purchases. What luck
to have met Robert just at lunch
time! I think the picture of
Dandy reading the two Books
in bed very fine - and, most
successful in the "contre joue" effect
and Dandy at the Cinema
very expressive! I hope the
films are interesting, or at least
will make a lively article