- Max. dissimilarity: 0.06
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.03
- Image votes: 0.0
- 71929889 - RommelC
- 72206082 - Preacher357
- 72286505 - tmeconverse
- WINNER - 72368372 - ethomson
- 72759406 - Eloquens
- 73015942 - myardley

71929889 - RommelC
Nothing very interesting in my mail when I returned home. Several press-view tickets from Art News but no answer yet to my letters about a Portrait of the Artist. I shall ring up tomorrow. There is a new Mitzi Gaynor musical which I can see next Thursday morning and on Monday at 10.45 Le Plaisir, Ophuls' sequel to La Ronde, based on three de Maupassant stories. This should be useful to me, as you know.I have quite a busy week: one lecture every day (including Matisse- the extra one- on Friday).
The visit to the Wallace Collection was a great success and I must say I am beginning to recover my enthusiasm for the class. They have remembered things...As you know I am talking to another Banstead group soon, one lecture on modern art. Well, the organiser or president of this group saw and liked you watercolor in the Smith Collection and, hearing of the lecture in which I showed your work, hopes I can bring something to the new group. Mr. Smith gave me the message. I shall take along cards for your exhbition, too. So I shall show Bacon, Pasmore, original Sleighs. That is, if you give me permission to do so.
I adore your new paintings, which have all your colorism with, it seems to me, an increased fimness and clarity. Today the sun is bright. When the weather permits I hope you will be able to finish the Cart on the Shore.
Lion has about eight letters to write today, alas. So I should stop this one to you, now. But, remember, darling I love you, I love you. Do not be sad because of my mood. I love you dearly and only you.
Your own lion
love you
P.S. Robert took me to the cinema yesterday evening ( we met at the Wallace Col.) Tired as I was when I got home I had to write something about it- which I enclose. It could be part of an article on say "Death In The Movies".
72206082 - Preacher357
Nothing very interesting in my mail when I returned home.Several press-view tickets from Art News but no answer yet
to my letters about a Portrait of the Artist. I shall ring
up tomorrow. There is a new Mitzi Gaynor musical which I
can see next Thursday morning and on Monday at 10:45 Le
Plaisir, Ophuls' sequel to La Ronde, based on three de
Maupassant stories. This should be useful to me, as you
I have quite a busy week: one lecture every day (in-
cluding Matisse - the extra one - on Friday).
The visit to the Wallace Collection was a great success,
and I must say I am beginning to recover my enthusiasm for
the class. They have remembered things... As you know I
am talking to another Banstead group soon, one lecture on
modern art. Well, the organiser or president of this group
saw and liked your watercolor in the Smith Collection and hearing of
the lecture in which I showed your work, hopes I can bring
something to the new group. Mr Smith gave me the mes-
sage. I shall take along cards for your exhibition, too.
So I shall show Bacon, Pasmore, original Sleighs. That is,
if you give me permission to do so.
I adore your new paintings, which have all your colorism
with, it seems to me, an increased firmness and clarity.
Today the sun is bright. When the weather permits I hope
you will be able to finish the Cart on the Shore.
Lion has about eight letters to write today, alas. So
I should stop this one to you, now. But, remember, dar-
ling I love you, I love you. Do not be sad because of
my mood. I love you dearly and only you.
Your own Lion
I love you
P.S. Robert took me to the cinema yesterday evening (we
met at the Wallace Col.). Tired as I was when I got home
I had to write something about it - which I enclose.
It could be part of an article on - say - Death In
The Movies.
72286505 - tmeconverse
Nothing very interesting in my mail when i returned home.Several press-view tickets from Art News but no answer yet
to my letters about a Portrait of the Artist. I shall ring
up tomorrow. There is a new Mitzi Gaynor musical which I
can see next Thursday mornng and on Monday at 10.45 Le
Plaisir, Ophuls' sequel to La Ronde, based on three de
Maupassant stories. This should be useful to me, as you
I have quite a busy week: one lecture every day (in-
cluding Matisse - the extra one - on Friday).
The visit to the Wallace Collection was a great success,
and I must say I am beginning to recover my enthusiasm for
the class. They have remembered things. . . As you know I
am talking to another Barnstead group soon, one lecture on
modern art. Well, the organiser or president of this group
saw, and liked, you watercolor in the Smith Collection and, hearing of
the lecture in which I showed your work, hopes I can bring
something to the new group. Mr. Smith gave the mes-
sage. I shall take along cards for your exhibition, too.
So I shall show Bacon, Pasmore original Sleighs. that is,
if you give me permission to do so.
I adore your new paintings, which have all your colorism
with, it seems to me, an increased firmness and clarity.
Today the sun is bright. When the weather permits I shop
you will be able to finish the Cart on the shore.
Lion has about eight letters to write today, alas. So
I should stop this one to you, now. But, remember, dar-
ling I love you, I love you. do not be sad because of
my mood. I love you dearly and only you.
Your own lion
I love you
P.S. Robert took me to the cinema yesterday evening (we
met at the Wallace Col.). Tired as I was when I got home
I had to write something about it - which I enclose.
It could be part of an article one day. - Death In
the Movies.
WINNER - 72368372 - ethomson
Nothing very interesting in my mail when I returned home.Several press-view tickets from Art News but no answer yet
to my letters about a Portrait of the Artist. I shall ring
up tomorrow. There is a new Mitzi Gaynor musical which I
can see next Thursday morning and on Monday at 10.45 Le
Plaisir, Ophuls' sequel to La Ronde, based on three de
Maupassant stories. This should be useful to me, as you
I have quite a busy week: one lecture every day (in-
cluding Matisse - the extra one - on Friday).
The visit to the Wallace Collection was a great success,
and I must say I am beginning to recover my enthusiasm for
the class. They have remembered things... As you know I
am talking to another Banstead group soon, one lecture on
modern art. Well, the organiser or president of this group
saw and liked your watercolor in the Smith Collection and, hearing of
the lecture in which I showed your work, hopes I can bring
something to the new group. Mr Smith gave me the mes-
sage. I shall take along cards for your exhibition, too.
So I shall show Bacon, Pasmore, original Sleighs. That is,
if you give me permission to do so.
I adore your new paintings, which have all your colorism
with, it seems to me, an increased firmness and clarity.
Today the sun is bright. When the weather permits I hope
you will be able to finish the Cart on the Shore.
Lion has about eight letters to write today, alas. So
I should stop this one to you, now. But, remember, dar-
ling I love you, I love you. Do not be sad because of
my mood. I love you dearly and only you.
Your own lion
love you
P.S. Robert took me to the cinema yesterday evening (we
met at the Wallace Col.). Tired as I was when I got home
I had to write something about it - which I enclose.
It could be part of an article on - say - Death In
The Movies.
72759406 - Eloquens
Something very interesting in my mail when I returned home.Several press-view tickets from Art News but no answer yet
to my letters about a Portrait of the Artist. I shall ring
up tomorrow. there is a new Mitzi Gaynor musical which I
can see next Thursday morning and on Monday at 10.45 le
Plaisir Ophuls' sequel to La Ronde, base on three de
Maupassant stories. this should be useful to me, as you
I have quite a busy week: one lecture every day (in-
cluding Matisse - the extra one - on Friday).
The visit to the Wallace Collection was a great success,
and I must say I am beginning to recover my enthusiasm for
the class. They have remembered things... As you know I
am talking to another Banstead group soon, one lecture on
modern art. Well, the organiser or president of this group
saw and liked your water colour in the Smith Collection and, hearing of
the lecture in which I showed our work, hopes I can bring
something to the new group. Mr Smith gave me the mes-
sage. I shall take along cards for your exhibition, too.
So I shall show Bacon, Pasmore, original Sleighs. That is,
if you give me permission to do so.
I adore your new paintings, which have all your colorism
with, it seems to me, an increased firmness and clarity.
Today the sun is bright. When the weather permits I hope
you will be able to finish the Cart on the Shore.
Lion has about eight letters to write today, alas. So
I should stop this one to you, now. But, remember, dar-
ling I love you, I love you. Do not be sad because of
my mood. I love you dearly and only you.
Your own lion
love you
P.S. Robert took me to the cinema yesterday evening (we
met at the Wallace Col.) Tired as I was when I got home
I had to write something about it - which I enclose.
It could be part of an article on say - Death in the Movies.
73015942 - myardley
Nothing very interesting in my mail when I returned home. Several press-view tickets from Art News but no answer yet to my letters about a Portrait of the Artist. I shall ring up tomorrow. There is a new Mitzi Gaynor musical which I can see next Thursday morning and on Monday at 10.45 Le Plaisir, Ophuls' sequel to La Ronde, based on three de Maupassant stories. This should be useful to me, as you know.I have quite a busy week: one lecture every day (in-cluding Matisse - the extra one - on Friday).
The visit to the Wallace Collection was a great success, and I must say I am beginning to recover my enthusiasm for the class. They have remember things...As you know I am talking to another Banstead group soon, one lecture on modern art. Well, the organiser or president of this group saw and liked your watercolor in the Smith Collection and, hearing of the lecture in which I showed your work, hopes I can bring something to the new group. Mr. Smith gave me the mes-sage. I shall take along cards for your exhibition, too. So I shall show Bacon, Pasmore, original Sleighs. That is, if you give me permission to do so.
I adore your new paintings, which have all your colorism with, it seems to me, an increased firmness and clarity. Today the sun is bright. When the weather permits I hope you will be able to finish the Cart on the Shore.
Lion has about eight letters to write today, alas. So I should stop this one to you, now. But, remember, dar-ling I love you, I love you. Do not be sad because of my mood. I love you dearly and only you.
Your own lion,
love you,
P.S. Robert took me to the inerve yesterday evening (we met at the Wallce Col.). Tired as I was when I got home I had to write something about it which I enclose. It could be part of an article on, say, Death In the Movies.